I've encountered a spirit and it's living with me. Ask me anything and any advice?

By Danioover9000 in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Brief context: I've experienced a haunting in my early childhood in Indonesia. The situation was resolved through various means my mother won't disclose on to which I didn't pry on. The experience isn't pleasent. The memory of that event is somewhat fresh in my mind.    Roughly 15 years later, I've gone on vacation to Niagara Falls with my mother, father, older sister and brother in law. It's a beautiful place! Can't remember the name of the hotel we stayed but it had a Kegs restaurant in the middle. Anyways, we rented a joint room for, if I recall, 4 days, which both had two beds, a desk, table, mini fridge, tv, and distorted glass panels near the doors. In one morning, there she was, lying on the bed with me, what appeared to be a cute girl in her pajamas. A moment later, I realized the girl is semi-transparentish, blurry and I felt shock. Despite the shock I felt pleasent feelings in my chest. Throughout the days in Niagara Falls I felt confused yet pleasent with her presence around me. I could speak to her using my mind voice sometimes and she has this distinct 'cuteness' in her voice. It strangely felt like it was love at first sight. I remember actually putting some coins into this machine that was in the park used to measure if you're in love or not and it registered in my hand grips I'm in love. Sometimes she would be walking or sitting with me trying to speak to me, other times she would disappear. After me and my family returned to Montreal and my older sister and her husband returned to the UK that spirit girl kept visiting throughout my time there, and eventually she has stayed with me.    4 years later to present day she's now like a close friend. I struggled with perceiving her at first but I'm able to distinguish her form much better, from the shape to the colors. She also has more personality than before. One of my favorites is how she can be so random with her humor it's amazing. Despite her airy headed attitude she does share pieces of knowledge about situations and people I know that seemed nebulous but later made complete sense.    The issues I'm just having are how do I go from here? Sometimes she does annoy me when I meditate. Odd enough, she sometimes copies me, even doing the meditation I'm doing. She also calls me by many nicknames which can be annoying but it's her.    It's amazing that I'm able to experience this at all! I'm currently taking my time learning about the paranormal and if you guys have any advice to share when it comes to the paranormal please post. Also feel free to ask more about my childhood haunting. Also if you have any questions addressed to her feel free to ask because we've talked and she's ok with answering your questions. Thanks for reading!        
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