
Thoughts on "long videos"-blogpost

5 posts in this topic

Just watched Leo's vlog about the length of his videos.

I am shocked by the fact that enough people complain about long videos that he had to do a vlog about it. Are you guys fucking serious?? Leo's free content is so much more valuable and thought through than what other people sell as paid products for hundreds of dollars. And we get tons of it. And you complain that you have to watch it??!

It's like having huge amounts of delicious food prepared for you, but then yelling at the waiter that you now have to chew and swallow all of it.

How do you expect to make any progress at all, when even the easiest form of "research" is to much effort for you? @Leo Gura please never ever shorten or dumb down your content. It is probably a good way to filter out the most unserious of seekers. Thank you for the effort you put in and the value you provide, for every hater there are tons of people that got kicked in the ass by you and are now doing the work.

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No need to get wound up. Not to mention, you're directing your pent-up emotions at the people who don't care that the videos are long, generally speaking.

If someone thought Leo's videos were too long, they likely wouldn't come here to read pages upon pages of similar topics regarding stuff that has been brought up in his videos.

You may wanna self reflect on the reactionary manner in which you responded to finding out that some people don't have the attention span for long-format videos, that may be more fruitful than your post here.


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I love the long video format, but as Leo says in the blog post, it is true that it is counter intuitive, even tho time is short.

I often feel the need to use the 1.5x speed for the topics that feel more abstract to me, and slow down where it most reflects my life.

I don't think it's a matter of length, you just have to get the big picture, with focus on the details that matter to you ATM.

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@Omni Admittedly, overuse of punctuation might have made me seem more agitated than I actually was. Anyway, if someone's level of investment is that low, they won't get anywhere in this work and that fact is best presented in a harsh way imo.

A bucket of cold water will wake you up quicker than gentle touches. 

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I was aware for the no clickbail + the fact that the longer time video is a feature.

he pretty worked hard on his magnetic field, I wouldn't follow his work if the video was 15 min long.

In fact it has been month that I stoped watching all the useless tips around internet.

I only carve myself for myself

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