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Best way to start a blog?

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 I really enjoy writing. I wanted to start a blog as a way to express myself, and maybe use it as a source of income if I'm fortunate enough. 

Does anyone know of the best and most efficient way to start one? I used to have tumblr in the early 2010's, but it seems as if that site has not been the same. 

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Are you able to fund a 3rd party affiliated domain link? Like Wix, Bluehost, or Upwork, or Squarespace are examples of websites that I consider using for a freelance writing portfolio. I used to use Tumblr to post my writing as well, but it seemed to backfire on me. I agree, it doesn't seem the same as I remember it years ago. It's like, in my experience posting work on social media, the situation seemed to take more, it felt like a taking energy. It's as if it wasn't a fulfilling experience... I would recommend setting up your own domain to publicly share your written work, or I suppose posting it on social media could be a free alternative. It all just depends on resources, comfortability (social circle and risk for bullying), or if it's constructive. 
p.s. always ignore bullies, I needed to add that. It's like be aware of them, but still ignore them. Its hard to explain.

Edited by FabulousKitchen
trying to be not triggering

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@FabulousKitchen thanks for the input. Are you saying that you didn't like free social media vs paid domains? Why did that take more work? Is it easier to get your work out there if it is on a paid platform?

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