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Excellent Discussion on the Seriousness of Climate Change

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Here is a high level discussion about the potentially disastrous changes that we are going to face over the coming century from climate change. 

The talk is led by an environmental philosopher called Rupert Read who is campaigner and spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion. His general view is that the world is going to shit, basically, and we need a much deeper transformation of society, politics and ultimately our consciousness in order to prevent complete collapse of human civilisation. I suspect he is right. 

The discussion is quite morbid and terrifying in many ways. I thought the questions from the audience and the general discussion were very intelligent and thoughtfull, so I highly recommend watching the full video. 


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Thank you for sharing this. We need to start having serious discussions about our not so distant future. Especially here in the USA. Ecological collapse is perhaps the greatest threat of our time and supercedes almost any other issue. What's the point of free college and free health if there is food insecurity?! The system that facilitated our climate crisis is ultimately the root cause of many of the other ancillary issues we face.


Here is a great interview of Roger Hallam of Extinction Rebellion. For too long we've painted the climate crisis with rosy red optimism with little to no effect. Roger's harshness is appropriate and perhaps necessary given the severity of this crisis.


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There’s data to suggest that the more we all learn about the science of climate change, the less concerned we become.


With no collective outlet for the anxiety, fear, and deep sadness that climate breakdown inevitably involves, each of us is left to carry this weighty emotional burden on our own.


While politicians and campaigners are often great at reality and hope, they’re usually terrible at grief.

And this is perhaps the most deepest point about grief: its power to reveal what’s true and what’s important. 


Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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