
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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17 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

@Danioover9000 That would be a long post that wouldnt do it justice. There are a lot of different methods but the book I mentioned by Ivo Dominguez explains some of that. Then it would be a matter of experimenting yourself.

Usually each point of a pentagram represents earth, air, water and fire as the lower points. The upper point represents spirit, which presides over matter. Inverted stars are sometimes used by black magicians as representing that matter takes precedent over spirit.

   Thanks for your reply man!

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@Matt8800 I'm not interested in learning "skills".

tho, could you tell me why i have a demon in my dreams? past lives? my allergy to some fruits like peach? (carnal) and my mother? as well as my grand-mother, always in the rush.

ty very much!

i don't know if you can decode this, but i wanted to ask still...

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4 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

@Esoteric Thank you for the kind words :)

One book on Tantra that I love, and does a great job of putting desire and experience in a healthy and fulfilling spiritual perspective is: Desire - the Tantric path to awakening.

@Matt8800 Yes, I own the book actually but I haven't started it yet. I like Daniel Odier, I will definitely go through his practicial books. I have bought Kreiter's book on the Magnus Opus as well and have taken note on other books you have recommended here. There are just TOO many interesting books to read lol. I am currently going through Michael Donald Kraig's output. And I also want to get deeper into the Kabalah. I am very drawn to the Sephiroht. Books you need tend to naturally present themselves at the right time :) This thread is great btw! 

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20 hours ago, Ero said:

@Matt8800 I loved every single post of yours^_^.Here it goes:


6. I've influenced animals (dogs in particular) with my intention. It was one or two times, but was not repeated after. I previously feared dogs because of a few attacks when I was little (still got scars). This was 3 years back, on a physics summer camp in the mountain and there was an old monastery with a few dogs. One of them started to bark at me when I passed by. It was like I tried to force my will upon it, whilst directly looking at it.The dog got so furious even the people in the monastery couldn't ease it (but it never stepped further than where it was previously). A woman from there told me that it has never reacted like that before - from her words it is very friendly to strangers. Why is it that happened only when I hated them?


I am scared of dogs too.

They can see bad spirit. Actually cat too can see bad spirit. When they act unusual, I know there is an evil spirit. Usually they will try to protect you and scares the evil spirit away. 

Maybe you have something attached to you?

Edited by Angelite

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7 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

Thats a misunderstanding of the word "Adonai".


There are other words that point roughly to the same thing, like Brahmam. To say another god created Brahman is a misunderstanding of what the word means.

I choose the word Adonai because it is a Jewish word that has been integral in their very powerful magickal tradition for thousands of years. Words can carry magickal charges, just like sacred places. Because of how the word has been used, it has an extremely powerful charge to it.





I have thought about this yesterday. For me it would be Allah then.. I thought the jewish call Allah Elohim.. 

Sometime ago, I met a healer randomly. He told me that there are two kinds of forces. He heal by Allah's name through the angelic realms. 

But you use servants? 

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What are the limits of magic? Where do your abilities stop?

I'm sorry. I don't believe you. Although I have experienced some healing abilities, I could relieve myself from pain, to a certain degree, using my focused intention.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Skeptic here, I dont believe in the paranormal but I still find the subject fascinating, it just seems that, in the end, most of these things end up being easily debunked.

Is there anyway you can prove these powers to me? 

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Not trying to make fun or hijack the thread or anything.

With all seriousness, why not simply use a phone instead of spending years developing telepathic abilities? I mean I know telepathy sounds cool, but come on!

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@Matt8800 Have you thought about going to visit the Tantrics in India? What are your thoughts on reports from books like those of Carlos Castaneda and also of theories of siddhis from those of Ancient Egypt?

@Leo Gura there are even stories of Sadhguru in his prior past life of using an occult practice where he had a kid walk on water. As said in his biography. Thought it was worth noting. Even Om Swami is said to have these siddhis and powers and much more. Such as healing, levitating, etc. 

I definitely noticing a correlation between many yogic saints and mystics in the past in present who always seem to levitate in high states of samadhi where they have deep feelings of love and bliss. Just an observation.  

I also know Shunyamurti is actually having an upcoming retreat all around White Magic and siddhis. 

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Siddhis are definitely a thing.

When it comes to skeptics here, they are the deluded ones.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@kieranperez That's interesting. 

I did not know Sadhguru openly speaks about siddhis. I will have to read his biography. 

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@Matt8800 Is it possible one can gain control over the elements such as fire and air-to the point where you could will a flame into existence? How would one go about mastering this? 

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11 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

Some people demarcate between white and black magick but I think that is a false distinction. The Dalai Lama has Tibetan black magicians that protect him and the Tibetan cause. Many people say white magick is when you use magick just for spiritual evolution and black magick is magick used for egoic means. I dont think it is that simple. We must all earn money to live. If you have a job, does that mean you have an unhealthy attachment to money? Maybe and maybe not. Does the income you make determine your attachment? If you make a million dollars a year, is it an egoic attachment? No necessarily. I would suggest reading the Baghavad Gita and the story of Arjuna struggling with hard decisions to kill people in war and what Lord Shiva told him. Its not what you do but why you do it. That is what determines karma imo.

Sometimes traumatic experiences create dark entities that attach to us. I know a guy that was raped as a child that this happened to. Yes, they can be cleansed but it takes some focused work. Concentrating the mind through concentration meditation daily and continual purification through dissolving attachments and aversions is a great start. Once you dissolved the ego through concentration meditation and/or psychedelics, tell your spirit guide that you are reaching out to a relationship and you need guidance. Requests for help involving spiritual evolution and purification are never ignored.

My powers come from total surrender to the divine and granted by the divine.

1. Work on concentrating the mind and go deep in your complete acceptance of reality as it is. Dissolve attachments and aversions by seeing through the ego construct with your increasingly concentrated mind.

2. After you have integrated radical acceptance of ALL there is, surrender to the divine. This is a continual process of surrendering. FEEL yourself completely surrendering when you meditate. 

3. Once you surrender, now you have to build a relationship with the "thing" you are surrendering to. That is between you and the divine. Dont underestimate prayers of devotion and simple offerings like incense, etc. Your will has to be completely surrendered to its will.

4. If you are completely surrendered, you will only desire power because it is a part of your spiritual evolution and to manifest the Divine will, not because of what it does for the ego or your personal will. Carefully consider and search your motivations.

There should be more of these topics on the forum. 

Yes I agree with the million dollar business example. I do see that there is nothing wrong with pursuing success that can bring in wealth to my life. However, I was adviced  to stay away from using magic to pursue such a goal. Like the "desire manifestation " or "law of attraction" techniques.  Maybe it is not that simple like you say and i should broader my perspective on  this topic. 

The bhagavad gita is an interesting case as the war is a myth. It is about the spiritual seekers journey inward as the divine (krishna) guides and instructs the soul/individual (arjuna) to face his mind ( the battlefield). Thats how  I interpret it, but got your point across and will contemplate on it. 


Also, i made a "misstake" a year ago. I made an action that let me say"opened the gate of influence to the negative side". Now I am being influenced from both left and right, negative and positive. It is slightly chaotic as I have only been living the positive side and only now felt the breath of life on my left body/mind/spirit side. I have heard  that beings/teachers from the left do not care about free will and some are whispering the word gay in my left ear (haha), creating energetic chaos and others offer (or giving it by force) knowledge that I ask for. And why do I think I should shun them, are we all not one? They have their wisdom to share. Like the story of black and white, I have played the game of being white going against the black not realising that we all are both black and white. That's why I get affected by them, as I am creating a opposition for them to "attack"me. I think they are here to show my bias as being the" rightous white knight" won't work anymore at the realm of unity. So reintrigration of both sides is key now on my path as I see it. 

Anyway, I will try out the excercises you gave me and thank you for the answers on the previous post. 



Edited by Wlangr

   "The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."

--The Kybalion.

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3 hours ago, The Blind Sage said:

@Matt8800 Is it possible one can gain control over the elements such as fire and air-to the point where you could will a flame into existence? How would one go about mastering this? 

Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.. 

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Siddhis are definitely a thing.

Science is a much bigger and better thing.

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2 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

Science is a much bigger and better thing.

Ha. ha. ha.

Current science is a joke from the standpoint of understanding what reality is.

If you want to build a flying toaster, science is great.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Siddhis are only one way to interpret reality, just like science.

Science simply tends to be more practical and tangible. Let's not deny the obvious.

Science is magic!

Edited by Truth Addict

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10 hours ago, Soulbass said:

@Matt8800 I'm not interested in learning "skills".

tho, could you tell me why i have a demon in my dreams? past lives? my allergy to some fruits like peach? (carnal) and my mother? as well as my grand-mother, always in the rush.

ty very much!

i don't know if you can decode this, but i wanted to ask still...

A clairvoyant or medium would know a lot better than me. I would suggest finding someone skilled with those talents. If you arent interested in developing the skills to protect and cleanse yourself, you will need to find someone that can do it for you.

Sometimes it can be from traumatic experiences. I know a guy that sees a demon sitting on his shoulder every time he does psychedelics. The demon was created and attached to him when he had been raped as a child. There are a myriad of reasons that could cause this.


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10 hours ago, Esoteric said:

@Matt8800 Yes, I own the book actually but I haven't started it yet. I like Daniel Odier, I will definitely go through his practicial books. I have bought Kreiter's book on the Magnus Opus as well and have taken note on other books you have recommended here. There are just TOO many interesting books to read lol. I am currently going through Michael Donald Kraig's output. And I also want to get deeper into the Kabalah. I am very drawn to the Sephiroht. Books you need tend to naturally present themselves at the right time :) This thread is great btw! 


I started with Kraig's book also. Its very valuable in learning the concepts but ceremonial magick, although effective, can be a bit rigid. After you go through that, get a book on chaos magick to balance it out. 

I love that Kabalah teaches about balancing the polarities. Many eastern tradition followers embrace love and reject strength. Kabalah says one should strike a balance.

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