
Enlightenment Books

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I'd like to hear what others have read that have truly helped them on their path to enlightenment. Only books that have REALLY changed you at a deep level. I'll start it off: 


The Enlightnement Trilogy - Jed McKenna 

The Power of Now/A New Earth - Tolle 

True Meditation - Adyashanti 

How to Lose Your Mind in Under an Hour - free online Ebook 

These have shattered my world view and changed everything for me, especially McKenna's books :) 


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What really flip my world upside down is the book by Stephen Wolinsky "You are not: Beyond the Three Veils of Consciousness" 


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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This one's simple.  What's your five favorite books that's aided you on your personal journey?  In any particular order.  I'm always looking for good books that can aide me on my way.  I appreciate any feed back.  Here's my list


1) Osho- The Mustard Seed

2) Don Miguel Ruiz- The Tree Of Knowledge

3) Norman Vincent Peale- The Power Of Positive Thinking

4)  Jeff Olson- The Slight Edge

5) Eckhart Tolle- The Power of Now

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Hi :) Here are some great books worth checking out.


Tao te ching - Lao-Tzu

Origin of spiritual instructions - Ramana Maharshi

How to see yourself as you really are - Dalai Lama

I consider the last two books to be great books for practice while the first one is so deep and subtle.

Those three books are truly gems.

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I can't wait to check out some of the ones I am seeing pop up on here.  Here are my 5.

1. Ken Wilber - The Spectrum of Consciousness

2. Chogyam Trungpa - Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

3. Pema Chodron - Going To The Places That Scare You

4. Adyashanti - True Meditation (I saw this up at the top, but it is so wonderful I had to include it)

5. Osho - Mindfulness for the Modern Era

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The books that really changed me on a deep level are Vernon Howard's. Books such as "Inspire Yourself", "Pathways to Perfect Living", and "The Power of Your Supermind." Every single book of his has the same theme & have a true self and he points out how the false self continues to get entrapped. He gives lots of anecdotes - I think anecdotes were his favorite things. Anyway, a friend who is in a different religion than mine spent the night once, saw one of my books and decided to read it, I wasn't sure what she would think, his books are not dogmatic at all, and I was pleased to hear she felt the book was very calming to read. I'm talking about "Inspire Yourself" which is the first one I read and it hit me like a ton of bricks when I was reading it that I was finally reading some truth! And this is not a book that coddles your ego, it points out how your ego leads you amok!

Leo is actually the closest in style of a teacher that I have found since Vernon Howard, and I am grateful.

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I'm currently reading "The Book of Not Knowing" by Peter Ralston. I'm a little over half way through and it's really great so far. 

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1. Alan Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity

2. Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior

3. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I am

4. Douglas Harding, On Having no Head

5. Robert M. Pirsig, Lila

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