
First LSD Trips Trip Report

5 posts in this topic

So after being a silent reader of this forum for a long time I want to share my first experiences with LSD. The reason for sharing is that my experience was different than all the trip reports i read and to get some advice / feedback.


Pre Trip:

About one week before the trip I started to meditate at least for one hour in SDS per day to prepare for my trip in addition to my daily 3x 20 Minutes Meditation (Morning/ Evening / before bed). I did meditate before but it was only those 2-3x20 Minutes distributed over the day.


First Trip:

110µg 07-22-2019 13:20

I tripped outside in a big bush with a tree near a parking spot (~100m). It was a warm sunny day ~26°C. I choose the place because the parking spot is there for visitor of a cave which is in the exact opposite direction of my place and it is relatively well hidden  because of the bush.

I brought a director's chair for my trip with me. My plan was to do a SDS during the trip.  I also brought earplugs to reduce noise in case it annoys me.

At the start I got pretty anxious. I was not sure if it was caused by the LSD or by my thoughts about the upcoming trip. I tried to listen to Leo's guided meditation but I was not able to concentrate at all. I also tried to listen to calming binaural beats music but it also did not help. So I decided to go for a walk into the nearby forest and I immediately felt better. I walked around for about an hour and looked for a better place to trip. I found a way better place but I decided to stay at my first place.

So I was back at my place at about 15:20 so about 2h in. I kind of felt something but was not really sure if I am just imagining it. My vision was the same than normal. At that point I was very happy that I tested my blotter before the trip so I could be sure that I took actually LSD (I thought about not testing it because I got mine from a source with a very good reputation but I thought it would be worth to still test it just to be 100% sure).

After 3h I got calmer and this feeling increased until 4h. I was than very calm. If I looked around my optic and sound was still absolutely normal. I just found everything way more interesting than usual. I was more sensible to everything. I looked at the grass and it was interesting because i could see a change of my visual perspective without moving my head. So it looked like I am moving my head for like 1 cm in different directions but without moving. I had to pay close attention to notice that. I also could control this effect t a certain extend.

I looked than at the tree and it looked just the same as it looks sober. The only difference is that I could feel that my creativity has increased. I could see grim looking faces in the bark. I found it very interesting how different things can look even if the optic of an object does not change and just the point of view changes. At one point my vision rotated 90° (it was like a picture in Photoshop the colors and forms stayed exactly the same it was just a rotation of my vision field.   I could also control this process to a certain extend. After a short time it got back to the normal alignment.

Later I put earplugs in to see if this increases my ability to meditate deeper and not get distracted so much by the noise of insects. It really deepened my meditative state.

So I continued my meditation and just enjoyed the calm state.I had to stand up from time to time to do some stretches because of increasing back pain.

At 21:20  so after 8h I decided to go home because I felt like the peak was over. I continued to meditate there for like 1-2h and than go to sleep.

In this night I had a hyper real nightmare. I could not remember it later but I was sure it was a very realistic nightmare and this is very unusual for me because I almost never get nightmares (less than once per year).


First Trip after effect / summery:

It was an interesting experience but I did not really have an insight during the trip. I also felt like the effects were overall extremely subtle. The day after I had like a hangover.

I thought I use this day to meditate and to also do a shamanic breathing session. I did about a 3h shamanic breathing session this day. I have a high tolerance for shamanic breath work after doing it more than a dozen times ( even though I did not do it in the last 4 weeks). I could release a lot more trauma  during this session than usual.

The biggest benefits from this trip came after the trip because it increased my motivation to do meditation and continue the work. My meditation got also deeper after the trip. This could also because I increased my SDS time from 60 to 90 Minutes. I also feel my third eye chakra after the trip more often activated (It is like a energy in my forehead)


Second Trip:

155 µg 08-04-2019 15:20

I planned to do this trip in the forest one day later. But during the preparation for the trip I felt like I should do it now and at home. I was reluctant because my parents are at home. But I can lock my room and they usually do not disturb me one Sundays especially because I told them I am feeling sick and I want to sleep and do not want to be disturbed for the rest of the day.

My intention for this trip was the same than for my last trip: I wanted to let go of my social anxiety. In my case it is not very strong but especially in relation to girls very obstructive.

This time there was way less come up anxiety than the last time. Immediately after dropping I do my continuous breathing exercise. This is basically breathing in normal speed but without pause after every breath. I started to cry a bit during this exercise like I often do when I do this exercise. My crying lasted this time a lot longer than usual. I was a bit concerned that this might trigger a horror trip but I thought whatever happens has to happen.

At some point the crying stopped but I was still in a bit sad mood. It was not unpleasant though. I welcomed all emotions and hoped that even more comes up so I can let go.

After 3-4h I dd not have any visual changes but I suddenly heard a loud noise even though I had my earplugs in. I got startled by this noise but I got calm after a few seconds because I knew it is just the LSD. The noise sounded like someone jumped at the keys of a piano in like 50cm distance. This noise happened like 30 minutes later again with the same results. I just hoped that this does not happen a third time and luckily it did not happen again.

Shortly after that it got cold for me even though it was pretty warm previously (23°C). So I put on long trousers and a cardigan. I felt than comfortably warm.

I continue meditation in SDS but I have to make brakes every 1-2h because of back pain. I do than some sport exercises that help me against my back pain and than continue.

After about 5h into the trip I noticed a pain in the heart area. I sometimes felt it before but this time it was like 5 times as strong as it ever was. It really hurt but I just accept it and tried to focus on it as much as possible. I tried to welcome and feel as deep  the pain as much as I could. It felt for me like the intensity of the feeling changed over time. So it had at the beginning a high intensity which increased to a peak. At the peak I could tear very big tears and than the feeling got a bit weaker and the tears stopped until I reached the peak again. This happened about 6 times. At one point the feeling spread from the heart in my entire chest. This felt like I could integrate the feeling. This point was the highlight of the entire trip.

After that I still felt some pain in the heart region but it was a lot less. I hoped that the rest would again spread out into my chest but it did not happen. The pain in the heart region disappeared after 8h at that point also stopped the cold effect so I did not need my cardigan anymore.

I kept mediating until 9h into the trip but at that point the trip was basically over and my back also hurt. I was also pretty tired.  So 1h later I got into bed and I could sleep without a problem (no nightmare).


Second Trip after effect / summery:

I liked liked this trip a lot more than the first one because it was way more cleaning. I really can now see the similarity between shamanic breath work and LSD. With LSD it is like a lot more effortless to get the emotions out than with the breath work. This time I also did not have the hangover feeling the next day. I just felt a lot more at peace. And my meditations did get deeper as well.

It was also interesting that even though I increased my dosage by almost 50% I did see this time even less visuals than last time (basically noting).

I am really excited for my next trip tomorrow and I hope I can release than even more trauma



I am think about tripping next time in my bed so I do not have to interrupt my trip with exercises because of back pain. Is this a good idea or is tripping in sitting position in general a lot more helpful? ( I also thought about regular meditation in lying position is this a good idea?)

I also set a intention for both my trips to learn how to let go of all my social anxiety. Is this a good idea or should I just go in blank and experience what happens without intention?

For my trip tomorrow I plan to dose 180µg. I thought increasing it by 25µg should be safe without risking anything crazy to happen (like running outside around like a madman). Because until now I felt always in full control and could also move doing exercises without a problem. The only point where I got shocked was as I heard those loud noises but I calmed down shortly. Any opinions on the dosage? 

Has anyone done shamanic breathing during a trip? I thought about trying it out any opinions?

Edited by Calmness

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Sounds like your trips were very mild. Seems like you have a toleramce to LSD or weak blotter.

Your intention is fine, if that's what you really want. But the real power of LSD will shine once you get over all your psychological needs and start setting metaphysical intentions. Like, What is reality?

I would trip sitting up, not laying down.

Tripping outdoors is tricky. Start by doing 10 or 20 trips indoors where you have full control of environment and isolation from disturbing people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Sounds like your trips were very mild. Seems like you have a toleramce to LSD or weak blotter.

Your intention is fine, if that's what you really want. But the real power of LSD will shine once you get over all your psychological needs and start setting metaphysical intentions. Like, What is reality?

I would trip sitting up, not laying down.


Was great laying down while listening music on my bed. Feel safe and could go deep.

I really need to try my own cubensis B.

Even while Dancing.  ( Mushroom tho )

Sometimes I even got Big realisation while dancing eyes closed around people. ( Time shaping control + distorsion + high visual saturation )

You need more than 100u (LSD) or more than 1.5 ( mushroom )

Or then it will just be like a 'good ssri' nothing spiritual. The ego will be stable. No real growth or Big understanding in low doses


Edited by Aeris

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lmao I couldn't get the motivation or focus to do shamanic breathing during a trip

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