
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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1 hour ago, Highest said:

Aiit. How did you acquire these paranormal abilities? 

And all this, how is it related to awakening and being awoke? 

You see, in the old days, I was in some radical state of consciousness. I could sometimes read others thoughts, birds and bees would communicate directly with me in way which I never the less understood, and I could both take in energy from pretty much everything inside my own body which in that time became like an system of pure energy. 

But I was still not awoke, far far away from it. Altough in the end, I have no doubt that I meet and saw God several times, I was still immersed in the sense of ego, more so than now. And for some reason, I never died altough I had several OBE and alot of other crazy shit. 

@Highest Ive had a few strange experiences all my life, like reading others thoughts, had a weird experience twice when I was 19 where I woke up and saw a bright light while having a very real feeling of floating above the bed.

I had a profound awakening close to 4 years ago when I tried some DMT. I spent several years studying and practicing Buddhism and Vedanta. Those systems are best for awakening. 

Then I started becoming interested in traditions that work with energy and was led to the occult. I dont have clairvoyant abilities like my fiance does but my abilities to sense energy and communicate with spirits has slowly gotten better.

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10 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

@Highest Ive had a few strange experiences all my life, like reading others thoughts, had a weird experience twice when I was 19 where I woke up and saw a bright light while having a very real feeling of floating above the bed.

I had a profound awakening close to 4 years ago when I tried some DMT. I spent several years studying and practicing Buddhism and Vedanta. Those systems are best for awakening. 

Then I started becoming interested in traditions that work with energy and was led to the occult. I dont have clairvoyant abilities like my fiance does but my abilities to sense energy and communicate with spirits has slowly gotten better.

Nice bro. You are gifted ??

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@Matt8800 Since you can communicate with spirits, do you think one day you could somehow reach God and in some way have a communication with it? Go for the highest bro. 

I remember quite vividly when I meet God, it came to me as an Omnipotent and All-loving force of energy. I remember I was too afraid to even look at it, I looked once since I feelt I was allowed to and I remember seeing powerful blue and white energy. 

After that, I remember asking this energy "Are you all-knowing" and somehow which I can't explain how, I got an instant answer which was "Yes". 

Then I, with my face turned away from the Supreme, got bombarded with an attack of love which literally moved my body, it was just one smooth movement of energy, with pure love and understanding. I just cried instantly. Cried and cried. 

Edited by Highest

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@Matt8800 I also faced or rather was possesed by a very dark entity, it's form was dark and I remember seeing that. I can tell you the whole story in pm if you want to of how it first came and when it showed itself absolutely, and how God came to the aid as this powerful Omnipotent energy once again. 

Crazy shit. I don't know what kind of state I was in, but I experienced a lot of crazy and seemingly impossible things. In this regard, we may have a lot in common ?

I believe fully and absolutely in everything you say bro, cuz I know this stuff is undeniably real. 

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@Matt8800  @Matt8800 Actuallly I will create a topic on this tommorow since I have good time then so you and everyone can read it, believe me or disbelieve me. Just putting this in words will be difficult, but I will try to be as direct and accurate as I can. This was the peak of my state of consciousness, the most ultimate and terryfing thing I have experienced in my entire life. 

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17 hours ago, Highest said:

@Matt8800 Since you can communicate with spirits, do you think one day you could somehow reach God and in some way have a communication with it? Go for the highest bro. 

I remember quite vividly when I meet God, it came to me as an Omnipotent and All-loving force of energy. I remember I was too afraid to even look at it, I looked once since I feelt I was allowed to and I remember seeing powerful blue and white energy. 

After that, I remember asking this energy "Are you all-knowing" and somehow which I can't explain how, I got an instant answer which was "Yes". 

Then I, with my face turned away from the Supreme, got bombarded with an attack of love which literally moved my body, it was just one smooth movement of energy, with pure love and understanding. I just cried instantly. Cried and cried. 

@Highest God can manifest in any form but in reality "it" is the All/the One. Spirits, and even gods and goddesses, are still in duality. God is beyond duality and cannot be comprehended.

Communication with spirits are to build productive relationships. Its not an either/or....just like communicating with the All doesnt preclude us from communicating with other humans.

With that said, I have had powerful interactions with the All.

Edited by Matt8800

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17 hours ago, Highest said:

@Matt8800 I also faced or rather was possesed by a very dark entity, it's form was dark and I remember seeing that. I can tell you the whole story in pm if you want to of how it first came and when it showed itself absolutely, and how God came to the aid as this powerful Omnipotent energy once again. 

Crazy shit. I don't know what kind of state I was in, but I experienced a lot of crazy and seemingly impossible things. In this regard, we may have a lot in common ?

I believe fully and absolutely in everything you say bro, cuz I know this stuff is undeniably real. 

@Highest Some people believe that many of the dark spirits that harass people are spirits that are created by their own shadows or past trauma. Other people believe they are separate spirits that latch on to some people through shadows or trauma. Like many spiritual truths, it may be paradoxical - they are both somewhat true.

I know a guy that was sexually assaulted as a child and now he sees a dark, monstrous spirit hanging over him. Unfortunately, he has fear of confronting it, which just strengthens it. There can be lots of reasons for having these spirits cling to you but it is our job to figure out how to get rid of them sometime in our lifetime. Thats good that you were able to get rid of yours.

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3 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

@Highest God can manifest in any form but in reality "it" is the All/the One. Spirits, and even gods and goddesses, are still in duality. God is beyond duality and cannot be comprehended.

Communication with spirits are to build productive relationships. Its not an either/or....just like communicating with the All doesnt preclude us from communicating with other humans.

With that said, I have had powerful interactions with the All.

Indeed, God is none other than The All/The One. What did you learn from these interactions? What did it tell you? 

And yeah, I would say that dark entities are your own creation from past trauma etc. Some can of course be just others creations, like in dark magic. There are a lot of dark magic practioners. People who wants someone killed or simply to suffer, use to go to these kinds of practioners. 

Prophet Mohammad used to recite this everyday and told his followed to do the same, to protect oneself from all kinds of evil, including supernatural ones: "Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of day break. From the evil of that which He created. And from the evil of darkness when it settles. And from the evil of an envier when he envies." 

I'm not Muslim but this is interesting, since I believe Mohammed himself had some powerful paranormal abilities where in others eyes he could perform seemingly impossible things aka miracles, which explains why he was so succesful as a supposed prophet. 

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1 hour ago, Highest said:

Indeed, God is none other than The All/The One. What did you learn from these interactions? What did it tell you? 

And yeah, I would say that dark entities are your own creation from past trauma etc. Some can of course be just others creations, like in dark magic. There are a lot of dark magic practioners. People who wants someone killed or simply to suffer, use to go to these kinds of practioners. 

Prophet Mohammad used to recite this everyday and told his followed to do the same, to protect oneself from all kinds of evil, including supernatural ones: "Say, I seek refuge in the Lord of day break. From the evil of that which He created. And from the evil of darkness when it settles. And from the evil of an envier when he envies." 

I'm not Muslim but this is interesting, since I believe Mohammed himself had some powerful paranormal abilities where in others eyes he could perform seemingly impossible things aka miracles, which explains why he was so succesful as a supposed prophet. 

@Highest "Miracles" is what religions call it when their leaders do magick. Its usually much later the religion bans magical practices for control reasons. The Christian church didnt ban magic until the 1500s. Jesus even makes reference of using a head demon (Beleezabub) to cast out less powerful, lower demons ("demon" simply means spirit - does not mean good or bad).

The more interactions I have with the all, the more I realize that it is completely beyond our understanding.

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1 minute ago, Matt8800 said:

@Highest "Miracles" is what religions call it when their leaders do magick. Its usually much later the religion bans magical practices for control reasons. The Christian church didnt ban magic until the 1500s. Jesus even makes reference of using a head demon (Beleezabub) to cast out less powerful, lower demons ("demon" simply means spirit - does not mean good or bad).

The more interactions I have with the all, the more I realize that it is completely beyond our understanding.

Yeah, that's what I thought as well about these prophets doing miracles. 

Yeah, God is beyond understanding etc.

Just one last question, how do you view yourself in relation to the All? Seperate? A part of it? Or simply it? Surely, since it's The All/The One, you cannot be seperated from it? 

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On 12/14/2019 at 2:30 PM, Matt8800 said:

Something to think about - If this was your last day alive, would you express love differently? If it was your last sunrise/sunset, would you feel it differently? Live in that place.

Beautiful way to put it.

Even if it were my last dark cloudy day, I'd wanna be there for it.

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@Matt8800 It's one thing which hasn't left me yet and no one but me knows this yet, and that is the energy thing. No one knows it, but I can literally feel and sense energy, sometimes it gets absorbed in me and I can feel it cuz it comes like an electric shoot, sometimes powerful and other times not so powerful. 

I can't see it and absorbe it to me like I used to, or help others by giving them energy from myself, but it hasn’t to this day left completely.

It's both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it simply gets too much, if I'm in a low frequency all I feel and sense is low frequency energy, even dark ones. If I'm up there, it's all good. I just have to figure out what and how to deal with this. It's ultimately a blessing if I only could handle it properly. I think I must begin the work now, I haven't becomed so conscious of this fact until now. 

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It's painful many times, when I feel down and I can sense that I'm giving out low frequency energy, and I can feel, sense and see when others around get negatively affected by it. And it goes the other way around as well. I know for a fact that I have to become a proper vessel for all this energy, in order to uplift others and myself. 

Energy is fundamental in all interactions, more so than the mind. Maybe it's not as fundamental as conscious awarness, but energy and awarness undeniably go hand to hand. 

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On 15-12-2019 at 3:49 PM, Matt8800 said:

@AwakenedSoul444 Yes, there are tons of ways. The best and easiest ways are in hoodoo or witchcraft imo. If you google it, you can find people giving some pretty crazy stories about how well they worked. There are a bunch on reddit. Usually people that dont think these spells work are people that have never done them. The more people do these kinds of spells, the more convinced they are that they work.

Some spells will bind specific people to you and cause them to feel emotions they wouldnt normally feel. I would avoid this because if there is no real chemistry, it doesnt last. Ive also heard of people casting spells and then deciding later they dont want the person and the other person is turned into a stalker. What I would do is create some kind of talisman to create situations where you would bump into people that fit specific criteria that you feel would have some kind of chemistry.

I would google "hoodoo love spells" and witchcraft love spells". I would avoid any spell that calls on the help of wrathful spirits to help if you are not familiar with working with spirits. Most love spells do not involve wrathful spirits.

I havent done this kind of spellwork but I have heard many times to think carefully about what exactly you want because you sometimes get exactly what you asked for but not really what you wanted.


Reminds me of Baal Kadmon in his book about Moldavite. Is he a good source for you? Do you also use moldavite/crystals for magick?

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18 hours ago, Highest said:

Just one last question, how do you view yourself in relation to the All? Seperate? A part of it? Or simply it? Surely, since it's The All/The One, you cannot be seperated from it? 

@Highest My answer would be yes to all those questions :)

We are part of the All and separate at the same time. Spirituality is full of paradoxes. 

Some people reject duality but that is as incomplete as people that only see duality.

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18 hours ago, Highest said:

@Matt8800 It's one thing which hasn't left me yet and no one but me knows this yet, and that is the energy thing. No one knows it, but I can literally feel and sense energy, sometimes it gets absorbed in me and I can feel it cuz it comes like an electric shoot, sometimes powerful and other times not so powerful. 

I can't see it and absorbe it to me like I used to, or help others by giving them energy from myself, but it hasn’t to this day left completely.

It's both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it simply gets too much, if I'm in a low frequency all I feel and sense is low frequency energy, even dark ones. If I'm up there, it's all good. I just have to figure out what and how to deal with this. It's ultimately a blessing if I only could handle it properly. I think I must begin the work now, I haven't becomed so conscious of this fact until now. 

@Highest There are many occult techniques to manage and control that. If you're interested, I would start with the books Sorcerers Secrets and Six Ways.

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17 hours ago, Highest said:

It's painful many times, when I feel down and I can sense that I'm giving out low frequency energy, and I can feel, sense and see when others around get negatively affected by it. And it goes the other way around as well. I know for a fact that I have to become a proper vessel for all this energy, in order to uplift others and myself. 

Energy is fundamental in all interactions, more so than the mind. Maybe it's not as fundamental as conscious awarness, but energy and awarness undeniably go hand to hand. 

@Highest I recently started trying to dedicate half my spiritual time into Eastern practices of concentrating my mind and raising vibration by "breathing" in love, beauty and gratitude. According to Kabbalah, one should be balanced with love/mercy and strength/severity. For me, Eastern traditions are good for the love/mercy and the occult is great for strength/severity.

Our vibration is either intentionally created or we allow our environment to dictate our vibration, which usually then just erodes over time. Its easy to get out of balance either way so we must be mindful.

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11 hours ago, Visionary said:

Reminds me of Baal Kadmon in his book about Moldavite. Is he a good source for you? Do you also use moldavite/crystals for magick?

@Visionary I like him but dont follow him much. There are many path possibilities in the occult. After investigating almost all of them, I found my path and pretty much stick to it at this time. 

I dont use crystals much but many people get a lot out of them. I do however use a large labradorite skull that I put a spirit into a lot. This spirit connects me with spirit guides and allies to relay information and also the akashic records to give me wisdom and knowledge. It/he has been crazy effective.

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On 19/12/2019 at 3:30 PM, Matt8800 said:

@Highest My answer would be yes to all those questions :)

We are part of the All and separate at the same time. Spirituality is full of paradoxes. 

Some people reject duality but that is as incomplete as people that only see duality.


One should embrace everything. Duality, seperation, good, evil, suffering, happiness, sorrow, pain, love. 

We are part of God. Many feel seperate from God, disconnected. It's all a matter of perspective. All a matter of your direct experience. 

I'm just happy knowing, as you probably do as well, that... 

God exists. 

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15 hours ago, Maximus said:

Okay, I think I am just a shit occultist and can't improve.

@Maximus I would highly recommend the I Ching book I referenced. 

I think a lot of people dont feel they get results because they have incorrect expectations and methods. For clairvoyance and divination development, I would recommend a book called How to See Fairies by Ramsey.

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