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What would you like to learn your 3D skills for ? Its a humongous field.

I do 3D work for games and used to do it for film.
I also do compositing, editing and VFX when it comes to video/film.

You may also ping me if you need guidance.

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7 hours ago, Aeris said:

I wish to learn 3D modeling, would you advice me to start with .. ?

I use 3DS max + Vray for visualizations, I think it's a nice program for my kind of use, you can animate to some extent as well. For architecture i use revit.. Blender is good as well as @Shadowraix said, but it all depends on what you want to model. The field is enormous and there's so many different programs for different stuff


3 hours ago, Spiral said:


hahaha nice

Edited by Dwarniel

...But what if the opposite is true?

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@ajasatya How about your fucking skills? ;)


7 hours ago, ajasatya said:

Those scaled even faster :)



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5 hours ago, Yog said:


What would you like to learn your 3D skills for ? Its a humongous field.

I do 3D work for games and used to do it for film.
I also do compositing, editing and VFX when it comes to video/film.

You may also ping me if you need guidance.

goal is in 10 years ( or less ) I do my own stage scenery/visuals, kind of like this ( but not like this )

( having a total understanding and control of the visual aspect of reality )

own imagery understanding, own animation understanding ( I m raw drawing everyday currently ).

I already know how to use première pro / after effects ( but basic animation of text, nothing crazy )
Or I'll collab with artwork animated from real painting and mix them with FX to makes them look alive.

Want to work on having my own animated videos, my own design on my music label ( or community for that matter ).

and even if I m not pro in 3D, I want to have the power to create powerful decision about it. ( directing )

- I aswell want to draw my own tatoos, or proper sketch ( 5-8 years from here )

(I want to have a pure self design a reflection of my will and work.)

I would take advices on the 5% good mastery theory if there is any master/vidéo/tutorial that truly enhanced your game.

I already think like a level designer ( light/shades/depth/ratio etc .. )

big picture understanding and then reduce to the grinding process of each tiny aspects.

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