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Why do some people leave with mental problems after psychedelic

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Why is it that some don't enjoy it and keep problems afterwards? 

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If you took a 7 y.o. child from Europe and plopped him down in the center of Mumbai, India all by himself, do think that would be enjoyable? Do you think he may keep problems afterwords?

That's what it is like for some newbies that don't use an appropriate dose and setting. What is "appropriate" depends on various factors at the human/personal level.

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Many people live with a lot of repressed emotional baggage and truama that they have been in denial about for years.

It can be painful to open those old wounds.

But this is by no means unique to psychedelics. Intense meditation can also cause such problems.

Purifying the mind is not always a walk in the park. Especially if you have a dirty mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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