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Can the mind keep its identity after death?

2 posts in this topic

The question is, if it is the mind that thinks it is individual and separate and there is no body. 

Can it be that even when the body dies and the mind has not awoken up yet, can it keep identifying as an individual after death linger around in other virtual realities? 

I am asking as I hear these stories that people die either in a sudden accident or even otherwise and cannot let go and dont know that they died. 

Is it the mind that has not awoken and keeps an identity? 

Or else if you do not let go while on a 5 Meo Dmt trip what are the effects, other than keeping your identity? Cab it be that not letting go in a psychedelic awakening experience is similar to the mind not letting go while actuallly dying? 

Are our lives here a result of our mind not having let go of a previous identity? 

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