
I've encountered a spirit and it's living with me. Ask me anything and any advice?

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@Shunyata Everything is just Consciousness happening to itself. From my perspective then, it was something external to me, happening to me. It didn't feel like a dream; it was more like a spiritual struggle. Now, I see it as "my" Consciousness moving along the path of waking up to itself.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

@Danioover9000 Crysty fascinates me for some reason. Please tell her I think she's beautiful :)

My sense is that personality is bound to the world of form. Personality, at least as we understand it, is the result of biology and conditioning. Maybe something needs to exist in the world of form in order to have a personality. I don't experience Consciousness as being any personality; it just is.

Crysty could be an objective dream form, more refined than we are, that has experienced her own conditioning. Or possibly she was created by someone with consciousness, and is a splinter of that someone. I suspect she doesn't know, either way. Nor does she need to know. She is delightful just being who she is.

The deal with my bed shaking went on for years. It didn't happen that often, but when it did, it freaked me out. I would be asleep, feeling my bed shaking, then wake up gasping, with my bed still moving. I've wondered since then if maybe I was just thrashing in my sleep, and causing the bed to shake, but it didn't feel like that. I remember vividly dreaming about doing battle with something evil. Back then, I believed in the actual reality of evil, and it felt like a struggle with the devil.

Now I don't know what to make of it. Maybe it was just me thrashing around. Or maybe it was a true spiritual conflict. I'm just glad I don't experience it any more.

*peers at his bed suspiciously*

   Yes, personality is a developing sentience that exists in complex organisms like in humans and to some degree animals. It's not really consciousness with a capital C, but it's a type of consciousness that's relative and evolving. I think I've said this before, but Crysty, if I bring to mind past memories of my interactions with her, wasn't as developed as she is now compared to the past.

   Some occultist here did bring up the possibility that she may either be a ghost or some spirit entity that stuck to me, or that she could be a Tulpa, which is an entity with some consciousness from me that's actively hallucinated and is created intentionally or accidentally. Some suggest she's a type of energy that matches some energy that's a higher vibration. I don't know whether this is completely true, but I know that I'm happy to interact with her during meditation or visualization sessions or during the day.  I might later investigate into these possibilities  and see if there's something there. 

   Your story with the bed shaking and your dream about battling something evil reminds of a few of my dreams I've had. I won't go into too much detail with the group I've interacted for a few months some 2 years ago, the practices I've done with them, or the dreams I've had because I could be misremembering some details in those dreams. However, I've had several dreams that've been influenced by some ideas from that group, and I've had a few where it was vivid and I was battling dragons and I was wearing some type of battling gear. I don't know how much of that is mostly subconscious mind resolving those new ideas or if some of those dreams were real occurrences, but those where some weird epic dreams.

   Crysty says thank you for the compliment, though she thinks she's more cute than beautiful :D 

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@Danioover9000 Yes, I see personality as a plaything for Consciousness, along with everything else in the world of form. It is infused with Consciousness, but is created by Consciousness.

That is why people (and you, Crysty!) are so beautiful. We're like snowflakes; even twins aren't truly identical. I love our diversity.

It makes sense that Crysty would evolve, just like everything else does in the world of form. Even ghosts eventually evolve, if the stories are true about them being trapped and sometimes receiving release.

Given the high resonance you feel with her, she could in a way be part of you. Maybe not though. Have you asked her if she existed before she met you? I know she described living in a lush green world with exotic foliage, but I wonder if she lived there before she met you? Maybe she doesn't understand or is not bound by time? From your descriptions of her teleporting, we know she isn't bound by space either.

Dreams are a portal to ourselves. Sometimes the scene is silly; other times it is life-changing. But it's always a view of ourselves to ourselves.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 11/5/2020 at 11:11 PM, Moksha said:

@Danioover9000 Yes, I see personality as a plaything for Consciousness, along with everything else in the world of form. It is infused with Consciousness, but is created by Consciousness.

That is why people (and you, Crysty!) are so beautiful. We're like snowflakes; even twins aren't truly identical. I love our diversity.

It makes sense that Crysty would evolve, just like everything else does in the world of form. Even ghosts eventually evolve, if the stories are true about them being trapped and sometimes receiving release.

Given the high resonance you feel with her, she could in a way be part of you. Maybe not though. Have you asked her if she existed before she met you? I know she described living in a lush green world with exotic foliage, but I wonder if she lived there before she met you? Maybe she doesn't understand or is not bound by time? From your descriptions of her teleporting, we know she isn't bound by space either.

Dreams are a portal to ourselves. Sometimes the scene is silly; other times it is life-changing. But it's always a view of ourselves to ourselves.

   That's interesting that dreams are like portal, almost like other worlds to explore. I'll have to contemplate this bit, so thanks.

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Is Cristy single? Asking for a friend:ph34r:

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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I had a major anxiety today. I thought, what if I die before the rest of my family (I'm married with children), and they are missing me and struggling with grief, financial worries etc. Does Crysty know if there's any way for deceased people in spirit to contact their families and somehow reassure them that death isn't the end, give them practical advice etc? Or am I just clutching at straws here? I'm doing my best to be a good husband and dad, but really we need each other and would be devastated if we lost any one of us. 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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@snowyowl Hopefully Crysty will answer :)

For me, the best way to prepare my children for my death is to love them along the path of awakening. The ultimate love is the willingness to sacrifice our need for certainty on the altar of ourselves. Accepting what is, without suffering over it, is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to our children.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha thanks, yeah you're right of course, I suppose I'm just clinging onto an impermanent state of physical living here. I should know better, I've lost both my parents, they haven't contacted me. Maybe there's another answer too around the fact that love is way bigger than our individual physical life & death. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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@snowyowl Love is all there is :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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7 hours ago, SamC said:

Is Cristy single? Asking for a friend:ph34r:

   She's not single, because she's with me.

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4 hours ago, snowyowl said:

I had a major anxiety today. I thought, what if I die before the rest of my family (I'm married with children), and they are missing me and struggling with grief, financial worries etc. Does Crysty know if there's any way for deceased people in spirit to contact their families and somehow reassure them that death isn't the end, give them practical advice etc? Or am I just clutching at straws here? I'm doing my best to be a good husband and dad, but really we need each other and would be devastated if we lost any one of us. 

   I've told a past user here with a similar serious emotional problem, except it's dealing with suicidal thinking and cancer, and I'll say the same thing: Get professional help for whatever serious emotional problems you're dealing with. I don't know if she's capable of communicating to other ghosts, so I don't know what to suggest for your problem. Despite her being with me many years, it's still too early for me to say for sure she contacts the dead. 

   Don't blindly believe my thread, or any thread in this forum about your relationship problems or any serious emotional turmoil you're going through. Get help. Yelp.com is a good source of highly skilled people, including mediums, if you're concerned with your family contacting you, get them that resource because those online businesses have rankings and reviews from customers, which means you can't fake the services provided. Also offers good therapists and psychoanalysts there, but if you have more money, pay for high quality therapists. 

Edited by Danioover9000

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3 hours ago, snowyowl said:

@Moksha thanks, yeah you're right of course, I suppose I'm just clinging onto an impermanent state of physical living here. I should know better, I've lost both my parents, they haven't contacted me. Maybe there's another answer too around the fact that love is way bigger than our individual physical life & death. 

Just like @Moksha said, self love is also very good to do. Crysty, if I'm being negative, sad or pissed off, would sit next to me and hear me out, and a hug later my negative tantrum would be gone. 

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@Danioover9000  thanks for the support (both of you) :x  I don't think I have the type of problem to get professional help, I'm not afraid of  death for my own sake, but anxious for the people I'll leave behind (which probably every unenlightened person with loved ones has).  I was wondering if Crysty is aware of other spirits around trying to contact physically living people and could give some tips. But if not, that's ok too. The answer is to keep on with the spiritual work and become an embodiment of what @Moksha  says 'love is all there is'. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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7 hours ago, snowyowl said:

@Danioover9000  thanks for the support (both of you) :x  I don't think I have the type of problem to get professional help, I'm not afraid of  death for my own sake, but anxious for the people I'll leave behind (which probably every unenlightened person with loved ones has).  I was wondering if Crysty is aware of other spirits around trying to contact physically living people and could give some tips. But if not, that's ok too. The answer is to keep on with the spiritual work and become an embodiment of what @Moksha  says 'love is all there is'. 

   Good to know it's not that serious. About Crysty communicating to spirits, she might be able to do that, but I'm careful with saying that because firstly, she likes to make fun and joke around, which is part of her cheery personality. I sometimes have to interpret if she's pranking me or not, which might also come from me as well. While don't know her entire capabilities, I do hope that together we could progress spiritually speaking. Secondly, Compared to the greatest mediums and psychics like Nostradamus, Merlin, Mathew and other masters, I'm not masterful with contacting spirits or anything paranormal because of my negative haunting experience. I don't really want to go too deep on the paranormal. probably another fear barrier I will have to destroy at some point.

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On 11/9/2020 at 2:26 AM, Danioover9000 said:


Just like @Moksha said, self love is also very good to do. Crysty, if I'm being negative, sad or pissed off, would sit next to me and hear me out, and a hug later my negative tantrum would be gone. 

   For example, do some letting go or self acceptance meditation. I do mindfulness with labelling, and over time focus more on the heart.

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Update: I've been able to get Crysty to do some meditation. I'm now noticing more improvement on sensing where her form is without looking at the location, and more able to feel her emotional signals.

Also, I'm currently research and working on what this phenomena is. I might be able to find out something.

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On 11/7/2020 at 8:59 PM, Danioover9000 said:

@Member  Could you tell me more about your experience?@Shin  what was it like when you became lucid in that dream?

Sorry I forgot to answer.

Except that the "monster" felt infinitely large and powerful, I don't remember anything else.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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