
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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46 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Is witchcraft and the occult the only modern path that empowers feminine spiritual power? There are a bunch of things clicking into place now. It's almost hilarious and a bit unsettling. I saw through this defense during my awakening but I put my old beliefs back in place to keep myself safe.

The tantric path also empowers the feminine. And no it is not about sex, there are some rituals that were about sex and this was packaged and marketed in the west as that. So here, when you hear the word Tantra you make associations to sex. Just like when you hear Yoga you think about stretching poses.

Look up Shaiva Tantra. Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Wallis is a great book about this old tradition. Of course this tradition has been demonized in the east as well because of what you bring up in your post. From what I understand tantrics are seen as weirdos and outcasts in India by the more traditional hindu systems. 

Edited by Esoteric

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3 minutes ago, Esoteric said:

The tantric path also empowers the feminine. And no it is not about sex, there are some rituals that were about sex and this was packaged and marketed in the west as that. So here, when you hear the word Tantra you make associations to sex. Just like when you hear Yoga you think about stretching poses.

Look up Shaiva Tantra. Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Wallis is a great book about this old tradition. Of course this tradition has been demonized in the east as well because of what you bring up in your post. From what I understand tantrics are seen as weirdos and outcasts in India by the more traditional hindu systems. 

YES, I came across that recently in a Rupert Spira video but had put it out of my mind. There's something feminine about manifestation, a link to giving birth to creation. Tantra is the everything isness side. I'll look it up Shaiva Tantra, thank you! I'm reminded of my humpty dumpty analogy, this understanding awakening stuff is always about pulling pieces from traditions and myths all across the world to put together. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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3 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

YES, I came across that recently in a Rupert Spira video but had put it out of my mind. There's something feminine about manifestation, a link to giving birth to creation. Tantra is the everything isness side. I'll look it up Shaiva Tantra, thank you! I'm reminded of my humpty dumpty analogy, this understanding awakening stuff is always about pulling pieces from traditions and myths all across the world to put together. 

I am deeply fascinated by it, along with traditions that @Matt8800 has brought up. I have done banishing rituals daily thanks to him that are truly life changing for me.


Back to Tantra. It is an amazing tradition that fuses Shiva (the vibrationsless void) with Shakti (energy/vibration). I have not found another tradition that is so incredibly rich and beautiful.

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19 hours ago, Angelite said:

@Matt8800 I pray to the Creator of you and Adonai. 

Thats a misunderstanding of the word "Adonai".

There is no definition of Adonai. It is simply a sound that human apes can utter out of their ape mouths that point to a non-dual reality with infinite intelligence. It points to the Source, the One, the All. Whatever that is, that is what Adonai points to.

There are other words that point roughly to the same thing, like Brahmam. To say another god created Brahman is a misunderstanding of what the word means.

I choose the word Adonai because it is a Jewish word that has been integral in their very powerful magickal tradition for thousands of years. Words can carry magickal charges, just like sacred places. Because of how the word has been used, it has an extremely powerful charge to it.


20 hours ago, Angelite said:

It is not worth it. When you are on your deathbed, you will know why. 

We'll have to agree to disagree :)

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18 hours ago, Angelite said:

My religion teache me about the existence of these spirits instead:)

Introducing me to the bad and the good.

With complete guidance. 

@Angelite Im happy for you :)

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18 hours ago, Yog said:

@Matt8800 Thanks for the info man. I'll look into the books. I was about to search for some anyway. You showed up at the right time.
How long have you been doing this ?

Also what are your thoughts on creating/disolving a tulpa
Does that seem unethical in some manner, to create a life form, than kill it off.
Its a thought form, a simple program but regardless of it, it still has some sophisticated consciousness.


Ive been studying it for a year but when I study something, I go hardcore. I read about 3 hours a day and do my practices and meditation about 1.5 hours a day.

Thats a very complicated question. We usually associate death with the end of the body. In this case, it has no body so defining death for it is difficult.

I lean towards believing that the servitor/tulpa is actually a part of creator that gets reintegrated when it is dissolved. I have heard that they have no eternal spirit nor can they evolve.

One of my spirits did express a concern that he would be discarded once I am done with him. Since I dont know for sure whether he can continue to evolve on his own, I told him that I would give him a chance to continue to exist but he has to do it my way. I am going to build him a home in the astral realm that is surrounded by immense beauty and give him a pet that loves him. Im curious if he can integrate love and beauty into his being. if so, i think love and beauty are necessary for the healthy evolution of benevolent spirits. Besides, he is tasked with doing some things that some might consider black magick and I dont want him to develop a taste for causing unnecessary suffering and destruction.

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18 hours ago, Angelite said:

@Matt8800 you are a spirit too. But when you ask for the 'servants' to help you, it will create attachement. You will have a hard time dying. (Physical death). They won't allow you to go as easily. 

With every one truth that they say to you, 100 lies will be added to it. 

Usually the one that manifest into our reality is not a good one. The good one will not bother you. When you ask for one, you already become their servant. 

We'll have to agree to disagree on that also :)

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17 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@Leo Gura How You are not getting this. List your heart desires. Pure Selfless desires. It will not Come immeditelly. Good for ALL, remember. Reality Will reconfigure by time because it has to take into account desires of "other" ONES.

Love ya hope it helps. 

Anyone that thinks they get this doesnt get it. It is way beyond our ability to understand.

It takes more than listing the desires. Also, one can also manifest purely selfish desires if they know how to manifest selfless desires.

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17 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@Leo GuraYou are dealing with Pure Perfection and totality. You are not separated from Universal Mind right now, You are it only problem is that subtle limiting beleifs That You have.

This stuff is Tricky and very deep. 

You are not separated from the universal mind while simultaneously you are separated. The occult recognizes that non-duality AND duality both exist and they are both divine.

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15 hours ago, Wlangr said:

What is white magic and black magic and where goes the line between the two? 

Heard that sorcery is just just mental and spiritual faculties applied for selfish manner. This definition is of course different from community to community, what is your definition? 


Anyway, how does one know if someone has an entity attachment? 

I had a dubious and unlawful hobby many years back. When i decided to quit and held that decision for many months. A  Liqueur like black astral goo ejected out of my liver and went through the wall opposite of the room. Thats why I believe in this sort of stuff cause I have seen it. 

And, like a moth attracts to a lamp. We spiritual people sometimes attract negative demonic entities toward ourself. Maybe the universe wants balance of dark and light? How does one identify these beings? If I know they are present, how do I get rid of them? Banishing ritual? Personal shadow work and it will dissappear by itself? I'm talking about entities that have gone past the human experience into higher dimension but choose a negative path. 


Back in the days occultism was synonym with esotericism. Clearly the definition has changed and has a negative connotation to it. 

Did you yourself activate your powers or did someone else for you? 

About the mystic/psychic:

Psychic is the passive instrument of foreign influences, the mystic actively controls himself and all inferior potencies. They are the opposites of the same pole. Do you agree? 

Edit: never mind the entities, how do I get more powerful? Any advice or something to read? 

Some people demarcate between white and black magick but I think that is a false distinction. The Dalai Lama has Tibetan black magicians that protect him and the Tibetan cause. Many people say white magick is when you use magick just for spiritual evolution and black magick is magick used for egoic means. I dont think it is that simple. We must all earn money to live. If you have a job, does that mean you have an unhealthy attachment to money? Maybe and maybe not. Does the income you make determine your attachment? If you make a million dollars a year, is it an egoic attachment? No necessarily. I would suggest reading the Baghavad Gita and the story of Arjuna struggling with hard decisions to kill people in war and what Lord Shiva told him. Its not what you do but why you do it. That is what determines karma imo.

Sometimes traumatic experiences create dark entities that attach to us. I know a guy that was raped as a child that this happened to. Yes, they can be cleansed but it takes some focused work. Concentrating the mind through concentration meditation daily and continual purification through dissolving attachments and aversions is a great start. Once you dissolved the ego through concentration meditation and/or psychedelics, tell your spirit guide that you are reaching out to a relationship and you need guidance. Requests for help involving spiritual evolution and purification are never ignored.

My powers come from total surrender to the divine and granted by the divine.

1. Work on concentrating the mind and go deep in your complete acceptance of reality as it is. Dissolve attachments and aversions by seeing through the ego construct with your increasingly concentrated mind.

2. After you have integrated radical acceptance of ALL there is, surrender to the divine. This is a continual process of surrendering. FEEL yourself completely surrendering when you meditate. 

3. Once you surrender, now you have to build a relationship with the "thing" you are surrendering to. That is between you and the divine. Dont underestimate prayers of devotion and simple offerings like incense, etc. Your will has to be completely surrendered to its will.

4. If you are completely surrendered, you will only desire power because it is a part of your spiritual evolution and to manifest the Divine will, not because of what it does for the ego or your personal will. Carefully consider and search your motivations.

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15 hours ago, herghly said:

Interesting. What about the yoga sutras? Yoga seems to have a long history of powers. 


From the traditions you mentioned which would you recommend us to study? I might begin with Taoism.

I love the Yoga Sutras of Patangali. Master and concentrate the mind and get the ego under control and the true Self will awaken. As the yoga sutras point out, this leads to natural abilities starting to show themselves. Id start here.

Taoism is a powerful tradition and a good one to study. I study a bit of all of them but I usually get the best resources from the Occult because it incorporates the best and most powerful of all the energetic traditions. For example, the Taoist microcosmic orbit meditation is used by a lot of occultists to raise power.

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14 hours ago, Ero said:

@Matt8800 I loved every single post of yours^_^.Here it goes:

1. Do you feel conscious and emotional development has an enhancing/ deepening effect on siddhis and paranormal abilities? I had the realization that one can go only as deep as his consciousness allows him. Utilizing the metaphysical from a place of scarcity and fear is a lot different than channeling the divine, that's for sure.

2. I've always had extremely strong visions (they are not purely visual) that have served to me as guidance - symbolic images, particular vibes/energies (archaic, cosmic, timeless - to name a few) and strong gut feelings. Intuition, that is the word. They are always accompanied with the absolute certainty of their significance. Sometimes provoked spontaneously, other times by particular buildings or places in nature. Other times from breathwork and meditation. What is interesting is that they forsee the future - not in content, but in the underlying conscious state I'll be in. Like what does that sound to you?

3. Dreams are a very significant part of my life. I previously had prophetic dreams, but that slowly started to turn to more mystical experiences - I've had Awakenings and experiences of Unity, Godhood and the Divine within my dreams, particular deeply symbolic dreams (several I'll unpack for years, one for decades-the one bellow) , in which I've had telepathic connection with entities. In one instance (the most intense one-this is just part of the whole dream) I perceived an old wise man, a mystic, who gave me telepathically literal directions on what to do as he was giving me a purple crystal on a gold chain. Other times my dreams are very, very vivid (to the extent that the duality of real-illusory started to dissolve). What is your understanding of dreams? Additionally, something interesting is that sometimes I forget such dreams, but they come back when I've realized that in the waking moment. What could that be?

4. I had a few mental breakdowns, one of which was similar to paranoid schizophrenia. I was seeing shadow forms and entities in the dark and maybe around 2 times got whispers in my ears (never happened to me before and scared the shit out of me the first time around). In both instances my name was called. The first time was by a woman, the second time by a man. This was around a year back maybe. Hasn't happened again. I wasn't that afraid, but rather deeply intrigued. 

5. I've had experiences of connecting and communicating (empathically) with trees and the forest as a whole. Was not a form of telepathy, but rather a shared experience. What's your knowledge on this?

6. I've influenced animals (dogs in particular) with my intention. It was one or two times, but was not repeated after. I previously feared dogs because of a few attacks when I was little (still got scars). This was 3 years back, on a physics summer camp in the mountain and there was an old monastery with a few dogs. One of them started to bark at me when I passed by. It was like I tried to force my will upon it, whilst directly looking at it.The dog got so furious even the people in the monastery couldn't ease it (but it never stepped further than where it was previously). A woman from there told me that it has never reacted like that before - from her words it is very friendly to strangers. Why is it that happened only when I hated them?

7. A lot of occultists freely experiment with libido and sexual practices. In our culture we dismiss those desires as just "wanting to reproduce", yet of course that is just an indirect story we tell ourselves. I have an intuition that there's a deeper energetic and emotional dynamic. What sources could you recommend for me to familiarize with?

8. I've always had very strong intuitions about the potential in some area of life. Like the connection between consciousness and physical and mental conditions. One such intuition is connected with science (I'm fascinated by physics-I'll study it, math, astrophysics, linguistics, archeology, geography, history and so on). It'll be hard for me to word it, but I don't mean at all the current paradigm, rather the driven inquiry within the dualistic world, whilst being aware of the divine. Not searching for Truth in the physical world, because I've transcended that dynamic, but rather the pure awe and curiosity that I have with everything. It's very similar to what you speak of the Occult sciences. They're not attaching to either side of the paradox. Could you elaborate more, because I feel it has a connection to that intuition of mine. 

9. What is your knowledge of other dimensions? In my visions I sometimes get glimpses from them. Those that are metaphysically similar and those that are entirely different. I'm sometimes extremely drawn to them. This is probably since I remember. 

I know my questions are personalized, I hope it ain't a problem:D. Love what you're doing.

1. Absolutely.

2. That sounds like premonitions.

3. Shamanism works a lot with dreams. If you dream a lot, i would get some books on shamanism and experiment.

4. You might have natural clairvoyant abilities. Many entities like to create fear or doubt, which puts out a burst of psychic energy. Then they can feed off it like parasites. Clairvoyants are susceptible to this. Id suggest studying witchcraft or Wicca if you want to manage it.

5. Very common for witches and Wiccans. They are very connected with nature and mother earth. I think you would be a natural for either tradition and would probably find great benefit and spiritual growth.

6. I personally believe that dogs (and many other animals) have a form of psychic abilities where they can intuit intention.

7. Sex puts out powerful energy so there are sex magick practices. They are also in Tantra. I havent experimented with them much but they are interesting. I think societies "rules" about sex are nonsense and certainly dont apply to me. With that said, I think sex should be treated as sacred and holy, whatever that means to the individual.

8. The best resource to explain this full is a book called "Desire, the tantric path to awakening". Anyone that believes that desire and experience is always without value should keep an open mind until they read the book. Basically, it is about absorbing the maximum amount of love and beauty for spiritual fulfillment and evolution. I include beautiful experiences in "beauty". I dont reject beautiful experience, I embrace it.

9. A clairvoyant "sees" and a mystic "feels". I feel other realms but it is just the very tip of an infinite iceberg so its hard to define it.

Thanks for the kind words :)

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12 hours ago, Socrates said:

@Matt8800 What are some common hints people with undeveloped paranormal abilities get, to develop them?

@Socrates If you're a natural mystic, you might not be able to develop clairavoyant abilites to the extent other do that have that natural gift.

With that said, I try to develop all my abilities - including the ones that dont come natural to me. 

There are three books I would highly recommend:

keys to perception by ivo dominguez

Magnus Opus by John Kreiter

Out of body experiences by John Kreiter

Edited by Matt8800

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11 hours ago, mandyjw said:


Hmm.. you've really got me thinking. I'm very aware of the evils of Christianity, being on the receiving end of them has been a family tradition. Could my resistance be remnants of my moralizing ego? The church has always been terrified of feminine spiritual energy, they believe it's of the devil. The snake spoke to Eve, meaning woman is inherently filled with kundalini energy. Then as you've noticed, Buddhism carries on the tradition of honoring the masculine in its own way. Is witchcraft and the occult the only modern path that empowers feminine spiritual power? There are a bunch of things clicking into place now. It's almost hilarious and a bit unsettling. I saw through this defense during my awakening but I put my old beliefs back in place to keep myself safe.

Thank you. 


@mandyjw Yes, Christianity does not like feminine spiritual energy at all. Embrace it! If our evolution is eternal, your eventual destiny is of a Goddess. You are literally a goddess in the making. It is your birthright so go take it! There is oppressive energy towards women in this world. Reject it!

You ask about traditions other than witchcraft, which makes me assume there is still some aversion to witchcraft- even though you probably dont know why. Give yourself permission to think for yourself and to create yourself. Dont believe the lies that are meant to limit you. Go find out for yourself.

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11 hours ago, tsuki said:

@Matt8800 You said somewhere (I'm paraphrasing) that you are asking the absolute to speak/act on its behalf and it grants you the authority to, let's say - do the miracles. In my personal experience with siddhis that are confirmed by what I have read on the subject, these requests have to come from a non-egoic place and are, hmm... synonymous? with ego death.

My question is: how do you prevent this personal relationship with the Absolute from forming into spiritual megalomania?
Traditionally, it is done by the practice of devotion to a guru, or at least the recognition of superiority of another magician, like, let's say - Jesus if you are a Christian. Do you practice such a thing?

Its been a process of dissolving the ego through meditation. After that, you must journey through acceptance and fully incorporate it. By the time true surrender comes, there is not enough of an ego left to be much of a problem. If you are going to use powers for your own ego, that is not much of a surrender.

I was concerned about some of this also and asked the divine how I would know when it is ok to use the power. The response I got back was, "if you are truly my faithful servant that is surrendered, you will know". I believe it is a part of my evolution to make the decisions to use the power for the Divine Will. I will answer for it if I use it incorrectly, assuming it is even possible to have power if it is attempted to use incorrectly.

If you have a direct relationship with the divine, why would you need a guru? The divine will tell you all you need to know.

The stages are like this:

1. Total Acceptance (aversions and attachments)

2. Total Surrender

3. Start building a relationship with whatever you are surrendering to (that is for you to find out) through prayer, devotion and offerings.

I cannot begin to explain where this will take you. To say it is amazing is ridiculously understated.

The power is in the surrender. No surrender, little power. Big surrender, big power. Also, the surrendered are protected.

Edited by Matt8800

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10 hours ago, Esoteric said:

I am deeply fascinated by it, along with traditions that @Matt8800 has brought up. I have done banishing rituals daily thanks to him that are truly life changing for me.


Back to Tantra. It is an amazing tradition that fuses Shiva (the vibrationsless void) with Shakti (energy/vibration). I have not found another tradition that is so incredibly rich and beautiful.

@Esoteric Thank you for the kind words :)

One book on Tantra that I love, and does a great job of putting desire and experience in a healthy and fulfilling spiritual perspective is: Desire - the Tantric path to awakening.

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@Matt8800Thanks for taking your time to answer questions here!

I'm finding this really interesting. I will purchase the books your mentioned

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   Hi there!

   Could you explain what divination is? As well as give a basic walkthrough of doing a divination? I'm curious.

   Also, Cryty's able to draw a star and is wondering whether you could explain what each point means. She also says hi. Thanks.

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1 minute ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Hi there!

   Could you explain what divination is? As well as give a basic walkthrough of doing a divination? I'm curious.

   Also, Cryty's able to draw a star and is wondering whether you could explain what each point means. She also says hi. Thanks.

@Danioover9000 That would be a long post that wouldnt do it justice. There are a lot of different methods but the book I mentioned by Ivo Dominguez explains some of that. Then it would be a matter of experimenting yourself.

Usually each point of a pentagram represents earth, air, water and fire as the lower points. The upper point represents spirit, which presides over matter. Inverted stars are sometimes used by black magicians as representing that matter takes precedent over spirit.

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