
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)

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Every time I post something about the Occult, I get personal messages of people asking for resources to know more, how to talk to spirits, how to manipulate physical reality according to your will, psychic powers, astral projection, etc.

I know quite a bit about witchcraft, chaos magick, Wicca, etc. I also have put a lot of thought into what constitutes "black magick" and "white magick".

Ive created spirits that serve my purposes that have shown themselves to me and others and have moved physical objects. Im projected myself into my fiances room 30 miles away and whispered into her ear (she is a clairvoyant that has projected herself into my room also). She told me that she felt me in her room and told me exactly what I said. I could go on and on about what I have experienced that would make me sound like a lunatic. My point is that the occult is very legit.

Its a path that turns someone from a human with a spiritual experience to a spiritual being with a human experience. That statement makes a lot more sense when you start operating on the spiritual realm a lot more with effective power.

Many people that have studied eastern traditions reject the occult because they reject the physical realm as unspiritual and think developing  power is egoic. This is especially weird when people kiss the ass of gurus that wield occult powers yet adamantly reject these same powers for themselves. Somehow people assume that you must be weak and live in poverty to be spiritual.

I think that is an unhealthy relationship to power and reeks of inferiority and unworthiness. The occult, trantric, taoist and kabbalist philosophy is that all realms are divine and we should master them all on the path of our eternal evolution. They recognize non-duality without the rejection of duality.

A good example of why power is needed, and shouldnt be rejected, is Ghandi. He was motivated by love but effective because he had personal/internal power. Love without power is impotent. Power without love is evil.

Power is like a hammer. You can build a house for the homeless or you can kill somebody. Ultimately, power manifests ones values into the world. If your values are love, beauty and truth, the world is better for your power. The Gita says its not what you do, but why you do it. Gaining power is not the problem. Its why do you do it.

Anyway, if anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer :)

Edited by Matt8800

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@Matt8800 Paranormal abilities can be very deceptive. There was a time when I really felt as though I could sense the future, and I decided to go to a random number generator, and I meditated until I got a number which I really felt will be the right number. I searched the number generator, and it was a completely different number. This broke some of my confidence in my abilities. Of course some confidence still remains, even though I’m still uncertain if my abilities will actually translate to the real world.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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I guess I'll start off first. What are the top three areas of the occult does a person need to train in to develop a solid foundation in order to be either a white/black magician and cast magic?

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2 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

@Matt8800 Paranormal abilities can be very deceptive. There was a time when I really felt as though I could sense the future, and I decided to go to a random number generator, and I meditated until I got a number which I really felt will be the right number. I searched the number generator, and it was a completely different number. This broke some of my confidence in my abilities. Of course some confidence still remains, even though I’m still uncertain if my abilities will actually translate to the real world.

   Do you have a question for the OP?

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2 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

@Matt8800 Paranormal abilities can be very deceptive. There was a time when I really felt as though I could sense the future, and I decided to go to a random number generator, and I meditated until I got a number which I really felt will be the right number. I searched the number generator, and it was a completely different number. This broke some of my confidence in my abilities. Of course some confidence still remains, even though I’m still uncertain if my abilities will actually translate to the real world.

@How to be wise Dean Radin has some studies that he has done on divination. Divination has not shown to be correct 100% of the time but it is correct far beyond what statistical chance would dictate. Divination is also not claimed to be telling the future; it is more illuminating probable futures out of possible futures.

Here is a list of the studies you can check out for yourself -

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39 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

I guess I'll start off first. What are the top three areas of the occult does a person need to train in to develop a solid foundation in order to be either a white/black magician and cast magic?


One should know how to raise power, banish negative energies/entities and create a sacred space before any magickal operations.

John Kreiter has a great book called The Magnus Opus that does a great job of explaining what the core abilities are and how they are developed.

One MUST develop a concentrated mind that they can concentrate at will. The best way to do this is a simple concentration mediation exercise like staring intensely at a dot until the ego and sense of self dissolves. Many magicians lack power because they dont do concentration meditation.

This may shock some people but I am not opposed to doing black magick. As the Gita says, its about why you do it - not what you do. Karma is real but there are cases which may make it acceptable. Its kind of like I would never want to kill someone but if someone broke into my house and threatened my loves ones, and the only way to stop them would be to take their life, then so be it. My highest values are love, beauty and truth so I am opposed to casual evil out of hate, revenge, etc.

Edited by Matt8800

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@Matt8800 Thanks man. Great topic.

Highly interested in exploration. Reiki/healing and this is What in future I Will be focused on. 

It's a vacation It's a journey always get interesting. 


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43 minutes ago, ActualizedDavid said:

What is the best way of protection from stuff like this without studying this stuff?

One risk is psychic attack from an occultist but that is very rare. The other risk is negative spirits creating negative energy in you through fear, doubt, hate, etc and then feeding off it like a parasite. if you know what to do, you can protect yourself and they will go away. They want an easy lunch and there are too many available to work too hard on one person. If you know what to do, you can also turn the tables and feed off their energy like they were trying to do to you using psychic vampirism techniques. They definitely dont like this and will leave you alone.

I know one guy that was raped as a child and now he senses a dark being following him around and affecting him in his adulthood. This dark being was actually created by him due to a traumatic event (occultists call it a thought-form). I tried to tell him how to get rid of it but he couldnt bring himself to put in the work because it required meditation.

If you google witchcraft and "banishing" and "sacred space", you can find more info.

Edited by Matt8800

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38 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

@Matt8800 Thanks man. Great topic.

Highly interested in exploration. Reiki/healing and this is What in future I Will be focused on. 

It's a vacation It's a journey always get interesting. 


@zeroISinfinity Gratitude is a VERY powerful energy for healing FYI.

Before you attempt a healing, think of something you are grateful for. Imagine that gratitude as a spark in your chest. FEEL the gratitude as fully as you can (important). As you breathe in, visualize light coming from the divine up above and filling you up. This light represents the energy of gratitude. See the light in your chest getting brighter and brighter until it is like the sun. Fully feel the gratitude you have.

When you have built up this energy, see yourself shooting the energy through your arms/hands into the person you are healing.

If you have made a lot of progress dissolving attachments/aversions and have progressed to surrendering everything to the divine, add this: "in the name of (divine name), I command those muscles to release and to be healed" (or whatever needs to be healed). I have done this in my head without voicing out loud and when I got to the name of the divine, I felt a massive surge of energy through my hands. The person I was healing yelled when they felt it and jumped up out of surprise. They were completely healed. If I say it out loud, it takes the power up another couple notches. There is a long, personal story about how I was told by the divine that I was granted authority to speak and command in the divine name after years of working on acceptance and surrendering but its pretty personal. I can tell other people how to reach that themselves though.

Edited by Matt8800

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have you done psychedelics? do you think they really have their own 'spirit' 


edit: I just read you have done psychedelics in another thread haha. Still interested in the 2nd question

Edited by passerby

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19 minutes ago, passerby said:

have you done psychedelics? do you think they really have their own 'spirit' 

@passerby I had my big awakening from DMT. I consider psychedelics as sacred and holy, just like shamans have done for thousands of years.

I use them regularly to speak to my spirit guide, spirits in general and the divine. I also use them if I need to raise massive amounts of spiritual energy for something Im doing (like creating servitors).

Occultists categorize talents usually in the clairvoyant group and the mystic group. They have very different capabilities but one is not more powerful than the other (this is an interesting subject). Im a natural mystic but my fiance is a gifted clairvoyant and she may know if DMT has its own "spirit". I should ask her.

Edited by Matt8800

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Hey @Matt8800 Do you have any quality material on the tulpa/servitor subject ? Like books suggestions lets say ?

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I've always been really connected to nature and fascinated by plants. When I bought my old house I started feeling presences around me in the middle of the night, I felt like there was a crowd around me and I wasn't alone. This happened off and on for a few years. After noticing poison nightshade on an herbal healer's grave in a nearby old cemetery, I looked him up and read his book which explained how he was born with, but also developed clairvoyant powers. After that strange things kept happening, I found the remains of the mansion he built that burned down. I started going there and getting insights. I noticed after the fact that I had had a number of little awakenings that happened all in this section of my town. The trees that I had had an epiphany about not being real, but just a projection grew by the brook that ran behind the cemetery. The place at the river I felt intensely present at and became obsessed turned out to be overlooked by his home. He grew up in the area up above it. 

I've become more aware of how witchcraft and magic work, how the bird baths and the monument and the stone pyramids on his grave are symbolic and the huge population of crows there and how they dropped the seeds of the poison nightshade there. When I awakened I gave this 1800's garnet ring that was my prized possession and left it on his grave. I didn't know at the time it was a gift for the crows, I just had the intuition to do it and it felt perfect and exciting. Yet it doesn't feel right for me to study witchcraft much outside of what I'm intuitively drawn to do. I could write a book about the little presents and synchronicity I've found there since and looking into his history. 

Is it possible for an area to be "magic" more than another? Or is it that I have less resistance there than other places and so the walls of duality start to fall away for me? Or is there a kindred spirit, or past life situation going on here? Does it even matter? Is that I have an inexplicable love for him and for the place itself and so when you smile, the universe smiles back?  




Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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13 minutes ago, Yog said:

Hey @Matt8800 Do you have any quality material on the tulpa/servitor subject ? Like books suggestions lets say ?

@Yog yes, John Kreiter and Damon Brand have some good books. Kreiters books look cheap but dont let that fool you - Its profound knowledge :)

One thing they are not always very clear about is the importance of concentration meditation. Stare very intensely at a dot for 15ish minutes prior to any working and your power goes way up.

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17 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

I've always been really connected to nature and fascinated by plants. When I bought my old house I started feeling presences around me in the middle of the night, I felt like there was a crowd around me and I wasn't alone. This happened off and on for a few years. After noticing poison nightshade on an herbal healer's grave in a nearby old cemetery, I looked him up and read his book which explained how he was born with, but also developed clairvoyant powers. After that strange things kept happening, I found the remains of the mansion he built that burned down. I started going there and getting insights. I noticed after the fact that I had had a number of little awakenings that happened all in this section of my town. The trees that I had had an epiphany about not being real, but just a projection grew by the brook that ran behind the cemetery. The place at the river I felt intensely present at and became obsessed turned out to be overlooked by his home. He grew up in the area up above it. 

I've become more aware of how witchcraft and magic work, how the bird baths and the monument and the stone pyramids on his grave are symbolic and the huge population of crows there and how they dropped the seeds of the poison nightshade there. When I awakened I gave this 1800's garnet ring that was my prized possession and left it on his grave. I didn't know at the time it was a gift for the crows, I just had the intuition to do it and it felt perfect and exciting. Yet it doesn't feel right for me to study witchcraft much outside of what I'm intuitively drawn to do. I could write a book about the little presents and synchronicity I've found there since and looking into his history. 

Is it possible for an area to be "magic" more than another? Or is it that I have less resistance there than other places and so the walls of duality start to fall away for me? Or is there a kindred spirit, or past life situation going on here? Does it even matter? 




yes, some areas definitely have a powerful charge - either positive or negative.

Have you asked yourself exactly why you are not interested in studying witchcraft? Many people dont know this but it is a legitimate path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Even though it was the Christian church that burned and tortured people, christian societies ironically still somehow see the witches as the evil ones. Sometimes cultures "rules" influence us in unconscious ways that are not in our best interest.

Witchcraft is a powerful way to connect with nature/mother earth. They also use a lot of plants, gems and minerals in their magic. My guess is that you were a witch in a previous life.

Edited by Matt8800

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Where am I on the magic scale ?

How can I learn to create servitors and how would they help me ?


Is Donald Trump doing dark Magic ?

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5 minutes ago, Aeris said:

Where am I on the magic scale ?

How can I learn to create servitors and how would they help me ?


Is Donald Trump doing dark Magic ?


I wouldnt know where you are on the magic scale.

Do some googling on servitors....there are TONS of creative ways one can use a servitor.

I definitely dont think Trump is doing dark magic intentionally. He is too stupid and unfocused. I do, however, think he has powerful strength of will which is considered a magical force. Some people utilize magic and they dont realize it.

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@Matt8800 I have some questions for ya:

1) Were you born with paranormal abilities? Did you have them from a very early age? If not, how did you develop them?

2) Do you believe that everyone can develop them? How do you account for the fact that most people have no paranormal experiences while paranormally gifted folks do?

3) How do you understand the relationship between awakening and the paranormal? Clearly you can have one without the other. But also, how are they related?

4) Why are some people so much more paranormally gifted than others?

5) What is your understanding of psychic healing? How does it work? What makes it work? Why is it not always 100% effective? What is required to develop this ability to an effective level?

6) List which paranormal abilities you've been able to personally validate and which ones not.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Matt8800 Are places charged inherently, or charged by people's past there or both? 

A lot of the witchcraft resources I'm finding aren't very serious about the nonduality, self purification, moving beyond ego, and I worry about distracting myself, but maybe I'm being a snob about it. I was raised as a Christian and although I inherently knew the holy spirit was the same thing as what I was feeling from nature, I still had a lot of fear taught to me about spirits being evil. I go out in the full moon but I tell myself it's a "fear setting" practice. Magic and nature are one in my eyes. I just don't feel like I need to do much with what already is, I'm afraid of anything that will grow my ego but the more I learn and experience the more I realize that this awakening stuff is most definitely NOT what I think it is. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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