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An example of what's possible with conscious science- a new spiritual technology

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I'm wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this thing I would characterize as a kundalini machine called the Theraphi. I want to give my "trip report" with it for everyone.  It somehow draws on some of Nicola Tesla's work to produce what they refer to as a neg-entropic energy field and it's amazing!

So the session I had was 2 20 minute intervals with a 10-minute break in between because the bulbs need to cool. All you do is lay down. If you watch the video you'll see that they take a fluorescent bulb and it turns on while it is floating in mid-air between the bulbs, I saw this demonstrated in front of me and was blown away by it.

What really shocked me was that as soon as the machine was turned on I could feel third eye burning and pulsing kundalini of unprecedented palpaability. It appeared immediately each time the machine was turned on and dissipated immediately each time it was turned off! I also could feel my brain waves shifting several times throughout the experience, it seemed to induce alpha waves subjectively, these among a few other more subtle effects.

Trying this has given me massive validation for my kriya practice knowing how far the normal kriya sensations can be amplified with this technology.

You guys should do some research on this and try out a session probably $80 if you can find one, I did it in LA. 

Btw Leo, instead of buying a lambo this would be a neat way to blow some dough, I think they go for like $25k:D

‘The water in which the mystic swims is the water in which a madman drowns. --Joseph Campbell

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