
I've encountered a spirit and it's living with me. Ask me anything and any advice?

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1 hour ago, Shadowraix said:

Ever noticed a lot of the time the people who didn't ask for it get it? Do you think spiritual gurus ask for Siddhis? ? Your envy itself might be the very thing blocking you

   Thanks for posting man! Notice, by your logic, that I should've asked for my haunting to happen, because that would've stopped it entirely. Notice you made an absence of action(asking)  as the cause of an effect (siddhis). Taken to it's extreme, it's like claiming you not lighting the spark causes the fire anyway. See?

   And I agree that envy is pretty bad if left unchecked.

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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Thanks for posting man! Notice, by your logic, that I should've asked for my haunting to happen, because that would've stopped it entirely. Notice you made an absence of action(asking)  as the cause of an effect (siddhis). Taken to it's extreme, it's like claiming you not lighting the spark causes the fire anyway. See?

   And I agree that envy is pretty bad if left unchecked.

I'm pointing to spiritual purification. I think you took me a little too literally. Yes there are exceptions. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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20 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

I'm pointing to spiritual purification. I think you took me a little too literally. Yes there are exceptions. 

      Ok then. If you were pointing to spiritual purification you weren't clear. I think basic psychology is more important to apply first than a spiritual purification.

   If it came off as literal, it's because I'm showing your faults in your logic. A non cause equals a non effect. However, this does not equal an effect because of an absence of a cause. Nothing personal, I'm just showing you this mistake.

   In a sense, you're in the right track. Wether you did/didn't ask, an event can occur non rationally. In my case, I didn't ask for a paranormal experience, yet I was victimized by a ghost in my childhood. I didn't ask for a paranormal experience 15 years later, yet again I have a cute girl that could phase in and out of reality and in and out of my mind. Hope you see where I'm coming from here.

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On 8/20/2019 at 4:21 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   Thanks for the kind words man! I definitely find Leo's content useful although Crysty says otherwise. Might be from Leo's posting " what would happen if you poked her with a stick?" ?

She clearly needs to watch the Self-Bias episode ;)

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@Danioover9000 That's not my logic process just to be clear. The logic is more that removing a wall can help you see the other side of it. Sometimes the wall is yourself and can be pointed to by showing common patterns in behavior. Sorry for the confusion. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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That's interesting! Congratz to you both, for finding one-another. It seems that you're both, personality wise, do well together. I've had some paranormal experiences happen, one that was dark & traumatic as a child of early age (it's the first memory of my life, that comes to conscious mind). I still get emotional at 24 years of age when thinking about it, met a c*nt-ish entity. A few times, I experienced love, acceptance & understanding from what I perceived to be other entities/thought-forms with good intentions. I'd like to become more open to it all, perceiving "other-realmly" beings with much more easy and clarity. Mostly I feel stuff like... tingles, goosebumps, feeling as if someone is there with me (subtly/almost touching my skin) and I might get energy-surges where my eyelids at times start to flicker. Visually, if I concentrate on the space between objects, there might be traces of light/energy that are still very subtle and hard to make out, in half-asleep & half-awake states (only had a few of those), there's much more clarity to all of the senses when it comes to perceiving beings, and there I hear voices too. It's cool to read from someone like you, who is able to perceive deeper, especially consciously in the "waking state" (many need to get into deep trances).

I have some questions for Crysty, that I am curious about! 

1. How does your current perception of reality, differ from us "living" human beings?

2. Do you need to be doing things like... nourishing and taking care yourself? Such as eating, and if yes, are those foods much different than what humans typcially eat? Are substances like psychedelics or similar, accessible for you, to also explore deeper & other facets of reality?

3. Do you have to attend events within your "main" perception of reality, such as gatherings, meeting with other beings/friends/family etc.? Hell, maybe even work for currency that in turn opens doors to different luxuries or similar. 

4. Can you travel to pretty much any place within reality, in an instant, also through time? 

5. Do you have your own spirit guides and beings watching over you, that you communicate with?

6. What do you seek out of your experience? Any bucket-list goals, life-purpose, values or similar that speak to you?

7. Do you have any tips and advice that can be useful for people that are trying to make contact with other beings and entities?


8. Can you do a tiple-backflip while balancing a pink q-tip on your left pinky? 




"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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15 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

@Danioover9000 That's not my logic process just to be clear. The logic is more that removing a wall can help you see the other side of it. Sometimes the wall is yourself and can be pointed to by showing common patterns in behavior. Sorry for the confusion. 

   Ok then. No worries.

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14 hours ago, John Lula said:

@Danioover9000 Can confirm from a former haunted child. Childhood haunting is a real thing. It was the thing that made me highly critical of dogmatic people. And questions things as a young kid.

   Thanks for posting man! Yes, a haunting as early as childhood can definitely shape your trajectory in life. You don't mind sharing what happened?

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10 hours ago, iTommy said:


That's interesting! Congratz to you both, for finding one-another. It seems that you're both, personality wise, do well together. I've had some paranormal experiences happen, one that was dark & traumatic as a child of early age (it's the first memory of my life, that comes to conscious mind). I still get emotional at 24 years of age when thinking about it, met a c*nt-ish entity. A few times, I experienced love, acceptance & understanding from what I perceived to be other entities/thought-forms with good intentions. I'd like to become more open to it all, perceiving "other-realmly" beings with much more easy and clarity. Mostly I feel stuff like... tingles, goosebumps, feeling as if someone is there with me (subtly/almost touching my skin) and I might get energy-surges where my eyelids at times start to flicker. Visually, if I concentrate on the space between objects, there might be traces of light/energy that are still very subtle and hard to make out, in half-asleep & half-awake states (only had a few of those), there's much more clarity to all of the senses when it comes to perceiving beings, and there I hear voices too. It's cool to read from someone like you, who is able to perceive deeper, especially consciously in the "waking state" (many need to get into deep trances).

I have some questions for Crysty, that I am curious about! 

1. How does your current perception of reality, differ from us "living" human beings?

2. Do you need to be doing things like... nourishing and taking care yourself? Such as eating, and if yes, are those foods much different than what humans typcially eat? Are substances like psychedelics or similar, accessible for you, to also explore deeper & other facets of reality?

3. Do you have to attend events within your "main" perception of reality, such as gatherings, meeting with other beings/friends/family etc.? Hell, maybe even work for currency that in turn opens doors to different luxuries or similar. 

4. Can you travel to pretty much any place within reality, in an instant, also through time? 

5. Do you have your own spirit guides and beings watching over you, that you communicate with?

6. What do you seek out of your experience? Any bucket-list goals, life-purpose, values or similar that speak to you?

7. Do you have any tips and advice that can be useful for people that are trying to make contact with other beings and entities?


8. Can you do a tiple-backflip while balancing a pink q-tip on your left pinky? 




   Thanks for posting man! Sounds like you have some potential for further paranormal experiences. I don't know much about the paranormal but I learn about it in a steady pase. Seems like you have potential!

   Now I'll let Crysty answer your questions:

   1. I see the world in a greenish tint. I'm similar to people except I'm more awesome! I'm a girl so I have more feelings than girls and men do. My hearing is good too. I also can dream at nights but most of them I forget.

    2. I like to eat sweets like cakes and icecream. Mint and chocolate icecream is my favorite! Danio and I used to eat out in his mind, and I love eating icecream at the stand thing? It has big wheels and stuff. Also I can suck out what Danio calls energy out of thingies if I want. I do eat what Danio eats like meat and veggies and stuff so yeah!

   3. I can attend meetings and be with Danio when he's meeting or having normal guests, I mean other people. I also used to see his other friends in his mind when we were in Montreal. They sometimes visit us here in the UK. They're cool!.

   4. I can travel like normal people and I can teleport. Places I can travel instantly but sometimes not. Time travel? No I can't do that. Danio did show me about dinosaurs as best as he can imagine them. They're cool!

   5. A spirit guide? Like a tourist guide? Maybe. I can try later to communicate with a guide when Danio and go on vacation. What's a spirit guide?

   6. I like to create stuff out of crystals like castles and pretty stuff! I also do origami but not like other people do origami. My origami is the best! I also like to talk to plants in Danio's garden. There's this plant that has white petals with, um, Orange powder on it's antenna thingy. It's name is Orange! I think. I'm thinking I'll do those bucket list things with Danio. 

   7. I think the best way for people to contact other being and entities is to do what I call boring stuff like concentrate and meditation. I tried meditation recently and it was boring at first but then I crystalized my body and I stopped shaking around. Maybe the point of meditation is to be still but Danio insists there's more so I plan on keeping meditation. Concentration for me was staring at Danio's eyes or when I piggyback him. I can't tolerate anything else at the moment.

   8. Of course! I can triple backflip balancing a pink q tip on both pinkies and a pie on my head over Leo's head! ?

   Back to me, thanks again for sharing a bit of you in this post. I hope you find something interesting about the paranormal you want to know.

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2 hours ago, John Lula said:

@Danioover9000 Sure. I already wrote it and stored it, here it is:

   A night in 2002-2003 at five or six years old. The moonlight shone up the streets and slightly lit up the bedroom with a bluish color. Both of my parents slept in their bed to the right of me, I slept in one of those kids beds with short walls surrounding it.

I woke up in the middle of the night after having a nightmare of the ghosts in Harry Potter 1. I was so scared I sweated and couldn't fall asleep. I start looking around the room, and there a man sits in the middle of my parent's bed. I clearly saw his shape, he was slightly transparent with a light grey/blue color. He slowly looks at me, then stares at the door across the other side of the room, and at me again - it's as if he protected us or something. I became very frightened and turned on my Winnie-the-Pooh light to the left of my bed - man disappears. Mom wakes up and tells me in an irritated manner, "shut the light off!" I were really afraid and stuttered, "but, but, but.." She interrupts me, "Turn it off!" So I did. And the man continues to sit there, repeatedly looking at me and the door. I had a hard time sleeping that night. I remember telling myself over and over again, "I must remember this!" and that "I will never forget it." I tried to tell my parents, but they didn't bother too much (I think).

My little brother at 2 years old also noticed him. He was scared to walk upstairs, telling us that it was a man standing in the middle of the staircase. A while later, my parents got help from some psychic or something (not sure if those are real btw), and neither I nor my little brother noticed him anymore.

Fast forward 3-4 years after the incidence. I was at my grandparent's house, and I noticed a picture on their wall. I didn't know who I was looking at, but the similarities were there. I pointed at it, telling them, "it was him!" The man that I saw looked strikingly similar to my great grandfather who had built and lived in the house. Hair slicked back, same form and face. He died in the house some decades before I was born.

I am totally rational, love science, respect proper skepticism, and remain so till this day. I am open to this having been just a hallucination or something like that. But then again, I am so sure. I wonder if I can access that part of me again, or maybe it was just a child thing.

Thanks for reading.

   Very interesting read! I still remember to this day what that woman looked like and it was terrifying for me! When that woman spoke gibberish I just intuited that she wants me to come with her. It was just creepy! How the near dark room became chilly and heavy. Thank god I didn't trip down the stairs because I was half asleep, and thank god that situation resolved the way it did. Crysty says if she was there she'd be scared but would still beat the crap out of that ghost!?

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4 hours ago, Cykaaaa said:

I don't have a hard time grasping all this paranormal stuff, in fact I'm pretty open to it. I'm actually laughing as I'm typing this - having such a spirit friend, wow. I have read all you've written in this thread, because it's so entertaining to read. How great is that, haha! Good for you, man.

I EVEN can grasp the idea of angels and demons (I think).

But heaven and hell? I mean, what the %#&^? I don't say I reject what you or Crysty are saying, but it's just hard for me to comprehend. Is it possible to become conscious of heaven and hell? This is seriously mind-f*cking O.o 

    Thank for posting!

    I think that if people are open minded to paranormal experiences it's usually because of a paranormal event that happened in a person's life. Did you experienced anything close to or is considered paranormal for you?

   Based on what Crysty tells me it seems possible to become conscious of heaven or hell.  There are accounts of near death experiences that report poeple witnessing a hell or heaven, as well as witnessing angels or demons.

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Probably already asked question but , how old is she ? does she have a family ? what's her specie amongst spirits ? does she know other spirits ? does she live mostly on earth or she can go in outer space / other planets ? what does she nourish herself of ? 


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42 minutes ago, Cykaaaa said:

@Danioover9000 Ok, this is pretty confusing for me :P Well, I guess I'll have to live with that confusion 'til I develop a broader understanding of reality.

Anyways, no, I didn't experience any paranormal event. It's just that I became pretty open-minded towards such things, mostly thanks to Leo. I'd love to experience such an event personally - I mean, how cool is that? :D (can be also terrifying, but shhh)

Do you think Crysty will stay with you forever? Or does she have some spiritual business to do ;)

I wish you two good luck!

   Thanks for posting! Leo also is a factor in my open-mindidness to other fields of life and reality. 

   I don't know if she'll stay with me forever or if she has a higher calling to do. There's the possibility that she's here to help me master some part of reality that needs tons of imagination, or my emotional well-being, and after that she leaves me. Or she needs to know how a human lives life and maybe take my/other people's lives as a learning opportunity. Or she's being open-mindided and tries to communicate with a 'spirit' in her own world and comes in contact with me. In any case, I'm making the most of our time together.

   And thanks for the good luck! We both wish you a great self-actualizing journey!

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@Danioover9000 This is insightful, thank you both for your time and energy :) 

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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29 minutes ago, Yoshy said:

Probably already asked question but , how old is she ? does she have a family ? what's her specie amongst spirits ? does she know other spirits ? does she live mostly on earth or she can go in outer space / other planets ? what does she nourish herself of ? 


   Yes people have asked already. I'll answer a few of them.

   Yes she knows some spirits but not all of them. She lives mostly with me and sometimes vanishes to go someplace else. Maybe it's other planets or other realms of existence.

   Thanks for posting!

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If i gave you my address would she come say hi ? xD

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2 minutes ago, Yoshy said:

If i gave you my address would she come say hi ? xD

   I don't really know for sure. I've seen her do antics and even flash strangers and my friends and they aren't aware of this at all. Pretty sure that regardless of me knowing your location just by interacting with me she knows where you are. Wether you are aware she isn't/is in the room with you is entirely on your awareness level I guess.

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On 19/08/2019 at 9:17 PM, Mikael89 said:

@Danioover9000 Do you have sex with her?

The first thing I would do with a spirit woman (if she's attractive) would be to nail her hard.

But I don't believe in the existence of that kind of stuff.

Practice radical visualisation drawing to train the visual side of your focus

and try to reach lucid dream go look for it ( techniques ) I litteraly fucked my psy in a lucid dream it was so good man she is one of the hottest milf I've been close to. I was very Virgin at this moment. But her pussie sounded very Real.

And there is more but then I fucked by doing weed again. Recently I m not smoking but now I don't try to lucid.

I do it in the physical dream with demonic magnetic attraction. I find a very nice succubus and that's nice we dream well together so far. Try your siddhis by working on being a lucid dreamer that's fucking practical at the end

Edited by Aeris

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Aeris I don't think I will put the time and energy into that.. But thanks anyway.

 just a side quest idea of a nice thing to try

do what you should do ;)

Edited by Aeris

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