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How cannot be afected by the outcome (frustration)

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I may wake up some day feeling optimistic and happy. The i plan to go to a nice restaurant and when i arrive its CLOSED. This have a impact in my mood and change abosulutely to happy to disappointed or frustrated.

The same for example if I go to the library to buy a new book im excited to read and when I ask the store-dependant says that they dont have it and Ill have to wair 2 weeks.

Id like to be immune to negative external events but I cant. in fact any frustrating event ruins my day easily.

How can i be happy or content unconditionally. i know meditating, but I mean when Im not meditating and Im making my daily life activities.

Edited by Moreira

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If you hold this belief:

11 minutes ago, Moreira said:

negative external events

and then try to maintain this:

11 minutes ago, Moreira said:

Id like to be immune

you’ll keep ending up here:

11 minutes ago, Moreira said:

any frustrating event ruins my day easily.


Buy a dry erase board. Establish what you want, feel deeper into what you really - actually - want. Add words, drawing, tape pictures to it - fill it with your life’s dream of your dream life. 

When a thought arises which does not feel good - 

it is because the thought is not aligned with what you established you wanted.

Choose a better feeling, more aligned thought.


Do not be the cell phone which claims the wifi. Rather, see that same wifi is reality, bringing everything you want. The cell phone questions the validity of the wifi, in ignorance - from a perspective of separation from the universe (wifi). The only feeling good, is in truth, the cell phone & wifi, are the universe, are One. 

You are not a separate person in an objective reality. You are “in” a vibrational universe, the sensations - “your sensations” - they are literally the universe. It only seems like you are “in” it. This is so you can create, and share.

Welcome the magic of this as mind blowing infinitely intelligent synchronicities begin to fill your days with ease, and wonder.

Do not question if or how what you want is coming - in such a busyness, you’ll miss that it is right in front of you, and more so, within you. 

One can not be happy.

Happiness is Being.



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@Nahm You have just made my Saturday, what do you take for breakfast! I like the wifi cellphone analogy, we get stuck sometimes on this. Talking of synchronicity I made a vision board this morning out of the things I really want and well it was inspiring. Taking a step back and seeing a POV of this was key, there was a lot of sassy art on there, Love pics and travel pics. Exciting times..... 

@Moreira you are attaching yourself to the outcome. Let go. 

There is nothing either good or bad, but  thinking makes it so. (Shakespeare - what a dude) 

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@Moreira Maybe it is about your expectations. I too sometimes had naive expectations about something and sad when real life don't match them. Choose another restaraunt and library for example. You may try many techniques about get rid of frustration but remember that you don't have to frustrate about your frustration and beat yourself up.

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5 hours ago, Nahm said:

If you hold this belief:

and then try to maintain this:

you’ll keep ending up here:


Buy a dry erase board. Establish what you want, feel deeper into what you really - actually - want. Add words, drawing, tape pictures to it - fill it with your life’s dream of your dream life. 

When a thought arises which does not feel good - 

it is because the thought is not aligned with what you established you wanted.

Choose a better feeling, more aligned thought.


Do not be the cell phone which claims the wifi. Rather, see that same wifi is reality, bringing everything you want. The cell phone questions the validity of the wifi, in ignorance - from a perspective of separation from the universe (wifi). The only feeling good, is in truth, the cell phone & wifi, are the universe, are One. 

You are not a separate person in an objective reality. You are “in” a vibrational universe, the sensations - “your sensations” - they are literally the universe. It only seems like you are “in” it. This is so you can create, and share.

Welcome the magic of this as mind blowing infinitely intelligent synchronicities begin to fill your days with ease, and wonder.

Do not question if or how what you want is coming - in such a busyness, you’ll miss that it is right in front of you, and more so, within you. 

One can not be happy.

Happiness is Being.

I think the root of my frustration is living in the following dissonance:

-Im perfectionist in my job, I do everything the best I can, and try to finish my tasks on time. Everything out of this has no place in my principles.

-So I expect the same. Things should work properly, in 2019. Its so easy to bring a perfect service: If you are sick and cannot open your restaurant call other empleyee to do that. If you run of x model of product, or x title of book replace it.

Uncompetitiveness of others hurt me so much when its easily fixable or avoidable.

Edited by Moreira

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@Moreira Perfectionism can be stifling and tricky, especially if you have unrealistic expectations. Keep doing the practices as Nahm suggested. Feels like you're stuck in your mind. 

@Nahm Challenge accepted! ??

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2 hours ago, Moreira said:

I think the root of my frustration is living in the following dissonance:

-Im perfectionist in my job, I do everything the best I can, and try to finish my tasks on time. Everything out of this has no place in my principles.

-So I expect the same. Things should work properly, in 2019. Its so easy to bring a perfect service: If you are sick and cannot open your restaurant call other empleyee to do that. If you run of x model of product, or x title of book replace it.

Uncompetitiveness of others hurt me so much when its easily fixable or avoidable.

Why would anyone prefer the experience of  “frustration, dissonance, perfectionism, principles, expectations, properness, perfection, competitiveness, and being hurt”...over being happy? 


Of course, no one would. 

Frustration involves sensation, dissonance in conceptual. Thought is so sneaky, to imply feeling comes from concepts. Very tricky. 

Dissonance can’t actually cause frustration.  Enormous and continuous effort is required to maintain such an intense & broad scope of judgement. 

The root of the frustration is the dissonance between sensation (feelings) and beliefs (repeated thoughts). This is why is doesn’t feel good (because sensations are involved). We are not made to carry burdens. Actually, we don’t even carry them, we recreate them over & over, situation after situation, because we don’t realize it’s our own perspective we’re recreating. 

The counter-conceptual move to make, is to slow down and listen to the sensations, and acknowledge the thoughts you’ve been choosing aren’t aligned with what you want, nor are they true, and that is why it does not feel good. Realizing one has essentially put how one is thought of, above how one actually feels, is to realize one’s own judgements of self and others. The root of judgement, is need. In the deconstructing of conditioning, one’s relative past & therefore identity, there is a learned belief of need. Some deeper than others. For you, pretty deep. 

This realization allows the letting go, and the purification is always at the ready for one letting go. The clarity and understanding always follow. 

I’d grab a paper & pen, and some tissue, and write down the opposite of each of these words:

frustration, dissonance, perfectionism, principles, expectations, properness, perfection, competitiveness, hurt, being. 

Then I’d look at them, and recognize that is what I want to be accepting in myself, that is how I want to be feeling. 






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8 hours ago, Moreira said:

I may wake up some day feeling optimistic and happy. The i plan to go to a nice restaurant and when i arrive its CLOSED. This have a impact in my mood and change abosulutely to happy to disappointed or frustrated.

The same for example if I go to the library to buy a new book im excited to read and when I ask the store-dependant says that they dont have it and Ill have to wair 2 weeks.

Id like to be immune to negative external events but I cant. in fact any frustrating event ruins my day easily.

How can i be happy or content unconditionally. i know meditating, but I mean when Im not meditating and Im making my daily life activities.

Hard but. Work on being mindful when 'anger' arise. Try a mantra like : everything is fine. Then try to focus on creating a New plan directly focused toward a New 'victorious path'.

As I m very very emotional I had and still have to deal with this.

Another way is not making detailed plan for the futur and accept the flow of what happens as an exercice to overcome yourself. Start being mindful when you start judging and looking for 'who is guilty'

It's not easy it is hard work but you can work and 'tame the inner tiger' as they say.

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