
Can weed Addiction make you depressed

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I happen to smoke alot of weed and as of late it doesnt seem to make me any happier in fact seems to just make me stupider , lazy. slightly more anxious sometimes ... destroyed my short term memory  also and sometimes it all that combined makes me alil more depressed kinda like im not there .. like in a trance from weed yet i still have the urge to smoke it if anyone can let me know thanks

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In my experience, its not depression, but a lack of empathy and motivation when not able to smoke, like at work or school or whatever. Then you go smoke a little bit and feel better, but this is just a vicious cycle. And yes these trance like effects can carry over even a day or more after smoking.  But its also possible to smoke everyday and to consciously not give into the withdrawal effects. I have achieved that, to a point, but am beginning to have a strong desire to be clear minded. Once a week or once a month should be the max. 

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I should only smoke weed once or twice a month your saying ?

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39 minutes ago, ethanb121 said:

I should only smoke weed once or twice a month your saying ?

One to four times a month.  

BTW I don't take my own advice but I'm really good at giving it

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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i dont smoke but ive had my fair share of joints and i guess youre addicted to the feeling of dissolving your boundaries a little bit and once you become sober you feel like normal life isnt as exciting so you want to get back to that ”free” state

tell me if im full of shit

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6 minutes ago, Rilles said:

i dont smoke but ive had my fair share of joints and i guess youre addicted to the feeling of dissolving your boundaries a little bit and once you become sober you feel like normal life isnt as exciting so you want to get back to that ”free” state

tell me if im full of shit

30 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

One to four times a month.  

Yes but the problem is i dont even feeel high anymore now when i smoke i just get lazy my memory is fucked and i dont really feel happy or anything just kinda in a trace like im not there and kinda just sit there sometimes for awhile which makes tasks harder to do then when i go sober i get irritable and nothing in life is exciting not that i want to do much of anything when im on weed anymore 

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1 minute ago, ethanb121 said:

Yes but the problem is i dont even feeel high anymore now when i smoke i just get lazy my memory is fucked and i dont really feel happy or anything just kinda in a trace like im not there and kinda just sit there sometimes for awhile which makes tasks harder to do then when i go sober i get irritable and nothing in life is exciting not that i want to do much of anything when im on weed anymore 

but you really hope that first lovely feeling would come back? take a break for 6 months, come back. youll be alright ;)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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2 minutes ago, Rilles said:

but you really hope that first lovely feeling would come back? take a break for 6 months, come back. youll be alright ;)


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Yeah It can but I think the emphasis needs to be put on addiction rather than weed. Addiction in general can make you feel depressed. Can ____ addiction make me feel depressed? Depending on the severity, yes. 

Talking about weed specifically, I think it is obviously the lesser of evils compared to drugs that give you physical dependency/withdrawals. From everything I've researched, weed addiction can be physical to an extent, but is mostly psychological. And I'm sure the phycological/physical aspects of dependency can reflect off of each-other in a sense. 

You have to stop smoking, if not permanently then for a long break, if you are not liking how it is affecting your life. I've been in that situation where I would get high and not even feel high anymore so to speak, and I asked myself "wtf am I even doing this for then?" It will get better if you stop in the long run, in the short term expect it to be hard but there are other things to do to take your mind off of it. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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Hey, coming from someone who has been using it for over a year, 0 to 4 times a month, and has not been at all addicted.

It depends how you do it. If you do it then go do unconscious activities, using it to make them more enjoyable, that won't work. Cut that out.

I like to go for a bike ride and focus on mindfulness. Or you can meditate. Or spend time with friends, just be careful to not use it for hedonism

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2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

BTW I don't take my own advice but I'm really good at giving it

How convenient?

Sailing on the ceiling 


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i use it litterly every half to one hour its getting stupid at this point and im always chasing that high and never getting it unless i drink alcohol with it every now and then

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3 minutes ago, ethanb121 said:

i use it litterly every half to one hour its getting stupid at this point and im always chasing that high and never getting it unless i drink alcohol with it every now and then

@ethanb121 At this point your only sedating yourself.

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1 minute ago, cetus56 said:

@ethanb121 At this point your only sedating yourself.

yeah it feels that way

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10 minutes ago, ethanb121 said:

yeah it feels that way

delete your dealers number, start meditation, find out what youre lacking

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Talking from experience: go cold turkey. There's no point in trying to negotiate with Mary Jane from where you're at.

After couple months you may look back and be grateful/have a lot more respect for her.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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1 hour ago, Rigel said:

How convenient?

4 hours ago, ethanb121 said:


Haha it's like my biggest problem. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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1 hour ago, Rigel said:

Talking from experience: go cold turkey. There's no point in trying to negotiate with Mary Jane from where you're at.

After couple months you may look back and be grateful/have a lot more respect for her.

?? This meant alot to me. I've been battling this for a while and am about to get a forced two week break and honestly can't wait for it. I don't know when I'll pop the cherry again after I get back, but I want to do this right. If I still have a desire to smoke after this time away I want to use it ceremoniously only.  Hopefully I can make it the couple months that you have suggested, although my daily use is exponentially lower than the OP's

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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@ethanb121 How old are you? Any hobbies? Work?

I know where you at. Had the same viscous cycle going on. The doses were increasing, times per day were increasing to the point where I would only get somewhat high only in the morning, rest were just a waste of cush.

Best advice I could give is to move to a different country. Second best, reorganize the whole day schedule, start exercising, drop all friends who smoke.

You can manage to get that shit together. The question is, do you really want to.

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