
What Are The 10 Most Important Videos I Should Watch On Leos Channel?

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I attempted to watch leos"How you mind distorts reality video" I was getting a vague idea of what he was saying (Im 14 yrs old, most kids my age would have not clue to what he was talking about) but 20 minutes I started to lose him and what he was saying.(I find that leo lacks using examples in his videos to back up his arguments)


Is there any important or foundational video that I can understand

I please, no do not send me a link to his video for people in Elementry or Highschool, I watched that video and its pretty far from anything advanced.

Its one big message saying "Educate yourself well, make a strong foundation"

I can understand advanced topics if exsplained well. So please dont be afraid to link me to interesting and advanced videos of his. 



Still currently working on a "mega thread" that I will post on this forum soon concerning deep , in depth both self and world improvement stuff.


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The mind distortion video is by far my favorite. I recommend that you keep trying to understand it.

Here are two videos that really like:




What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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I recommend the one I think is called, how to stop being a victim and another good one is benefits of meditation.


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On 5/6/2016 at 5:38 AM, brovakhiin said:

I think "How You Lie" is extreeeeemely important and something I had not thought about extensively before, it really starting turning things inside me and I got some groundbreaking realizations afterwards.


Also, it's foundational and very applicable and the sooner you apply it in your life, the better. I recommend that.

Spiritual enlightenment intro

What is karma?

How not to be a zen devil

How not to be a victim part 2


How to meditate deeper

The power of routines

What is happiness?

How to feel happy

Positive vs negative motivation


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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My favorite video is Lifestyle Minimalism. As a former perfectionist and a workaholic I loved the idea of drastically slowing down the pace of my life. I've been applying the advice to my life for a while now and I have only good things to say about lifestyle minimalism! ?

But I think that you should just follow your own intuition. Read through videos' titles and pick those that you feel most drawn to.

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My fav is Society fucks you in the ass

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Watch the vision videos, for sage and self-actualization + big picture of self-actualization. 

A strategy is to get a big picture understanding and let the pieces fall into the puzzle as you go

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You sir have an excellent opportunity to set a solid foundation for yourself, something that you must strive towards cause once you have your foundation set, it's then that you can move forward with bigger projects. And btw there is no "top 10" or something, just take up what you feel will help you to set the foundation and work on it.

Here is what helped me and would be convenient for you as well-

  • How society fuc*s you in the ass
  • How to study (don't dismiss it if you haven't watched it cause most people don't do the real education)
  • How to get shit done
  • Mastery (Leo's old video)
  • The root cause of every addiction 
  • Subtle addictions
  • His video on Self acceptance 
  • The role of balance in personal development (this is where he talks about how you yourself will have to find your own balance)
  • His video on Taking responsibility and victim mentality 
  • His videos on emotional intelligence (he has a whole bunch of videos but you can save them for later)
  • His introductory video on what life purpose is and what it can do for you. 
  • Fake growth vs real growth

It was when I was writing this down that I realised that there are more than you need. Just avoid being caught up in this trap of mental masturbation. Theory is important but then do it the right way. 


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These are really important. The first I actually haven't watched but I should and so should you.

  • The Big Picture of Self-Actualization (big-picture overview of this work)
  • How To Get Started With Self-Actualization (how to get into this work)
  • How To Become A Strategic Mothefucker (strategy to start doing this work)
  • Lifestyle Minimalism (time is a valuable resource you're never getting back
  • Radical Openmindedness (this is huge because you're going to encounter a lot of stuff that's "out of the norm")
  • How To Get Shit Done (you need to, after all)
  • How To Stop Judging Yourself (very very important to avoid self-sabotage)
  • The Power of Self-Acceptance (really important to love yourself)
  • A Rant Against Morality (because morality can assfuck you to shreds otherwise)
  • Meditation for Beginners (because meditation is the key shit)
  • Concentration vs Meditation (important distinction to get the most out of meditation, which is the key shit, as I said)
  • Awareness Alone Is Curative (awareness is really fucking important)
  • Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most Shocking Truth (enlightenment is one the key things to take this work to the maximum)
  • How To Create Your Dream Career (life purpose - another key concept, since a lot of your life will presumably be spent working

What? You're saying there's 14 videos here? I don't know what you're talking about ;)

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Open channel, click which video you feel is right for you. There is no right or wrongs, everything happens for a greater reason you don't understand yet.


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The most important video is this one.

If you actually do this 24/24, 7/7, it will supress all your problems in life in the mid-long term.




Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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