
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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3 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Matt8800 can you explain how exactly you visualize,put energy into things and make things happen?..i can feel and draw energy through my spine so mybe i could do these things...

@NoSelfSelf Thats what learning this is all about. Because that could be such a long, nuanced response, I will give the short answer:

Visualizing is like a purposefully directed vivid daydream. You change and adjust the visualization according to your will. For example, lets say you visualize breathing in purifying light from above and filling you up. You visualize the light/power accumulating just below the navel in what the Taoists call the tandien. when you want to move the energy up your chest, down your arms and out your hands to heal someone, take another deep breath of light in and as you exhale slowly, you visualize the healing light moving down your arms, through your hands and into the person.

This may seem like it is just in your mind but I have done this without making any noise and when I get to the part where I visualize the energy flowing into them, I have had them jump up and yell because it was so strong.

To draw energy, visualize a cord dropping from your root chakra and burrowing into the earth until it reaches the center. See yourself drawing up this powerful earth energy up the back of your spine as you inhale. As you exhale, imagine light coming from the sun into your crown and down the front of you. Move the energy up the back and down the front with your breaths. This is a very ancient shaman technique that has been practiced all around the world.

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3 minutes ago, Ero said:

@Matt8800 How is a connection with a spiritual guide /entity established? Is there a direct way one can provoke communication with particular spiritual "profiles". Different for whatever question or inquiry you pose for example? 

@Ero there are whole books about that, such as spirit speak by ivo dominguez.

Chanting their name, offerings and prayers are good ways to establish a connection.

DO NOT do this with wrathful spirits unless you know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. Some people call up demons just to see what happens and they can get more than they bargained for.

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During my last LSD trip I was able to visualize a infinite source of love into existence. It was a white ring with about 20 cm diameter and it was black inside. Out of the ring there are raining down black square shaped "papers". It looked like papers but it was love that was raining down. It was in like 50 cm distance above my left eye and I could feel inhaling the love and I could feel the healing effect. Other than that my vision was normal.

Do you think it would be possible for me to do something like that in sober state with enough training?

I had previously one experience with a spirit. It was a long time ado I was like 11 years old but I will never forget it. I was walking alone in the morning to the bus stop. Suddenly I heard a whisper in my ear. It was maybe more like a hiss. I can not really remember what it said. But it was not speaking in regular sentences. I could only understand some words. It was a little bit scary but I actually enjoyed it a lot. I was really interested in it and wanted to feel it as much as I could. It was extremely fascinating and I could feel how the spirit influenced my mood. It is hard to describe. I wanted it to stay with me in contact even though it was kind of demonic but I could feel how my "power" increased as long as it was with me. As I got to the bus stop with other people around it slowly disappeared. I never encountered it again even though I sometimes hoped in the morning it would appear again.

Any explanation or comment on that event?

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@Matt8800 just reading this made me dizzy from energy im not even kidding...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, Ero said:

@Matt8800 (I moved what I edited from the previous post)

2. In your experience is rigorous practice the natural way to increase one's focus and visualisation ability?If there are rituals for it, their success dependant on your abilities, so it's kinda of a loop. You probably can create and exponential one. 


3. Existence is something deeply mysterious and mystical with probably unimaginable layers. What has helped you the most to transcend the human perception and realize what is outside of it? Are there ways in which we are limited? 

2. John Kreiter's book magnus opus has some exercises that can increase visualization and concentration. Concentration is best built with daily concentration meditation.

3. The biggest thing that helps me transcend human experience is combining concentration meditation, prayer, gratitude, love, acceptance, surrender and psychedelics. Combine those all at the same time and see what happens :) 

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1 hour ago, Calmness said:

During my last LSD trip I was able to visualize a infinite source of love into existence. It was a white ring with about 20 cm diameter and it was black inside. Out of the ring there are raining down black square shaped "papers". It looked like papers but it was love that was raining down. It was in like 50 cm distance above my left eye and I could feel inhaling the love and I could feel the healing effect. Other than that my vision was normal.

Do you think it would be possible for me to do something like that in sober state with enough training?

I had previously one experience with a spirit. It was a long time ado I was like 11 years old but I will never forget it. I was walking alone in the morning to the bus stop. Suddenly I heard a whisper in my ear. It was maybe more like a hiss. I can not really remember what it said. But it was not speaking in regular sentences. I could only understand some words. It was a little bit scary but I actually enjoyed it a lot. I was really interested in it and wanted to feel it as much as I could. It was extremely fascinating and I could feel how the spirit influenced my mood. It is hard to describe. I wanted it to stay with me in contact even though it was kind of demonic but I could feel how my "power" increased as long as it was with me. As I got to the bus stop with other people around it slowly disappeared. I never encountered it again even though I sometimes hoped in the morning it would appear again.

Any explanation or comment on that event?

Its difficult but you can get into some crazy states with intense enough concentration. Emotion and intention can be manipulated through ritual. When you combine those, interesting things happen.

Its hard to say what that spirit was because there are so many different types that can interact with you. You might be gifted in making servitors/artificial spirits. There are many things that you can do with them that are pretty amazing. I would suggest John Kreiters books on that.

You can create a spirit for the sole purpose of gathering up power/chi/prana and feeding it to you when you meditate. I did and it works amazing. :)

Edited by Matt8800

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   You mentioned that you traveled to your fiance's room. Can you explain what the experience is like? Like what have you seen, heard and felt during the journey?

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24 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   You mentioned that you traveled to your fiance's room. Can you explain what the experience is like? Like what have you seen, heard and felt during the journey?

I would if I could it would be like trying to explain what lsd feels like. I was in a very focused trance state while on dmt. At first, I just pictured myself vividly in her room. Then it took on a life of its own.

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17 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

I would if I could it would be like trying to explain what lsd feels like. I was in a very focused trance state while on dmt. At first, I just pictured myself vividly in her room. Then it took on a life of its own.

   That's very interested! I once can vividly remember a dream I had where I slowly flew in circles above a garden and I could see the garden in detail and in rich colors. I decided to go to this glass castle floating in the Clouds by teleporting there and I could feel how fast I was going it's crazy. This was about 10 years ago.

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if it is useful to you guys.

I follow the tantric tradition(unfortunately just self taught)

Here's a great book on it: Siddhas masters of nature.

some good practical meditation techniques and if healing is your thing this one is a gem

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1 hour ago, Matt8800 said:

Its difficult but you can get into some crazy states with intense enough concentration. Emotion and intention can be manipulated through ritual. When you combine those, interesting things happen.

Its hard to say what that spirit was because there are so many different types that can interact with you. You might be gifted in making servitors/artificial spirits. There are many things that you can do with them that are pretty amazing. I would suggest John Kreiters books on that.

You can create a spirit for the sole purpose of gathering up power/chi/prana and feeding it to you when you meditate. I did and it works amazing. :)

Thanks for the reply. That sounds definitely very intriguing. I will add the book to my read list.

How much do you think is creating spirits depended on if you are gifted vs. how much you train it? So could even a non gifted person learn it?

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12 minutes ago, Calmness said:

Thanks for the reply. That sounds definitely very intriguing. I will add the book to my read list.

How much do you think is creating spirits depended on if you are gifted vs. how much you train it? So could even a non gifted person learn it?

Its hard to know if you are gifted until you try. It is not the same talent as clairvoyants with psychic sight. My GF is a very gifted psychic but I am the one that seems to have the biggest knack for making these and summoning spirits.

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20 minutes ago, Calmness said:

@electroBeam Did you heal yourself/ others with techniques described in the book?

No. If you want to heal, I would contact siddha vasi healing and get a proper lesson.

For me the book had a lot of good info on Tantra yoga. If Tantra is your thing it's a great book.

It's hard to describe, it's just a completely different perspective to what people on here are exposed to.

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

No. If you want to heal, I would contact siddha vasi healing and get a proper lesson.

For me the book had a lot of good info on Tantra yoga. If Tantra is your thing it's a great book.

It's hard to describe, it's just a completely different perspective to what people on here are exposed to.

@electroBeam Tantra is basically the Indian version of the occult. If someone wants siddhis from an Indian tradition, Tantra is where to find it. 

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@Matt8800 What are you fave psychedelics? Do you notice differences between them such that some are better for certain purposes than others?

P.S. If you haven't tried DPT, that's one of the most occult-like psychedelics I've tried. You could probably do some amazing stuff with it. It's highly visionary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 hours ago, Jed Vassallo said:

Answer to that is easy. Gotta be a Magic Man. See Heart song for context. 

Love it.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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does your occult knowledge provide any absolute ideas about nutrition/health/use of drugs/position of wealth ?

I understand about focus + visualisation, but how should be the prior inner work ?


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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

P.S. If you haven't tried DPT, that's one of the most occult-like psychedelics I've tried. You could probably do some amazing stuff with it. It's highly visionary.

Leo i want to master Psychedelics, but first let me open up my Life Purpose

My Zone of Genius: Being Able to see Purity

Impact: To overwhelm people from all EXTRAORDINARY things that is really happening

Life Purpose: To See Purity and Engage in ACTUALITY to overwhelm people from all EXTRAORDINARY things that is really happening

Mastery: Psychedelics

(Can you help me, or be my mentor about psychedelics?)

i hope you can say something to what i am going to share..

i want to overwhelm people and to change how people see the ordinary i want to overwhelm people by giving actuality and purity of all extraordinary things that is happening,  to make people realize they are inside the extraordinary... i want to bring all of that until it  become a big picture to realize by people they are inside the extraordinary... right here right now is magical.. and i want to make them see the actuality of it.. imagine if i am alive The day while pyramid is constructing and i make people see that or i am alive every phase of evolution or the Mt. Kailash oh man!! Aside from mt . Kailash what is other possibilities that is happening here ?? Aside from mt kailash or manasarover i will bring big picture of everything to change how they see the world.. :( That is the reason i am so inspired and become even more overwhelmed because the moment i watched that i said to my self wtf!! Is this possible? And don't want to hear people someday that it is something mysterious well i will bring the actuality of it! And make them overwhelm, i vision that anything mysterious today and all the things that only some people know and experience some occult or magical or something extraordinary become normal someday and at the same time they actually grasp that, that is true and they know what that is.. and they know where they are is not ordinary. that they will not underestimate where they are living , imagine if you see other people doing for example , astral projection  in a classroom manifesting in different ways and unique ways of doing it.. or people see others different kinds of lucid dreaming isnt it powerful and overwhelming... my child and his classmates talk about they did last night or see yesterday the actality of something extraordinary



.... other extraordinary stuffs happening for example peoples ability that is extraordinary they manifest it and express it and they they get money from it ..the people now see and ingrained or rewired to their mind and brain that possibility and accepted by society   they expressing the magic of this life and people change how they see the world is .... it is not for survival pr do things mechanically but to see manifestation of spiritual and experience this life in a powerful way.. they will not limit this life and nature...i am imagining i will gather all people manifest unique abilities and also that ability can be use to have their income and make people see it and to make them realize that they underestimate their ordinary life i want to create a big picture into reality did you get this? a big pictureeeeee of extraordinarythings... i am planning that even aliens i want to make people see aliens ofcourse with the use of psychedelics.... the ACTUALITYYYYY AND PUREEEENESS.. i want tomake that happen that they will see themselves a celestial being manifesting spiritual stuffs.. that being human is super.... i want to revolutionize how they look this ordinary into extraordinary...


so i want to master psychedelics because there is actuality there and pureness of it..., there is so much possibilities in psychedelics i know how powerful psychedelics is... i want to discover many parts of reality that it is unknown or if that is known to some i can go there and meet the actuality of it  to learn it and know things and know everything i need to know , it is so powerful that i will save centuries or even greater to read or to  know everything i need to know for this life purpose.. and to bring all of that to people to picture out in a big picture way that they will change how they see the world, i also want to bring people to other planets using psychedelics you save time millions of years to build spaceship to go to other planets or to meet aliens... ihope you see my vision... i cannot say everything but that is the little vision i have because it is hard for me to comprehend right now but  i hope you grasp it somehow... or have a glimpse of it the more i try it slips to my mind.... that is my problem it slips ...


to be honest i don't know where it will lead me.. even i have a vision idk where it could lead me.. i see different oppurtunities for me and possibilities... even you! I know yes you are guided by your vision but something revealed to you and now the future somehow change, but still you are here but the universe open up some things that you do not see it coming, somethings and it is inevitable hahaha!! 

Edited by John Iverson

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Matt8800 What are you fave psychedelics? Do you notice differences between them such that some are better for certain purposes than others?

P.S. If you haven't tried DPT, that's one of the most occult-like psychedelics I've tried. You could probably do some amazing stuff with it. It's highly visionary.

@Leo GuraMy fav is definitely dmt although mdma is powerful also. 

Once a month, my fiance and I set up a room with lights, music, etc and do some mdma. She dresses up cute and we just sit and talk and kiss for a couple hours. It does amazing things for a relationship.

Once we start coming down from the mdma a bit, we still our minds and shift our consciousness. Then we smoke some dmt loaded into the first third of a joint sitting next to each other in silence (with music still going). We do not look at each other and turn our focus on experiencing this exact present moment as it flows. I usually have a statue of the god thoth, buddha or shiva in front of us. After we smoke, we stare intensely at the statue. There is something unique about that drug combination that will catapult you into a completely different world when your consciousness shifts. If you ever do that, when you feel the shift, focus harder. When you think you have gone as far as you can, know there is much deeper to go. The objective world you see will start to look like a hologram, which is the only way I can explain it. Even for someone that is experienced with psychedelics will likely find themselves in a world unlike anything theyve experienced before.

This is the space that we have had powerful manifestations of spirits and angels that have visited us and spoken to us. Once, we were outside in nature doing this and she channeled mother earth and we had a long, amazing conversation that started my relationship with mother earth.

Once I am done talking to the spirits (usually through her), I thank the spirits and tell them they can go in peace. Then, still in the trance state, we start kissing and touching but no talking. The focus is keeping the trance state with the ego dissolved and focus on manifesting pure and intense love. With no ego whatsoever, our higher Selves are connecting directly. Sex like this feels very sacred and holy. We have experimented with some sex magick where you breathe energy into your partners body and we have experienced sex on the astral realm in our astral bodies (VERY intense).

I know you arent a fan of ketamine because of its addictive potential but we like to add a very small amount to the mix - about 15-20mg. This gives it a very interesting "color".

When you mentioned DPT, I tried to get some but was scammed :( I'll have to try again if I can find a source but Id love to try it.

Edited by Matt8800

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