
I've encountered a spirit and it's living with me. Ask me anything and any advice?

597 posts in this topic

I asked you a question on this thread a few years ago. Can your spirit answer mathematical questions? Without using a calculator, answer 3124/43 using your spirit.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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On 13/12/2020 at 11:20 PM, How to be wise said:

@Danioover9000 Can the spirit give you concrete information? For example, ask the spirit 31x 258. Make sure you haven’t checked the answer yet. If the spirit answers correctly, then I guess it will be quite useful. Perhaps it can locate missing people accurately. If so, a lot of people will be happy.

Took me a while to find it.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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   I've discovered this channel a while back, interesting ocontent, could have been one of the users here in the past:


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   Guys and girls, be careful when dealing with the paranormal and supernatural. This just happened:


   Practice spirituality with responsibility and safety for your life and well being in mind. Treat this entities as if real, and handle with caution.

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   Interesting, I might try this out:

   There's something interesting when spirits and other entities of this type use energy to communicate like this.

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Ask the spirit to play a game of chess with you and post it here. :D

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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On 30/03/2023 at 1:20 AM, integral said:

Ask the spirit to play a game of chess with you and post it here. :D

   I did give her permission  to use my brain a bit, and take over a little bit my body to play over at Lichess.org. Played a blitz game, 5 min. Did this 4 times and every game she's always ahead on time because she's playing by feeling and using images somehow and playing quickly. I think I've gained some insight into how AI could be using images.

   I'll figure out a way to post a link here if one.

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   Update: Had a bad day a week ago, and a strange day yesterday that even Crysty was feeling it a little. Had to calm myself down a bit from going into a negative spiral, because if I do Crysty ends up acting with me, to most of the time calm me down. I know I may have to introspect and maybe contemplate the situation and the person and why these events happened the ways it did, but I'd rather not, it's triggering and I don't want another cycle of weird negative events happening to the persons that crossed me that day in real life,and one event online with some online figure  I don't want to name or even think about it pisses me off. Very hard to explain why, to put into words. Maybe it's a retaliatory spiritual attack from me, or Crysty, against those that upset me and made me feel all kinds of negative emotions? Not going to describe this until I'm calm again. Like I've already experienced some paranormal experiences with spirits, and I know magic, spells, the ocult, supernatural/paranormal, psychedelics, spirits are a thing, actually real and happening to me. I don't want to accidentally cause some kind of unintended effect out there from my negativity swirl now.

   There's also the possibility someone cursed me or I just came something bad, am loooking to reverse it currently, hope it's a curse because that gets sender returned and delt with. 

   Is it the whether and moon as well? The changing un seasons? Man, I'm just very edgy and moody, and ready to energy surge and lash out at someone or something, good thing 2 days ago I exercised a bit harder so I'm lazy and resting by necessity.

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 25/08/2019 at 8:04 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   Thanks for posting man! Sounds like you have some potential for further paranormal experiences. I don't know much about the paranormal but I learn about it in a steady pase. Seems like you have potential!

   Now I'll let Crysty answer your questions:

   1. I see the world in a greenish tint. I'm similar to people except I'm more awesome! I'm a girl so I have more feelings than girls and men do. My hearing is good too. I also can dream at nights but most of them I forget.

    2. I like to eat sweets like cakes and icecream. Mint and chocolate icecream is my favorite! Danio and I used to eat out in his mind, and I love eating icecream at the stand thing? It has big wheels and stuff. Also I can suck out what Danio calls energy out of thingies if I want. I do eat what Danio eats like meat and veggies and stuff so yeah!

   3. I can attend meetings and be with Danio when he's meeting or having normal guests, I mean other people. I also used to see his other friends in his mind when we were in Montreal. They sometimes visit us here in the UK. They're cool!.

   4. I can travel like normal people and I can teleport. Places I can travel instantly but sometimes not. Time travel? No I can't do that. Danio did show me about dinosaurs as best as he can imagine them. They're cool!

   5. A spirit guide? Like a tourist guide? Maybe. I can try later to communicate with a guide when Danio and go on vacation. What's a spirit guide?

   6. I like to create stuff out of crystals like castles and pretty stuff! I also do origami but not like other people do origami. My origami is the best! I also like to talk to plants in Danio's garden. There's this plant that has white petals with, um, Orange powder on it's antenna thingy. It's name is Orange! I think. I'm thinking I'll do those bucket list things with Danio. 

   7. I think the best way for people to contact other being and entities is to do what I call boring stuff like concentrate and meditation. I tried meditation recently and it was boring at first but then I crystalized my body and I stopped shaking around. Maybe the point of meditation is to be still but Danio insists there's more so I plan on keeping meditation. Concentration for me was staring at Danio's eyes or when I piggyback him. I can't tolerate anything else at the moment.

   8. Of course! I can triple backflip balancing a pink q tip on both pinkies and a pie on my head over Leo's head! ?

   Back to me, thanks again for sharing a bit of you in this post. I hope you find something interesting about the paranormal you want to know.

What is my mother's name ?

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Is there someone able to give me the name of my two parents or something like that? or is it a topic of psychotics in denial?

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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20 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Is there someone able to give me the name of my two parents or something like that? or is it a topic of psychotics in denial?

   Remember what I said in the earlier pages?

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   Interesting podcast we'll be listening to and sharing our thoughts:


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   Updates: I've been more busy with a few magical rites, and I've been able to complete one of them with noticeable success. Made one for a form of self defense for myself and family, and a spell cast for good luck. Cristy participated in one and it felt amazing.

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Update: Crysty has found me an interesting channel, one that covers Cryptozoology and other paranormal topics. These few are my favorite as these highlights the skeptic delusions:




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   Another she finds also interesting, puts the wildlife, and wilderness, and our growing capitalistic world of humans into perspective:

   What a wonderful and strange world we live in.

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   Another interesting video, and one with a photo taken roughly 130 years ago. Despite the differences in time, some things seem similar:


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@Danioover9000 that's so cool, relish your gift. Can you ask her it for a good stock to buy? 

also ask her what's more niave: idealism or materialism? . Ask her if other dimensions exist and how to access them. Can you ask her who built the pyramids in Egypt? Ask her what God is? 

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