
I've encountered a spirit and it's living with me. Ask me anything and any advice?

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8 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   A very interesting video I found. I'll be giving my thoughts on this after some time thinking it:


Please do. It is an interesting video 

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On 2/1/2022 at 8:10 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   Update: I've done a mediation session, and visualization using multiple senses on constructing another room on top of a green house Crysty has made. I'm slowly progressing my skill in letting Crysty partially control my other hand, and she did a bunch of drawings of various plants I haven't seen before.


Hey friends

Do you mind sharing a drawing ? 

Very interesting to me



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@K Ghoul

On 4/7/2022 at 2:45 AM, K Ghoul said:

Please do. It is an interesting video 

   The one thing that stands out is that this phenomena not only has some different names, but is practiced throughout different tribes and cultures. So it's not just Tulpamancy or imaginary friends, there's correlating multiple historical contexts and factors that make up this phenomena.

   Another interesting thing, is the possibility of psychic energy and godhood. There seems to be different ways to 'train' psychic energy and channeling that energy. While the godhood is not an absolute but relative domain, there seems to be a progression of some sort, as the person in the video brought up karmic cycles, rebirths and soul progressions, like eventually no matter how many life times, eventually the soul in a different body will have cultivated psychic and spiritual energy as it passes and moves to it's next life and so on, one explanation as to why there are very gifted spiritual humans.

   So, this godhood progression at the moment looks like this: a thought form arises from nothing, has reflections of the psyche, other people and the culture and the environment. At5 some point in time, this thought form develops into a servitor, a more animate thought with slightly more sentience. At some point later in time, this servitor eventually becomes more sentient, has developed personality traits, can communicate more than just emotional signals or other privative and  subtle mental communications, becomes a Tulpa. Then when a group of people focus on it's symbolic form or sigil, it grows in energy to eventually be an egregor. And finally that egregor overtime becomes some kind of god in it's own domain. This is all assuming this progression isn't broken by some destruction.

   I'll have to re watch to see other limits to this information of the video, other than it having some conspiracy theories about the Kali Yuga  and stage blue to orange interpretations of this paranormal phenomena.

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Can you ask her about me? ?

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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On 4/17/2022 at 7:16 PM, LiakosN said:

Can you ask her about me? ?

   She says you have a cool pic.


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@Danioover9000 your living situation reminds me of Casper the Friendly Ghost which I guess is pretty cool.

My question is this: What kind of energy (or whose energy) is she living off as a disembodied spirit/soul? Is it karmic energy which is btw limited energy? Or is it generative energy, like is she sourcing it from something or someone external to her?

If she doesn't understand the question than just ask her whether or not Spirits get to live forever in the earth plane? Just as she is living with you in your physical space but, you know, without having to do anything like work or get entertainment like us “the physically embodied” who have to eat, work, have sex in order to sustain our form and vibration???

Thanks in advance.

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I think that seeing ghosts is a state of consciousness that can be accessed. It's difficult to explain what happens in life because of these supernatural occurrences through conventional means.

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@A Fellow Lighter

On 4/20/2022 at 8:12 AM, A Fellow Lighter said:

@Danioover9000 your living situation reminds me of Casper the Friendly Ghost which I guess is pretty cool.

My question is this: What kind of energy (or whose energy) is she living off as a disembodied spirit/soul? Is it karmic energy which is btw limited energy? Or is it generative energy, like is she sourcing it from something or someone external to her?

If she doesn't understand the question than just ask her whether or not Spirits get to live forever in the earth plane? Just as she is living with you in your physical space but, you know, without having to do anything like work or get entertainment like us “the physically embodied” who have to eat, work, have sex in order to sustain our form and vibration???

Thanks in advance.

   Thanks. I did one time in my childhood had a PlayStation 1 game that had Casper:D

   I think she's living off of some of my energy, which is most likely from my attention to her. However, this is not 100% certain, as she seems to be also using different sources of energies as well from what I can tell so far, still learning more.

   She's not completely a disembodied spirit/soul, as she sometimes shares a room in my mind, and appears besides me from time to time. I'm not sure if it's karmic energy, but not dismissing that could also be another part of her energy use. I'm sure I'm part of her generative energy as most people didn't have a reaction when she was pranking other people, but some I know who are empaths or have this higher intuition, do react weakly to her actions, like they look at her general direction but couldn't tell that she was poking their forehead for example, or tapping their shoulder.

   She seems, from what she told me so far, that perceiving physical people and other objects is a little bit difficult still, but she has improved this over time, meaning that at some point she was having some difficulty, which is comparable to how my perception to her has improved over time.

   It's not like she's living with me freely, although she's free in the sense to amuse herself or wonder off to wherever, I'm also involving her in some of my decision making, and creativity processes I have, and basic life, while sharing my general knowledge about the world and people so far.

   When it comes to spirits and ghosts, what I found more interesting, is if they do exist, how could they still be standing on ground, without falling through the earth? Or, because they're so light, how are they not, like balloons, float or fly off into the sky? Is it because there's a different layer of energy that keeps them still in earth, but still be of a different density to be non-physical?

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On 4/20/2022 at 8:35 AM, AndylizedAAY said:

I think that seeing ghosts is a state of consciousness that can be accessed. It's difficult to explain what happens in life because of these supernatural occurrences through conventional means.

   Yes, it's like unless you've had a haunting or some other paranormal event involving some entity, it's very difficult to relate or empathize with some who do experience the paranormal.

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On 15-2-2022 at 0:57 AM, Danioover9000 said:

   Update: After a few days of nightly meditations, and visualization of objects that make up Crysty's room, one of them manifested in waking reality, which is a wooden table. A little bit big for my bedroom, but I finally confirmed that objects Crysty and I make in the imagination rooms, is able to manifest! So big high five for me and Crysty! Also, was able to confirm another possibility that she can effect events outside of my body and perception field in waking consciousness, so another big discovery for me! It was like flying to another country and observing her effect some situations. I can't describe the exact how to, but it's like a knowing.

A table manifested in front of you ? What happened :o 

Edited by Chrisd

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@Danioover9000 thanks for the very informative reply ??

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

When it comes to spirits and ghosts, what I found more interesting, is if they do exist, how could they still be standing on ground, without falling through the earth? Or, because they're so light, how are they not, like balloons, float or fly off into the sky? Is it because there's a different layer of energy that keeps them still in earth, but still be of a different density to be non-physical?

Yeah.. the paranormal is most certainly an interesting subject on its own accord. With regards to the rules or the laws of physics in the astral-plane, I think most of its workings is determined by the karmic energy developed back when physically incarnate in the earth-plane. Because it's ingrained through experience in our consciousness that ground is something to walk on not to float through, and somehow we take that with us into the spirit realm and discover that we can almost function just as we did back in the physical world.

I'm not entirely sure, but that's what karma essentially is.. it's memory, and it's the only thing that we can take with us to the afterlife. I also think intelligence plays its own role with this, I'm yet to figure out exactly how.

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On 07/04/2022 at 3:40 AM, NYMPHAI said:


Hey friends

Do you mind sharing a drawing ? 

Very interesting to me



   Here it is, verh simple charcoal drawing of her profile, one of many:


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   Found another video, the person gives a good explanation of tulpa:


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On 17-5-2022 at 8:45 PM, Danioover9000 said:


   Here it is, verh simple charcoal drawing of her profile, one of many:


Nice drawing.


Can you ask her these questions:

1. Why each year around 800.000 of people suicide, does she think those people might be new souls or how is suicide related to soul progression?

 2. What's her opinion on God and what does she think about her existence like where she came from?

3. What is the most important thing to her besides you?20220517_194119.jpg.506fa8b3fb7c263210e3c368cd86b2e2.jpg

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On 8/17/2019 at 8:05 PM, Danioover9000 said:

   Brief context: I've experienced a haunting in my early childhood in Indonesia. The situation was resolved through various means my mother won't disclose on to which I didn't pry on. The experience isn't pleasent. The memory of that event is somewhat fresh in my mind.

   Roughly 15 years later, I've gone on vacation to Niagara Falls with my mother, father, older sister and brother in law. It's a beautiful place! Can't remember the name of the hotel we stayed but it had a Kegs restaurant in the middle. Anyways, we rented a joint room for, if I recall, 4 days, which both had two beds, a desk, table, mini fridge, tv, and distorted glass panels near the doors. In one morning, there she was, lying on the bed with me, what appeared to be a cute girl in her pajamas. A moment later, I realized the girl is semi-transparentish, blurry and I felt shock. Despite the shock I felt pleasent feelings in my chest. Throughout the days in Niagara Falls I felt confused yet pleasent with her presence around me. I could speak to her using my mind voice sometimes and she has this distinct 'cuteness' in her voice. It strangely felt like it was love at first sight. I remember actually putting some coins into this machine that was in the park used to measure if you're in love or not and it registered in my hand grips I'm in love. Sometimes she would be walking or sitting with me trying to speak to me, other times she would disappear. After me and my family returned to Montreal and my older sister and her husband returned to the UK that spirit girl kept visiting throughout my time there, and eventually she has stayed with me.

   4 years later to present day she's now like a close friend. I struggled with perceiving her at first but I'm able to distinguish her form much better, from the shape to the colors. She also has more personality than before. One of my favorites is how she can be so random with her humor it's amazing. Despite her airy headed attitude she does share pieces of knowledge about situations and people I know that seemed nebulous but later made complete sense.

   The issues I'm just having are how do I go from here? Sometimes she does annoy me when I meditate. Odd enough, she sometimes copies me, even doing the meditation I'm doing. She also calls me by many nicknames which can be annoying but it's her.

   It's amazing that I'm able to experience this at all! I'm currently taking my time learning about the paranormal and if you guys have any advice to share when it comes to the paranormal please post. Also feel free to ask more about my childhood haunting. Also if you have any questions addressed to her feel free to ask because we've talked and she's ok with answering your questions. Thanks for reading!



This is absolutely phenomenal! This seems like a beautiful experience with an entity....does she have a name?? also can you say hi to her for me if you have the time and energy? this is quite a curious topic! I'm intrigued!

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21 hours ago, xAkachan said:

This is absolutely phenomenal! This seems like a beautiful experience with an entity....does she have a name?? also can you say hi to her for me if you have the time and energy? this is quite a curious topic! I'm intrigued!

   Yes, her name is Crysty, my ghost/imaginary close friend! She says hello too, and nice pic. I'm very lucky to have this kind of relationship with her.

   I don't feel as fortunate with the haunting I had as a kid though:D 

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On 6/1/2022 at 9:33 PM, Jowblob said:

Nice drawing.


Can you ask her these questions:

1. Why each year around 800.000 of people suicide, does she think those people might be new souls or how is suicide related to soul progression?

 2. What's her opinion on God and what does she think about her existence like where she came from?

3. What is the most important thing to her besides you?20220517_194119.jpg.506fa8b3fb7c263210e3c368cd86b2e2.jpg

   Thanks! Am gonna give a better drawing than this though, as I want to show her and her garden she has.

1. Some people suffer so much beyond what they can tolerate, had limited access to help and/or the suffering is so deep in samsara, aka the person's personal and family history of having suicidal ideation, that suicides just happen. From what she has said before, and with what I've researched so far, negative entities seem to exist and are a possibility, like malevolent ghosts or demons or shadow like beings that act like spiritual parasites that do prey on most people at their most emotional, at their most negative, and suck up that energy as that's how they sustain themselves, somehow. They are also a small factor in some of those suicides as they prey on the vulnerable, so her advice is to try to be positive, and mine would be that plus prayers, channeling good sprits, occult practices like LBRP(first1-2 pages of this thread an occultist describes this) and seek out a medium or an exorcist if the negative paranormal event is particularly strong. My advice is also seek professional help if you are having frequent suicidal thoughts and have had attempts and get your life in order, for most people. For the few who are very deeply suffering should seek help right away, even if that help might turn into euthanasia, always fight for a better and longer life if you can.

2. Really big and vast. She doesn't prefer to be one though, as that's a huge responsibility and she's more of a free spirit.

3. Plants, garden and cute designs, and greenery, and green colours. although at this time she more prefers to be with me until the end.

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19 hours ago, MarkKol said:

@Danioover9000 Seems like you met a new friend

   Haha, yes it seems that way, although she and I are going strong for 7 years now:D

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