
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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15 hours ago, Highest said:

I'm just happy knowing, as you probably do as well, that... 

God exists. 

@Highest Although my definition of God might be radically different than a religious person, there is no doubt in my mind about Gods existence. 

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1 hour ago, Matt8800 said:

@Highest Although my definition of God might be radically different than a religious person, there is no doubt in my mind about Gods existence. 


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2 hours ago, Ero said:

@Matt8800 Have you experienced LoA and Infinite Intelligence in your life?

@Ero What does LOA stand for?

People say they experience infinite intelligence but Im skeptical that finite beings can every truly experience true infinity. I have made some radical connections with the cosmic intelligence but I try to stay away from descriptions. 

As the Taoists say, "Any description of the Tao is not the Tao".

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@Matt8800 thank you for your effort with this thread. 

I'd like to ask you to please elaborate on your distinction between the mystic and the clairvoyant. 

From what I've gathered and correct me if I misunderstood, the clairvoyant has a wonderful ability to interact with the spirit realm while still using the 5 senses, because they actually see things, hear things, have direct experience, while the mystic primarily goes by intuition or has an abstracted experience? I don't know if I'm making sense but I'm basing it off my understanding of how you describe how it works for you (mystic) and how it works for your wife (clairvoyant). 

The clairvoyant is very sensitive to the astral/subtle/energy body and the mystic has a very powerful third eye? The mystic can simply know the reality the clairvoyant experiences? 

I'm just throwing my musing out in question form and I'm hoping you'll be able to help me have a better understanding, I'm trying to grow as a mystic.

You said you left your body and gave your wife a kiss in the other room right? Wasn't this very difficult to do as a mystic? Something like astral projection seems it would be easier for a clairvoyant than a mystic. 

What should mystics and clairvoyants be working on to improve their respective gifts? And to what end? How do these two types best serve the world? 

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1 hour ago, Unjigorjigor said:

@Matt8800 thank you for your effort with this thread. 

I'd like to ask you to please elaborate on your distinction between the mystic and the clairvoyant. 

From what I've gathered and correct me if I misunderstood, the clairvoyant has a wonderful ability to interact with the spirit realm while still using the 5 senses, because they actually see things, hear things, have direct experience, while the mystic primarily goes by intuition or has an abstracted experience? I don't know if I'm making sense but I'm basing it off my understanding of how you describe how it works for you (mystic) and how it works for your wife (clairvoyant). 

The clairvoyant is very sensitive to the astral/subtle/energy body and the mystic has a very powerful third eye? The mystic can simply know the reality the clairvoyant experiences? 

I'm just throwing my musing out in question form and I'm hoping you'll be able to help me have a better understanding, I'm trying to grow as a mystic.

You said you left your body and gave your wife a kiss in the other room right? Wasn't this very difficult to do as a mystic? Something like astral projection seems it would be easier for a clairvoyant than a mystic. 

What should mystics and clairvoyants be working on to improve their respective gifts? And to what end? How do these two types best serve the world? 

@Unjigorjigor Ive heard the dichotomy in certain places but now Im rethinking it a bit. I think a person can be one or the other or both.

I believe natural mystics tend to be analytical/intellectual while natural clairvoyants tend to be feeling/intuitive. I believe everyone has psychic sense abilities but analytical people are just more out of touch with these senses. Also, the analytic mind of a natural mystic usually tends to ignore "irrational" input.

For example, if I tell you to focus on the total feeling and experience of your left big toe, you would suddenly become are of your toe, the warmth of your sock, etc. That feeling was there before I mentioned it but you were not aware of it until I directed your attention to it. In the same way, you are receiving information to your psychic senses but you most likely are unaware of these senses or what they even are. These psychic senses can be made much stronger with regular usage. 

I think a mystic should connect to their body by doing regular body scanning meditation. This builds up the subtle etheric and astral bodies and senses. There is a good book called How to See Fairies by Dukes that is really good at learning how to connect with these senses. Visual Magic by Jan Fries is good too. Those books can help someone get started on shamanic journeying and astral projection (among other things).

Clairvoyants tend to be prone to inner chaos, fear, instability, self-doubt, etc. I believe they should focus on transcending their ego and mastering it. They also seem to tend to need more grounding and centering from what I observed. The mystic should do this also but usually the clairvoyants ego seems to have even more power over their actions. Of course, these are speculative generalities based on my limited experience.

Edited by Matt8800

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55 minutes ago, Maximus said:

I bought the first book. I get stuck. I always get stuck. Reading the second book is easier.

I had experiences in the past, such as, I saw one of my chakras spinning clockwise. But, if you were facing me, and seeing the same thing it would have hypothetically been spinning anti-clockwise. Do you have any idea what this means?

Edit: I also have a question regarding a repeating tarot card as an answer. For example, if I keep getting the hermit as the answer to something, but I am not embodying or embracing that answer or understanding it correctly related to the situation. Or, my intuition and heart has an answer and interpretation to a card such as lovers but it does not manifest. This is where I get stuck.

@Maximus What a clairvoyant sees with their "inner" eye is going to be different than the processing visual information from the physical eye. Our minds interpret psychic signals and try to translate them into mundane sensations. Ramsey covers this in his book. There really isnt a smooth translation from the psychic senses to the mundane senses. This means that two people might sense, or "see", a spirit but sometimes describe it differently but that doesnt mean that one is wrong. Trying to describe what one senses psychically can sometimes be like trying to describe a psychedelic experience.

If one person was trying to describe the feeling of their big toe in their sock, one person might describe it as "warm" while another person may describe it as "soft". Neither are wrong.

Take that with the grain of salt since I am just now developing my psychic senses. One of the reasons why it didnt come as naturally as some is because of my over-analytical nature. We all have psychic sense input but many just arent aware of it or tuned in to it.

Edited by Matt8800

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Do you think psychiatric medicines screw up with our psychic abilities?

After starting psychiatric medicines, I could not capture other people's thoughts anymore. I remember I was able to know what they were going to say before they said that. It happens sometimes nowadays, but not so intense as before.

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@Matt8800 When both my grandmothers were sick and dying a crow kept cooing outside our house in a very peculiar and distinct way. We could recognize it and after we got the news of their death (they died on separate dates) it stopped cooing, never to be seen again. It's as if it knew they were going to die and was telling us to go attend them. Now the local newspaper did say something like a crow had escaped an experimental lab and was found again, but still, was it the same crow? Why only start cooing just before someone is about to die? This happened on two separate occasions. My grandparents lived in a different country too. 

Do crows and other animals hold any special powers? Particularly crows in relation to death.

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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9 hours ago, Derek White said:

@Matt8800 When both my grandmothers were sick and dying a crow kept cooing outside our house in a very peculiar and distinct way. We could recognize it and after we got the news of their death (they died on separate dates) it stopped cooing, never to be seen again. It's as if it knew they were going to die and was telling us to go attend them. Now the local newspaper did say something like a crow had escaped an experimental lab and was found again, but still, was it the same crow? Why only start cooing just before someone is about to die? This happened on two separate occasions. My grandparents lived in a different country too. 

Do crows and other animals hold any special powers? Particularly crows in relation to death.

@Derek White All animals, including humans, have psychic abilities. It has been well documented that dogs will sometimes know things about their owners health or potential danger that could not have normally be known.

Sounds like the crow knew something :)

Edited by Matt8800

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I have wanted to speak to animals my entire life. Turns out the only thing that was limiting me were my own limited beliefs about communication and what "I" was. xD

@Derek White Crows are truly a link between the false duality of dead and alive, a messenger and have been recognized as such since ancient times. I noticed a poison nightshade plant growing on the grave of a herbal doctor from the 1800's. I thought this was incredibly hilarious and interesting. Other odd circumstances that happened whenever I visited his grave (I've always just enjoyed cemeteries) lead me to read his book, which later lead to my realizing that he was not just an herbal healer but clairvoyant, awake and described how he awakened. It was all just part of a story line that aided in allowing duality to collapse for me. The day I awoke I had an impulse to leave my most prized possession on his grave,  which happened to be an antique ring from the 1800's. It wasn't until after that I realized the stone bird baths by the grave were for the crows, who dropped the nightshade seed there to begin with, who took my ring as an "offering."

Crows and dogs are both incredibly smart animals that live in close connection with humans and observe them carefully. The entire world, including the animal world is you, so it makes sense that crows and dogs would act as messengers at certain times. They can channel and have impulses from greater intelligence just like we can. 



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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23 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I have wanted to speak to animals my entire life. Turns out the only thing that was limiting me were my own limited beliefs about communication and what "I" was. xD

@Derek White Crows are truly a link between the false duality of dead and alive, a messenger and have been recognized as such since ancient times. I noticed a poison nightshade plant growing on the grave of a herbal doctor from the 1800's. I thought this was incredibly hilarious and interesting. Other odd circumstances that happened whenever I visited his grave (I've always just enjoyed cemeteries) lead me to read his book, which later lead to my realizing that he was not just an herbal healer but clairvoyant, awake and described how he awakened. It was all just part of a story line that aided in allowing duality to collapse for me. The day I awoke I had an impulse to leave my most prized possession on his grave,  which happened to be an antique ring from the 1800's. It wasn't until after that I realized the stone bird baths by the grave were for the crows, who dropped the nightshade seed there to begin with, who took my ring as an "offering."

Crows and dogs are both incredibly smart animals that live in close connection with humans and observe them carefully. The entire world, including the animal world is you, so it makes sense that crows and dogs would act as messengers at certain times. They can channel and have impulses from greater intelligence just like we can. 



@mandyjw Im pretty sure that How to See Fairies by Ramsey Dukes explains how to develop communication with animals...great book for anyone developing clairvoyant abilities.

We all get psychic sensory input - we are just not always aware of it. For example, if I told you to become hyper-aware of the feeling in your right big toe, you would suddenly feel the sensation of your big toe. The sensation was always there but you were just not aware of it.

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3 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

I've always just enjoyed cemeteries

You can just go in a cemetery? How does it work? You just go in? Don't the people say anything? What are the rules? I always wanted to visit one near where I live but don't how it works.

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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11 minutes ago, Derek White said:


You can just go in a cemetery? How does it work? You just go in? Don't the people say anything? What are the rules? I always wanted to visit one near where I live but don't how it works.

@Derek White The only real time Ive spent in cemeteries is when there is a funeral. I never went in other times for the concerns you mention above but I always felt a surreal beauty there when I did go.

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19 minutes ago, Derek White said:


You can just go in a cemetery? How does it work? You just go in? Don't the people say anything? What are the rules? I always wanted to visit one near where I live but don't how it works.

I live in a small town, so here the cemeteries are all open and generally located in the most beautiful spots. My parents caretook the cemeteries in our town when I was a kid and I spent hours there working with them (skipped prom and worked raking leaves in a cemetery that night instead) so I always liked them and never had any fear of them, just thought they were pretty and interesting places to go, and we don't really have parks... so....xD  Cemeteries are usually a very important part of the history of a town or city, so check with your city or local historical society if you are interested in visiting one. Cities generally have more rules because the higher the population, the more likely people are to vandalize or disrespect cemeteries. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Not sure if you know much about Thelema. If so, what is your opinion on the rituals therein, such as the pentagram rituals.

Also, as a side question: if Aleister Crowley was so deeply involved in these rituals, why did he succumb to his addictions, causing his material life to collapse? Strange to me...

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On 8/19/2019 at 6:10 PM, Matt8800 said:

Every time I post something about the Occult, I get personal messages of people asking for resources to know more, how to talk to spirits, how to manipulate physical reality according to your will, psychic powers, astral projection, etc.

I know quite a bit about witchcraft, chaos magick, Wicca, etc. I also have put a lot of thought into what constitutes "black magick" and "white magick".

Ive created spirits that serve my purposes that have shown themselves to me and others and have moved physical objects. Im projected myself into my fiances room 30 miles away and whispered into her ear (she is a clairvoyant that has projected herself into my room also). She told me that she felt me in her room and told me exactly what I said. I could go on and on about what I have experienced that would make me sound like a lunatic. My point is that the occult is very legit.

Its a path that turns someone from a human with a spiritual experience to a spiritual being with a human experience. That statement makes a lot more sense when you start operating on the spiritual realm a lot more with effective power.

Many people that have studied eastern traditions reject the occult because they reject the physical realm as unspiritual and think developing  power is egoic. This is especially weird when people kiss the ass of gurus that wield occult powers yet adamantly reject these same powers for themselves. Somehow people assume that you must be weak and live in poverty to be spiritual.

I think that is an unhealthy relationship to power and reeks of inferiority and unworthiness. The occult, trantric, taoist and kabbalist philosophy is that all realms are divine and we should master them all on the path of our eternal evolution. They recognize non-duality without the rejection of duality.

A good example of why power is needed, and shouldnt be rejected, is Ghandi. He was motivated by love but effective because he had personal/internal power. Love without power is impotent. Power without love is evil.

Power is like a hammer. You can build a house for the homeless or you can kill somebody. Ultimately, power manifests ones values into the world. If your values are love, beauty and truth, the world is better for your power. The Gita says its not what you do, but why you do it. Gaining power is not the problem. Its why do you do it.

Anyway, if anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer :)


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I'll give it a try and ask you this. Maybe it won't end as expected but let's do it anyway. 

Is there a way you could receive insights about my life purpose?

I'm having a hard time finding my path in life and I'd like to know if you could do that (please don't tell me Leo has the Life Purpose course ahahah).

If for some reason you can't do that, maybe because of a free will issue like you shouldn't tell me what choices I have to make, could you ask the divine what is the most important thing I need to know/learn to find my path? Like the most important step I need to make now to find my true calling.

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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John Kreiter has written a new book!

"The Way of the Projectionist: Alchemy’s Secret Formula to Altered States and Breaking the Prison of the Flesh"

It's the continuation of "The Magnum Opus"


It seems like the e-book version is currently not available on, but you can get it on

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@Matt8800 What do you think actually happens when you "work with spirits"? I believe that what happens in those cases is that we connect to a different part of our mind. It's like going to the collective unconscious. But I believe there are no fixed spirits independent of how you think about them. It's like infinite archetypes. If that's the case can I communicate with any kind of entity that I want? For example, can I communicate with the spirit of Tony Stark(Iron Man) or an ancient philosopher? Does anything go? Can I create an entity of my own and work with it?

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