
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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45 minutes ago, ltp said:

Why are magickal spells/rituals so specific ? I mean why would certain precise ingredients and words be needed to ensure the success of a spell ? Why isn't the force of will sufficient ? Does it have something to do with ingredients/words being symbols in the mind of the practitioner, thus helping him to believe in his magick more, thus rendering it more effective ? As opposed to the ingredients/words having an objective, inherent power ?

@ltp There's a lot of opinions on this but I believe that the specifics are symbols and those symbols are infused with your intention and psychic energy. Those symbols can be a way to connect to specific energetic currents. Ive heard some occultists that I respect a lot say that if something is slightly changed in a ritual, than the effect can be slightly changed - not necessarily bad, just different. 

I dont know very much why or how the mechanics of magick works but my experience is that you can definitely influence objective reality with it.

Edited by Matt8800

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What's your opinion on backwards causation ? Is it possible to act causally upon the past by performing certain kinds of advanced magick in the present ?



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Are all the gods of all religions that ever existed real ? What is their ontological status ?



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On 11/14/2019 at 8:54 AM, ltp said:

What's your opinion on backwards causation ? Is it possible to act causally upon the past by performing certain kinds of advanced magick in the present ?



@ltp In the spirit world, time does not exist. One of the things that people who have near death experiences confirm that they experience no time. Because there is no time, there is no difference in accessing the past, present or future. 

I have heard experienced occultists say that current magick can affect the past. I have had experiences which makes me lean towards this direction.

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16 hours ago, ltp said:

Are all the gods of all religions that ever existed real ? What is their ontological status ?



@ltp Great question. Many people have different theories. 

One thing you have to define is what is "real"? Thats a deep rabbit hole if you pick it apart. Consciousness does not fit the technical definition of "real" and everything we experience happens in consciousness. 

When people experience manifestations of gods and demons, are the gods and demons believed in because they are real or are they real because they are believed in? Materialists think the answer is obvious but it is an assumption on a fragile foundation if scrutinized enough.

Its common knowledge that one can pretty easily create artificial spirits by interacting with them AS IF they are real and infusing psychic energy into them. After awhile, these created spirits can start interacting with the physical world by moving stuff, making themselves visible, etc. (I have made artificial spirits) Tibetan Tulpas are a good example. Another example is when children create imaginary friends to survive trauma and then those spirits gain power over time and can manifest in powerful and malicious ways. I have heard of some poorly behaving artificial spirits attacking people, scratching them, choking them, throwing things, etc. Artificial spirits are like children - raise them right or there might be issues.

Does Shiva manifest his power because millions (or billions) of hindus have worshiped him, pouring massive amounts of psychic energy into his essence, or do they worship him because he has manifested his power?

When you consider there is no such thing as linear time in the spirit world, the idea of cause and effect gets a lot more complicated. Cause and effect, as we understand it, requires the existence of time.

Edited by Matt8800

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Which tradition do you think had the most advanced forms of psychic abilities?





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11 hours ago, herghly said:

Which tradition do you think had the most advanced forms of psychic abilities?





And so on.

@herghly I dont know a ton about Cha'an but I would say out of this list, Daoism. Qi-gung is also very powerful.

Gnosticism doesnt necessarily focus on paranormal abilities but it can certainly include it.

I would probably put Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and Indian Tantra at the top of the list. 

Any tradition where a guru is followed is probably at the bottom of the list simply because most gurus dont want to teach their devotees to be as powerful as they are, going so far to tell them they are not to develop the powers they have developed. Guru worship is the enemy of evolution because it locks someone into a relationship of "less than" and inferiority.

The occult combines some of its own unique strengths with techniques from many other traditions. The problem with the occult just by itself is that it generally doesnt seem to put a lot of emphasis on meditation in general but talented and advanced occultists will say that meditation is their most important practice to unlock their True Self and abilities. Because of the occults fluidity of incorporating the best of many traditions, it can be the most well-rounded if Eastern practices are incorporated. With the correct mix of practices, an occult foundation can give the most bang for ones investment into it. 

Meditation is key. A chaotic mind will never develop much power.

Edited by Matt8800

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Hey Matt :) 

Finally an occultist to speak with. 

Lets see if you can give me some clarity with these things please. 

First, one day I was sleeping and out of nowhere something woke me up. Then I went sleep again but i was semi awake. At that moment I began to feel hands touching my body. That shit was scarier than having all your illusions about reality collapsed at once. What was this and why it happened? 

Second, how do I know if im a mystic or psychic, so I can focus on developing it? Im a fast learner and can grasp direct experiences about something quick. But also, my intuition is very strong. I have the psyche of an aries sun by the way. I can sense when something is going to happen before it does. When someone is going to do something before he does or says something even. I have thought about something and it has happened very quickly. I have thought about someone and met them out of nowhere. I can see someone and know how they are by just looking. I percieve when people are lying or hiding something. Also, what they are feeling or even thinking (not always) . I feel that my life and the World is getting better each day even thou it sometimes seems the total oppossite. Even thou life has no purpose I feel I have a purpose on this life time. I have memories of past lives. How I know they are from past life? I cant explain, I intuitively know. I discern visions of the future out of nowhere about my self or an event. I dont know why but i have always sensed Spirit guides calling me, trying to guide me but i dont know how to contact them. I have always felt passion for the occult and magic. I see 11:11 and many other pair numbers on the clock. I experience multiple synchronicities. I have a strong mind power. Both of my grand mother's have psychic abilities like predicting stuff, sensing paranormal and experiencing synchronicities without being on the spiritual path. One of them got to experience evil eye. I have seen UFO's, the black triangle darker than space and light speed spaceships appearing and accelerating at a pace that makes them dissapear. And lastly, my second name is Raziel, which I dont know if names can actually influence one's energy. There are probably more things, but i dont remember in this very moment. Can you explain what these things say about me on a deeper level? 

Third and Last, how can I experience astral projection? I know this is not something necessary, but i dont know why I feel like I need to experience it. Maybe theres something in the akashic records I need to know. 



Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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@Matt8800 Hi and thank you for answering,

I have this strange fear at night on my house since ever. It's not that im frightened of the dark because in any other houses I don't experience this fear, even if im alone.

I've tried to think into memory if it could be because of any "traumatic" event but I just can seem to remember anything. It's just very serif don't you think? Could be explained because of negative energy?

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21 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

Hey Matt :) 

Finally an occultist to speak with. 

Lets see if you can give me some clarity with these things please. 

First, one day I was sleeping and out of nowhere something woke me up. Then I went sleep again but i was semi awake. At that moment I began to feel hands touching my body. That shit was scarier than having all your illusions about reality collapsed at once. What was this and why it happened? 

Second, how do I know if im a mystic or psychic, so I can focus on developing it? Im a fast learner and can grasp direct experiences about something quick. But also, my intuition is very strong. I have the psyche of an aries sun by the way. I can sense when something is going to happen before it does. When someone is going to do something before he does or says something even. I have thought about something and it has happened very quickly. I have thought about someone and met them out of nowhere. I can see someone and know how they are by just looking. I percieve when people are lying or hiding something. Also, what they are feeling or even thinking (not always) . I feel that my life and the World is getting better each day even thou it sometimes seems the total oppossite. Even thou life has no purpose I feel I have a purpose on this life time. I have memories of past lives. How I know they are from past life? I cant explain, I intuitively know. I discern visions of the future out of nowhere about my self or an event. I dont know why but i have always sensed Spirit guides calling me, trying to guide me but i dont know how to contact them. I have always felt passion for the occult and magic. I see 11:11 and many other pair numbers on the clock. I experience multiple synchronicities. I have a strong mind power. Both of my grand mother's have psychic abilities like predicting stuff, sensing paranormal and experiencing synchronicities without being on the spiritual path. One of them got to experience evil eye. I have seen UFO's, the black triangle darker than space and light speed spaceships appearing and accelerating at a pace that makes them dissapear. And lastly, my second name is Raziel, which I dont know if names can actually influence one's energy. There are probably more things, but i dont remember in this very moment. Can you explain what these things say about me on a deeper level? 

Third and Last, how can I experience astral projection? I know this is not something necessary, but i dont know why I feel like I need to experience it. Maybe theres something in the akashic records I need to know. 



@Kalki Avatar

1. There are parasitic entities that feed off of the psychic energy that fear puts out. You put out a burst of fear/psychic energy and they get lunch. The next time you get threatened, command them to back off. If they dont, summon energies of aggression, ruthlessness and violence and attack them to destroy them. Spirits that want to harm will stay away from you from then on and go on to someone else that is more controlled by fear and passivity.

2. It sounds like you might have some clairvoyant abilities. With the right direction in the occult, you can develop them. If you are going to go down that path, be open to exploring the spirit world and developing relationships with spirits. Remember that spirits are like people - some want to help, some will want to harm and there is huge spectrum in between. Lose your fears of spirits, trust that your spirit guide will protect you when called upon and you will be safe. The best books to start with to enter into the occult world is Six Ways by Wachter and Strategic Sorcery by Miller. Read them every 6 to 12 months along with any other books that interest you and you will go a long ways. Life gets VERY interesting very fast on this path. The rewards to your spiritual evolution and how you manage this life are massive.

3. In Six Ways, there are instructions for relaxing into your body before working on shamanic journeying. What is not said is that this is a form of body scanning meditation, which builds up the subtle etheric/astral body. Starting to journey using the techniques in the book builds up subtle senses to perceive the astral realm. The more you build your astral body, the more you can travel in the astral realm. Dont believe people that say that there is no purpose for that. This is also a very powerful tool for spiritual evolution in ways that are somewhat explained in the book.

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Matt8800 Hi and thank you for answering,

I have this strange fear at night on my house since ever. It's not that im frightened of the dark because in any other houses I don't experience this fear, even if im alone.

I've tried to think into memory if it could be because of any "traumatic" event but I just can seem to remember anything. It's just very serif don't you think? Could be explained because of negative energy?

@Javfly33 Parasitic entities feed off of fear. That is why the only people that are harassed by spirits are fearful people. Courage people are left alone.

The next time you have a nightmare and you are being attacked, turn and attack the attackers in a very vicious, violent and ruthless way. I did this 25 years ago and I never had a nightmare since nor have I ever been controlled by fear since.

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10 hours ago, ActualizedDavid said:

Check this out, your opinion if you have time to listen.

@ActualizedDavid The title is interesting but its a bit long. Can you summarize the message? The title said something about the shoulds and shouldnts of using certain powers. 

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1 hour ago, Cykaaaa said:

Firstly, thank you for this thread. It's great that you're shining a light on all this. I haven't even considered occult a serious thing until recently.

Would you recommend getting into occult and all that stuff to a teenager? I must admit, you've really got me interested. I kinda want to involve myself in this and read the books you recommended, but at the same time I feel like I need to set my life up properly first, find my purpose and so on.

Would it be useful to do this stuff on the side? Would you recommend that? I'll definitely start applying your "building inner strength" exercise soon.

@Cykaaaa I would say yes with some caveats. 

The occult is a powerful way to change oneself. Many people get into the occult to manipulate their external world. While there is nothing wrong with that, if one has not seen through the power of the ego, their views on what should be manipulated and how are skewed. When magick is used improperly, it can reinforce the ego. This is one of the reasons why it is said that Tantra is a faster path than Yoga to enlightenment but can be more dangerous.

Heres what I would recommend:

1. Educate yourself about how the occult works so you know. Start experimenting with methods and rituals to evolve yourself, minimize undesirable tendencies and strengthen traits that need to be developed. 

2. I would highly recommend that you stay away from cursing, hexing or any other destructive least until you have evolved yourself to a point where any such actions are not fueled by the ego and is ultimately for the greater good. Such acts should be very carefully considered.

3. Spend the majority of the time you invest into the occult on changing yourself. You can spend time changing your external world but would do that as a secondary least until the ego is mastered.

4. MEDITATE EVERY DAY. Master your mind. Get to know the mechanism of the ego and how it exerts control over you so you can see through the illusion. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOCUS YOU CAN HAVE. Learn how to do this AND use magick to change yourself and the external world and you will have achieved great heights spiritually. 

5. Seek to connect to your inner spirit guide so you stay on track with the purpose of your incarnation.

Im happy to hear that you will be focusing on your inner strength. It is important :)

Edited by Matt8800

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1 minute ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:

@Matt8800 if you develop enough siddhis couldn't you just magically make yourself enlightened? That's kind of the idea i have of what happens when people raise their kundalini to crown chakra, like the only way to undo the ego , the Maya what binds the spirit is to use supernatural powers to destroy the ego.

@AwakenedSoul444 Yes, but if you raise your kundalini before you have the courage to let the self die, it could create some difficulties. In the end, you still have to be willing to sacrifice the self, "your" life, "your" hopes and dreams, etc. Its important to understand some of the issues that Leo brings up in his dangers of awakening video.


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1 hour ago, Cykaaaa said:

@Matt8800 Thank you for the advice.

Regarding meditation, what type of meditation are you doing? The "do nothing", mindfulness meditation or what?

I've been meditating for 2 years, but I've stopped recently and replaced it with kriya yoga and concentration work (concentrating on the sense of my index finger and thumb touching - by the way, I heard you talk about concentrating on a dot on the wall, but is my type of practice sufficient too?).

Should I go back to my old meditation practice or can I do well enough with yoga and concentration?

@Cykaaaa I would stick with the concentration meditation and add vipassana to deconstruct the ego (the "noting method" is great).

Concentrating on a dot or a flame does more for you than it might seem. You should get to the point where you can sit and hold your mind free of thoughts in total awareness, at will. It builds up your muscle to drop thoughts as you choose. This is critical.

If you add body scanning meditation, that will build up your subtle bodies for future astral travel, shamanic journeying and clairvoyance. Dont listen to anyone that tells you there is no point to these abilities - they arent in a position to really have an opinion. It opens up a whole spiritual world most are unaware of. You might start experiencing psychic abilities but I would largely ignore them and just stick to the path and avoid grandiosity. Focusing on the sense of your touching fingers is a type of body scanning. Just move that sense around your whole body, limbs, fingers, toes, energetic centers, etc.

For transcending and mastering the ego, I would recommend continual studying Mastering the Core Practices of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchinanda.

For building your occult practice, read and study everything put out by Jason Miller and Aidan Wachter. Aidan has a great "Six Ways" page on FB. Learn about "left hand path" philosophy to balance out the instinctual "right hand path" tendencies (Lords of the Left Hand Path is a good overview). The key is balance, though, so be mindful of developing imbalances between love and power. Walk the middle path.

My personal recommendation is forget about Kriya and all the other things for now. Read, and reread every 12 months, all the above books and authors until you have them mastered.

Edited by Matt8800

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@Matt8800 Thanks for answering Matt :)

I have a few doubts left. 

1. Lets say I develop my abilities and get to contact Spirits. Will they come sometimes out of no where and be made noticible on my house? I don't want my family to get traumitized, lol. They are religious and have no idea about true spirituality yet.

2. Also, can't this become a distraction before Realization? I feel alot of attraction towards these things and kinda feel I may get lost in them. 

3. What has this served you? For example, has astral projection teached you something apart from opening your mind, if you have experienced it?

4. Do you have gurus on other realms? 

5. Lastly, I don't know if you are already liberated, but what would be the best combo practices and teachings to combine from your experience? For example, I practice presence for some time. After getting some stability I switch to Breath meditation. Then after being totally relaxed I switch to authentic meditation. And finally after being centered in awareness I switch to self Inquiry and contemplation (which is the one I have less experience with). 




Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Hi Matt, 

Great thread, haven't finished reading through it yet, but there is a wealth of information here. Turns out I'm actually an occultist, just didn't know it yet. I shall wear the label with pride from now on.

Which brings me to the sensitive question of outside perceptions. Have you ever been persecuted for your beliefs, practices and associations?

Reason I ask, is that I am involved in Tantra and work with the Anunnaki as well. I have found that the reception to that on more than one forum was outright hostile and in one case descended into a literal witch-hunt. I have been banished for life as a result. Interested to hear whether you fared better than me. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, that as a result of my above associations,  I was also accused by some more paranoid individuals of being an MK Ultra asset controlled by a CIA handler, who was sent to infiltrate said forum. Can't even make this stuff up...

I wonder how you handle such hostility and if you ever had to make a run for it, metaphorically speaking?

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On 12/1/2019 at 10:44 AM, Kalki Avatar said:

@Matt8800 Thanks for answering Matt :)

I have a few doubts left. 

1. Lets say I develop my abilities and get to contact Spirits. Will they come sometimes out of no where and be made noticible on my house? I don't want my family to get traumitized, lol. They are religious and have no idea about true spirituality yet.

2. Also, can't this become a distraction before Realization? I feel alot of attraction towards these things and kinda feel I may get lost in them. 

3. What has this served you? For example, has astral projection teached you something apart from opening your mind, if you have experienced it?

4. Do you have gurus on other realms? 

5. Lastly, I don't know if you are already liberated, but what would be the best combo practices and teachings to combine from your experience? For example, I practice presence for some time. After getting some stability I switch to Breath meditation. Then after being totally relaxed I switch to authentic meditation. And finally after being centered in awareness I switch to self Inquiry and contemplation (which is the one I have less experience with). 




@Kalki Avatar

1. No, it usually doesnt work like that. If spirits arent showing up unannounced to you now to your eyes, they probably wont later unless you do a ritual to evoke them.

2. The only things that are distractions are attachments and aversions. Some people will claim that any other path than the path they are on is a distraction but watch how they react when someone says they disagree with them on Trump, veganism, global warming, genders, etc. Some people dont believe in spiritual evolution other than just waking up. Waking up is not complicated; it just requires courage, which most people dont have. They lack the courage to let the self truly die and just distract themselves with their spiritual identities and practices to make themselves believe they are making progress. What I am proposing is that we should wake up AND continue our spiritual evolution. 

3. There is not enough room to fully answer that lol. Regarding astral projection, sometimes lost spirits need help and you can help them, your spirit guides will teach you things and heal you, etc, etc, etc.....

4. I have my inner guru that talks to me. I suppose "he" is in another realm.

5. I liberated myself 3 years ago. It was brutal but worth it. You must be willing to let the self die. I would suggest studying Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchinanda. Do concentration meditation to control your mind and Vipassana (also, the Noting Method is great) to see through the egoic mechanism. These things will lead you to awakening. For your spiritual evolution and growth on the occult path, read everything put out by Aidan Wachter and Jason Miller. That will be a great start.

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