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Handling negative emotions from the orange stage establishment

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I consider myself to be a very very orange stage person, and I have absolutely no intention of evolving up the spiral until I have successfully evaded wage slavery.

Having said that, I practice yoga, alternative medicines, I practice non dual philosophies like the ones here at, etc etc etc.

I come from a country which is aggressively orange. Much worse than the US.  Worst types of atheists you can think of. Not only that but also unlike the US, my country has a very cohesive, collective like government and society(the US government and industry is very Siloed. I was suprised at the lack of coordination between government bodies and industry when I went there) . Which means our countrie's government bodies and industry collectively work together and help each other. The government works with the media to brainwash society. There is(compared to the US) a lack of diversity of thought and a collective shaming of people who fall outside of that thought. This means if you have alternative views of the world, and you spread those views, the media and government will collectively oppress you(unlike the US. The US is so diverse and siloed that you can spread alternative views and be accepted). My country has the highest number of atheists compared to other western countries and generally have a snobby attitude(because they are descendants of the UK). 

This is a recurring theme in my country, but I just saw the federal news shaming chiropractors for using advanced and ancient yogic techniques for healing the body. They brought in a highly qualified surgeon to shame and name these people. The medical board is trying to push policies for banning these people for practising this(said on the news).

This brings up negative emotions within me. The 2 things which hurt me the most is 1) the surgeon using science as an authority figure, and a way to shame the chiropractors, and 2) how the medical association of my country is aggressively pushing policies to stop these people.

This stuff doesn't happen in the US because you have heaps of diversity and your country is very large. Fox News covers at most half of the population, and you have many news channels which fight and attack it. the news I'm talking about in my country covers the entire population and everyone is on board with it. There are no news channels which fight against it, and its got government approval and support(the government in my country is 10x larger than your country).

How do you deal with such an aggressive regime if it hurts you personally?

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Remember this:

If you do what the majority do you're more likely to get common results. If you do what the few do you're more likely to get rare results. (That's the main point of scientific research, DISCOVERING NEW, RARE, NOVEL INSIGHT!  

In history books too often the majority agreed on the craziest of things such as slavery. But let's not get fringe ON EVERYTHING just for the sake of it, yes the majority can be right as well on things. 

Orange's view is that religion without science is superstition. They're correct in one way. But also, not everything in religion/alternative circles is bullshit. If it didn't have some positive result people would of abandoned it long ago.

I want to have the truth. An so I'm willing to research both sides/research what I oppose, and be extra willing to be wrong. I am eager to be wrong. That's my approach. Decide for yourself. Be the researcher. 

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