
Fear of Emptiness is Equivalent to Fear of Death

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A realisation that struct me today. More deeply than just the thought of it. It was an experiential realisation. Here is how it unfolded.

Death is conceptualised as the ending of “some-thing”, that thing being human life. When in fear of death it invariably equates to fearing “no-thing-ness” which is synonymous with emptiness. 

All fear essentially leads to fear of emptiness, nothingness or death. It must, as it is great depth of all fear. The thing one cherished or only knows then vanishing, is the immutable fear.

The unknown is feared as it entails stepping into something inconceivable and comprehensible to present experience. The very fact death entails not knowing is the fundamental fear itself. The fabrication of our everyday life is the utilitythrough which we use to distract ourselves from the inevitability of death.

This is my most recent realisation that has really had me deeply look at how our decisions are structured and how we interact with life. It seems to me, our relationship with this fear determines the fundamental quality of ones life. 

Contemplating death had been a regular exercise of mine and this realisation has just urged it that little further. Hope this provides some value to others!

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Jacobsrw this is exactly why enlightenment is liberation.

And yes we can relatively speak of levels of enlightenment but the realizations of reality and Oneness will shine the light on the fear of death and bring you a sense of peace.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Jacobsrw It is really good practice. I used to contemplate present being /llife/ with 'notion' from before it /birth/. Now I try conteplate what emotions are in general and this is deeeep.

Edited by tedens

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