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Teenage sexual anxiety help

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Hi there , I am 17yo , thought your opinions will help me . I am a good looking male , muscular , athletic , 7 inch cock pretty confident around girls , I have done preliminaries but I haven't complete my sexuall contact 100% , my first time was kinda dramatic - anyway I didn't go full in and I stoped cause she was hurting , after 6 months with another girl we were going to have sex but I tried the condom ( classic one) and it was difficult to get in and when I wore it , it cutted my circulation and my penis was falling maybe cause of my nervousness but I thought it was about the condom( maybe both) . After that I couldn't get errected that day , anyway she didn't get mad or sth. For other reasons we broke up and now I overthink when things get hot with girls that my penis will fall cause of my overthinking , it's like a vicious circle . I just want to be strong the right time and don't get nervous again. Any help , I really want to get over it.

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Breath, and don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. Have foreplay.

the foreplay is important because nerves will be calmed down for when you stick it in. Just relax, feel into your body, and then fuck the shit out of her.

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Get condoms that fit your cock asap! Makes a huge difference!

Your penis fails? So what, you still have your hands or no? Just laugh about it, its no big deal. Your young, just say you are nervous. Now you just gave her a nice compliment and loves you 2times as much as before. :D

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10 hours ago, PhilGR said:

@JonasVE12 so u think is in the mind right ?

Well yeah, if your insecurity is causing you to overthink and be nervous, then your energy is ungrounded and you’re in your head. Your mind influences your body. 

Do you meditate?

also, just realise deep down that it really doesn’t matter. You’re anticipating the future which doesn’t exist. Really try to feel into your body and visualise your energy moving into the ground when you’re nervous. Indeed buy condoms that fit, and even practice putting in on efficiently so you dont get nervous when with a girl if you’re putting it on and you struggle

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