
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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@Matt8800 You gotta try some 5-MeO-DMT.

It will blow your mind.

Total omniscience is possible.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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32 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

A highly evolved person, with the help of meditation and psychedelics, can get a glimpse of a corner of the tip of  infinite iceberg of the absolute truth but nobody will see or understand THE Absolute Truth. Its like the blind men feeling an elephant and trying to describe it. You might feel the hair on the tail but that is not the truth of the elephant.

I wouldn't be so quick to say that.  You can.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Matt8800 You gotta try some 5-MeO-DMT.

It will blow your mind.

Total omniscience is possible.

I would love to try it. Ive been trying to find some for over a year lol. Ill keep trying :) 

Edited by Matt8800

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

I wouldn't be so quick to say that.  You can.


@Inliytened1 If we are talking about the totality of the absolute truth, we will have to agree to disagree. Ill reserve final judgement until I can get my hands on some 5meo though :)

Edited by Matt8800

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32 minutes ago, tedens said:


What is your opinion about the existence of life in the universe?

Wow, thats a big one. I have no idea but I do believe that life forms everywhere if the environment is right - similar to crystal formation. Since water is common in the universe, I think there is a lot more life than most people could begin to guess....and that is just on the physical realm. The non-physical realms are populated too.

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20 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

@Matt8800 thoughts on time travel via siddhis/occult? 

There is no such thing as time outside of the physical realm. Ive heard stories of government remote viewers describing places what seemed to be incorrectly. Then they found out that they were properly described as they looked almost a century ago.

To go there physically, i would speculate that it is not probable but I hesitate to make any judgments at all any more lol.

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As a young child (like 6th grade) I started to get prophetic dreams. I would dream it then see it happen in real life. It was so shocking the first time it happened. They totally stopped within the year though from what i remember. Anyways...

1.Was this clairvoyance or...? 

2.What’s the explanation behind this and why did it happen? 

3.How do I get them back and are they even worth getting back? I get deja vü sometimes, but I don’t count it because it isn’t as clear as literally dreaming it then seeing it.

4.Also, what does this say about reality? If I dreamt it then saw it, is it possible that everything is predetermined? @Leo Gura talks about no free will, and that would make sense with prophetic dreams.

Would love to hear your thoughts. 

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6 hours ago, Matt8800 said:


Truthfully, I have no idea what is going on when spirits show up. When I wake up the next morning, my first thought is "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!?" I consider that I may be delusional but our direct experience is all we have to go on.

Do you want me to tell you "WHAT THE FXXK WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE ?!?!" 

from my religion's perspective...






Edited by Angelite

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49 minutes ago, Chrissy j said:


As a young child (like 6th grade) I started to get prophetic dreams. I would dream it then see it happen in real life. It was so shocking the first time it happened. They totally stopped within the year though from what i remember. Anyways...

1.Was this clairvoyance or...? 

2.What’s the explanation behind this and why did it happen? 

3.How do I get them back and are they even worth getting back? I get deja vü sometimes, but I don’t count it because it isn’t as clear as literally dreaming it then seeing it.

4.Also, what does this say about reality? If I dreamt it then saw it, is it possible that everything is predetermined? @Leo Gura talks about no free will, and that would make sense with prophetic dreams.

Would love to hear your thoughts. 

@Chrissy j sounds like premonitions. Its not uncommon for clairvoyants. I would recommend Keys to Perception by Ivo Dominguez.

I used to think there is no free will but now I think there is mostly no free will. Almost all of the things that most people do are a result of the ego, which is just an animalistic mechanism. As one masters their ego, there is something else that opens up.

What Ive seen is that we can choose our intention the more awake we are. Its the mechanistic ego that determines the actions and thoughts to execute on the intention. We direct our evolution based on our intention.

Edited by Matt8800

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12 minutes ago, Angelite said:

Do you want me to tell you "WHAT THE FXXK WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE ?!?!" 

from my religion's perspective...






Wow, there is so much at this point. Ive been digging into the occult for about a year now and it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. 

One situation is when I said god's name in my head while trying to heal my fiance and her strongly reacting when the healing energy shot into her body out of my hands. 

Ive seen spirits move things, my fiance has channeled them, my spirit guide has instructed me, etc...there is quite a bit at this point. Some of it is those "had to be there" things to fully appreciate how crazy it was.

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40 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Awesome thread Matt. ??

Thanks! :)

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51 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Awesome thread Matt. ??

I second that. Haven’t come along a quality thread like this in awhile

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Haven't had time to read this whole thread yet so this may have already been asked.  I have had one obstacle that has needed to be solved for several years, aside from that, all else is well, and am curious if you can help teach me an approach to this.  Since the start of this endeavour, when I first started connecting and being immersed in this beautiful pure type of existence/feeling/way the world looks, I would always encounter massive and very skillful intrustions of extremely nasty energy.  Nasty energy is the best way to describe, and beautiful energy im using to describe the pure heaven on earth type existence.

I have no way of knowing if this is just life happening, and the difficulties of avoiding ugliness from people, or if this is something else.  I always feel this pure beauty out in nature, and not around people.  When I was at my deepest of feeling that beauty, in a moment when it would spike, a nearby person would get triggered to talk about something horrible.  IF i went out to the woods and meditated deep into this beauty, when I came home, my family would have all the tvs in the house on some horrible show about something really nasty.  But after a large period of time mostly being in the beauty, the nasty energy came knocking on my door very loudly, and coming from all angles.  Constantly i would hear about the news, I would hear complaints, everyones body language and face and everything about them was putting off energy so terrible it hurt to be around people.  

I then took the approach to have a good effect on others when I have to be around them, which I am doing to this day and helps alot, as well as getting as much solitude as possible.  But to reverse the energy of everyone around me through me putting off good vibes with my understanding of it, feels like an insurmountable feat.  I have been working on that with my family my whole life and it has done alot of good but still to this day I can watch my parents feed off negative energy.  It seems deep inside i want to dwell in world of love and that good beautiful energy, and feel this is the truer purer reality, but I feel myself surrounded by massive insanity and dark angry energy.  My town itself i quite thick with it(although it has been getting better latelY)  

All I want in life are the tools to protect myself from this horrible energy which feels like some black nasty thing in my chest, that takes the beauty away from my vision. I am tired of this constant back and forth of finding my way back into the way of existence that feels like the way we truly deserve to live, then having so many forces of sad and hurt people unconsiously trying to bring me back into this worthless muted painful state of consiousness.  Can  you please help me learn how to keep myself, once established in the peace and beauty, competely immune from the painful and blinding energy, thats really all i need? Thanks :)


tldr: Need protection for me,soul,innerchild,feelings, all of that, from any influence that in any way removes me from the experience of, innocence, beauty, love, peace, truth.

Edited by Mulky
forgot to tag Matt

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On 22/08/2019 at 9:57 PM, Matt8800 said:

@Yog Yogis dont avoid occult powers; they just tell their devotees to avoid them. 

In Yoga, Tantra is basically the Indian version of the occult. They learn tantric powers from Tantrikas. 

The gurus learn these powers so they can attract devotees enamored by their powers. Then they tell their devotees to avoid the powers so the guru is always in a superior position.

If you watch the annual spiritual gathering at Kumbh Mela, the gurus line up and try to show off their powers and compete with each other to attract followers in many times very unevolved ways. Its all about ego. They say they have totally dissolved their ego but I call bullshit.

Can you share a link to watch?

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Could you give us some tips on using psychedelics such as shrooms and lsd?

What are some of the protocols you take when tripping?

How do you set intentions?

Do you perform any cleansing rituals beforehand, and must you stay within that space throughout the trip like some shamans claim?


Also, are there any occult practices in the days before tripping to prepare+after for integration?


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11 hours ago, Mulky said:

Haven't had time to read this whole thread yet so this may have already been asked.  I have had one obstacle that has needed to be solved for several years, aside from that, all else is well, and am curious if you can help teach me an approach to this.  Since the start of this endeavour, when I first started connecting and being immersed in this beautiful pure type of existence/feeling/way the world looks, I would always encounter massive and very skillful intrustions of extremely nasty energy.  Nasty energy is the best way to describe, and beautiful energy im using to describe the pure heaven on earth type existence.

I have no way of knowing if this is just life happening, and the difficulties of avoiding ugliness from people, or if this is something else.  I always feel this pure beauty out in nature, and not around people.  When I was at my deepest of feeling that beauty, in a moment when it would spike, a nearby person would get triggered to talk about something horrible.  IF i went out to the woods and meditated deep into this beauty, when I came home, my family would have all the tvs in the house on some horrible show about something really nasty.  But after a large period of time mostly being in the beauty, the nasty energy came knocking on my door very loudly, and coming from all angles.  Constantly i would hear about the news, I would hear complaints, everyones body language and face and everything about them was putting off energy so terrible it hurt to be around people.  

I then took the approach to have a good effect on others when I have to be around them, which I am doing to this day and helps alot, as well as getting as much solitude as possible.  But to reverse the energy of everyone around me through me putting off good vibes with my understanding of it, feels like an insurmountable feat.  I have been working on that with my family my whole life and it has done alot of good but still to this day I can watch my parents feed off negative energy.  It seems deep inside i want to dwell in world of love and that good beautiful energy, and feel this is the truer purer reality, but I feel myself surrounded by massive insanity and dark angry energy.  My town itself i quite thick with it(although it has been getting better latelY)  

All I want in life are the tools to protect myself from this horrible energy which feels like some black nasty thing in my chest, that takes the beauty away from my vision. I am tired of this constant back and forth of finding my way back into the way of existence that feels like the way we truly deserve to live, then having so many forces of sad and hurt people unconsiously trying to bring me back into this worthless muted painful state of consiousness.  Can  you please help me learn how to keep myself, once established in the peace and beauty, competely immune from the painful and blinding energy, thats really all i need? Thanks :)


tldr: Need protection for me,soul,innerchild,feelings, all of that, from any influence that in any way removes me from the experience of, innocence, beauty, love, peace, truth.

@Mulky Sounds like a classic parasitic astral entity to me. They create a situation of fear or negativity and then feed off the psychic energy that puts off. I believe that these entities are attracted to you because you are an easy lunch.

Im going to be real honest about what my intuition is telling me. You are a very loving person that is able to saturate yourself with beauty when you are around it BUT you have not developed the strength that you have been needing in your evolution. I believe this has been the case for multiple life times. Although love and beauty are very important, your main mission in this incarnation is to build your internal strength/power. 

These parasitic entities stay away from people with lots of internal power. If they do try to harass them, someone with internal power can just shoo them away. Right now, you are the prey. We either have prey energy or predator energy. You need to shift yourself to start building energies as a predator. What are you a predator of? Negativity, darkness, hatred, etc. Cultivate the mindset that these entities better stay away from you or they will suffer consequences BUT you need the power and the will to create those consequences. Know that you are loving but you will not tolerate anything fucking with you.

Ask your spirit guide if I am telling the truth. If I am, shift your spiritual life mission to align to what you are here to do. Develop a will of steel. Nothing will break you. Nothing will bend you unless you allow it.

First, make sure you have a healthy relationship with strength and power. Here is a post that I explained my thoughts on that - 

I also posted something about how to build strength - 


Add that to your daily practice. If you chronically low on internal strength, you will be able to summon up gratitude but will have a hard time transmuting that into strength. Thats OK. Keep doing it. It will work but it takes time. It will eventually change you into something you have never been before.

Develop your inner goddess. Do not invest more into building yourself into a goddess of love and beauty. You already have that. Spend the next several years (and probably the rest of your life) bringing out the goddess of strength and power. Consider this your life purpose in this incarnation because it probably is.

Remember, strength and power is not something you do to others - it is what you can do, and do, to and for yourself. Real strength doesnt have to be communicated to others to know it is there - it reveals and radiates itself from you. People feel it when they are around it. They get needed strength themselves just by being around you. Once you have it, you can lift others up and show them how to empower themselves. What does it mean to balance love and power? That is for you to find out on your journey. Ask your spirit guide to guide you and she will.

Also, study the yoga sutras of patanjali with commentary by swami satchianonda to master the ego. The ego robs one of real power and tries to establish fake power through just projecting the ego even more. This is the wrong direction. Make the yoga sutras your bible. Study it and follow it.

You may want to consider spending some time familiarizing yourself with witchcraft. It is a legitimate spiritual path. It empowers women (and men) and is a way of connecting very deeply to nature and mother earth.

Edited by Matt8800

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