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What is the point of anything?

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this will feel broad and cliche but what is the point of anything at all what is the point of living? 

I've been trying to find my purpose for 5 years now but nothing!!!!!! there is nothing that keeps me wanting to stay alive I don't experience negative or positive emotions anymore everything is numb and pointless. I don't know any other way to say it but I don't want to be alive anymore not because I'm overwhelmed with negative emotions but simply because there is nothing to live for there is no reason for me to stay here and i mean that in the least depressive way I can


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Nihilism is a classic sign of overthinking.

Thought itself is devoid of meaning, so there's no wonder why all thought-derived conclusions always seem meaningless and feel empty.

So, if thought is empty, then how come it seems meaningful when it calls everything meaningless? You see the irony here? Everything is meaningless except the thought that says so?

What does this mean? Actually, nothing. What needs to happen here is for you to rise above the meaningful vs. meaningless duality, and watch it from a higher perspective, a meta perspective.

Once you realise the meaninglessness of meaninglessness, you will discover the divine meaning of life, and that is being itself.

The point of the ride is the ride.

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@Luna I think you need to find a conscious healer. Someone who can bring you back up energetically. Your lack of desire for life may very much be physiological. Depression can be induced by many things not just lack of purpose. I think there is something in there that prevents you from seeing positivity, hope and love all around you. It may be heavy metal accumulation in your brain tissue, it may be undereating, it may be brain inflammation or lack of vital force/energetic frequency circulating your body. 

I'd either look for a good naturopath or a spiritual healer. Alternatively, consider a longer-term retreat if you financial situation allows for it. 



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18 hours ago, Luna said:

this will feel broad and cliche but what is the point of anything at all what is the point of living? 

I've been trying to find my purpose for 5 years now but nothing!!!!!! there is nothing that keeps me wanting to stay alive I don't experience negative or positive emotions anymore everything is numb and pointless. I don't know any other way to say it but I don't want to be alive anymore not because I'm overwhelmed with negative emotions but simply because there is nothing to live for there is no reason for me to stay here and i mean that in the least depressive way I can


Life is the point, it is self evident. Feeling is the point. If one suppresses their sensations, their feelings, it would seem there is no point. The ‘point’ is not found with thought. Suppressed sensation fuels overthinking. Let me know if you’d like to talk. :)




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Meaninglessness is the flip side of the coin to equanimity, but it's a good question where meaning comes from. Most animals survive by instinct, and when you think about it, many of the 'meanings' people live for are linked with survival value and evolutionary benefit. Such as family, career, fame. But not all. You don't have a meaning, Luna, how do you feel about it? Meaning and value are similar things. If you don't care either way, then not living is just as meaningless as living.  But reading between the lines it could be that you are bothered about it. So perhaps you actually could have a purpose of finding out what is the purpose of life?  That sounds like what we're all up to on our spiritual paths too.

Edited by MuddyBoots

Everything is connected, but connections are only necessary from a fragmented point of view. What's the connection between two waves? The whole deep ocean which they are made of in the first place!

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