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Small awakenings at night.

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When I'm laying in my bed in the dark, no matter how tired I am, I often get propelled right into the present moment and then back into thought. I'm not complaining, even though I can't fall asleep.

It is obvious at these moments, that the distortion of reality through thought, flows uninterruptedly throughout the day, even when meditating it isn't as clear as at night. It's small awakenings every time. You're in a trance like state and it's noisy and suddenly all the noise disappear and all there is left is this present moment. There's also a recognition of the powerlessness of the little me, as the whole thought is based around it. Every time these small awakenings occur, the immense power of thought gets more apparent. The layers of conditioning and beliefs go very very deep. 

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@Ones Yes they do go very very deep. It's good to be able to see those things for what they are. If not in the moment, then afterwards. 

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22 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

@Ones Yes they do go very very deep. It's good to be able to see those things for what they are. If not in the moment, then afterwards. 

Cant see what the the mind consists of clearly, if you're in the mind. It can only become clear in the moment.

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@Ones If that works for you, great. 

Sometimes that can be hard if the thought are sticky. I then wait for the dust to settle before inquiring into the thoughts.

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That has been happening to me too. Sometimes I see something symbolic, occasionally it's an awakening like you describe. Other times it's a dream that is vivid but random and annoying and I disregard it and find out that's it was symbolic or prophetic a couple days later. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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