Man in the Mirror

When Is Right Time To Learn About Enlightenment?

7 posts in this topic

Hey everyone,

I first discovered on youtube when I was looking for some self-help videos, and over some time I ended up watching almost all of them. Topics such as healthy relationships, gratitude, meditation, ego, self image, law of attraction, happiness, mindfulness, higher and lower self, building positive habits, etc... I loved learning about every subject, figuring out the right way to integrate them into my life, and generally improving the quality of my life.

However, there is one topic that Leo covers in multiple videos that I haven't dived into: Enlightenment.  I've listened to the "All Religions Explained in One Video" episode when Leo talks about it for a while, so I kind of know about the general idea behind it-- the nothingness, being created by the conscious, etc. The subject interests me, but to be totally honest, I'm not sure if I am ready to fully learn about it yet. When I heard the "Intro to Enlightenment" episode, I turned it off before getting too into it, thinking to myself "whoa i don't know if this is the right thing for me right now" because I was already working on other parts of myself. 

I'm still working on those, and I know I will need to continue working on them for quite some time to reach my goals. I truly appreciate and the community for helping me learn more about myself. So naturally, I want to learn everything can teach me. But I'm not sure if learning about Enlightenment is what I need at this time, because it implies reality is radically different from how I understand it now. I worry i will feel conflicted, because everything I'm working on right now is for this reality as i currently understand it. Will I still care about my worldly goals after learning about enlightenment? 

i guess my question is, is it advised that people wait until they are pretty well actualized (better version of self, got life handled) before trying for enlightenment? But, if I work on self actualization and become my best self, wouldn't it be harder for me to reach enlightenment later because I will be so much happier with what I have at that point as an actualized person? Wouldn't my ego resist it even more at that point, to protect what it has?

Edited by Man in the Mirror

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It doesn't really matter when to learn about enlightenment, literally everyone can become enlightened regardless the circumstance. Being is a thing we all share and it does not care about your life circumstances.

Will is be harder/easier? It all depends on you, if you truly want to become enlightened you have to be willing to give it all up, everything. If you are not willing to give up all your 'worldly' things, achievements and possessions. You are probably not going to become enlightened. But the funny thing is, you think you are going to be so much happier when you have reached all your dreams you have set out for yourself. But most likely, you are going to find out that this happiness resided in yourself all along.

But having said, doing self inquiry and meditate regularly never hurt anyone. The amount of meditators that accidentally become enlightened by just meditating are pretty low. Just meditating and doing self inquiry might even help you attain your goals if they succeed in reducing the clutches of your ego.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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On 5/5/2016 at 2:58 PM, Man in the Mirror said:

Hey everyone,

I first discovered on youtube when I was looking for some self-help videos, and over some time I ended up watching almost all of them. Topics such as healthy relationships, gratitude, meditation, ego, self image, law of attraction, happiness, mindfulness, higher and lower self, building positive habits, etc... I loved learning about every subject, figuring out the right way to integrate them into my life, and generally improving the quality of my life.

However, there is one topic that Leo covers in multiple videos that I haven't dived into: Enlightenment.  I've listened to the "All Religions Explained in One Video" episode when Leo talks about it for a while, so I kind of know about the general idea behind it-- the nothingness, being created by the conscious, etc. The subject interests me, but to be totally honest, I'm not sure if I am ready to fully learn about it yet. When I heard the "Intro to Enlightenment" episode, I turned it off before getting too into it, thinking to myself "whoa i don't know if this is the right thing for me right now" because I was already working on other parts of myself. 

I'm still working on those, and I know I will need to continue working on them for quite some time to reach my goals. I truly appreciate and the community for helping me learn more about myself. So naturally, I want to learn everything can teach me. But I'm not sure if learning about Enlightenment is what I need at this time, because it implies reality is radically different from how I understand it now. I worry i will feel conflicted, because everything I'm working on right now is for this reality as i currently understand it. Will I still care about my worldly goals after learning about enlightenment? 

i guess my question is, is it advised that people wait until they are pretty well actualized (better version of self, got life handled) before trying for enlightenment? But, if I work on self actualization and become my best self, wouldn't it be harder for me to reach enlightenment later because I will be so much happier with what I have at that point as an actualized person? Wouldn't my ego resist it even more at that point, to protect what it has?

the reality of your question is this: you as the identity are not going to choose self actualization or enlightenment, your ego, programing, false beliefs, and the desires of the flesh body is not going to choose anything to disrupt that.  The other part of that reality is this: it is if and when the consciousness begins to awaken that you may pursue these things.  Now if that is happening in you, then you might add to the awakening by slowing down, taking time to reflect on what really is important in life, who and what you are, how you got here, what will happen when you leave, what is really important in the daily events of your life, contemplating these things opens doors to more perceptions and understanding.  It is possible that the addictions of the physical body, the programing and false belief and ego can be so strong that it can resist the calling of consciousness that may be attempting to remember its true state of being. My advice to you or anyone else is this, if the voice of consciousness is calling , respond as much as you can, for continually resisting it may shut that door.  There is no guarantee that everyone is going to awaken, that is a newage philosophy, and many believe that you will continue to live over and over until you get it right, but again, that is newage philosophy, there is no proof for any of that, once awakened you will discover that most of what is taught in the world has nothing to do with reality or the reality of your very own being.  the number who actually becomes self realized or enlightened are very few.  Most are not seeking enlightenment, they are seeking and into personal growth.  The majority of topics on this site is about issues of the identity and resolving those issues, there will be no end to issues of the identity, the end game for the victors is liberation from the identity, ego, programing, false beliefs, and desires of the flesh.  To do that one must become self realized, and that means becoming something other than the identity and all its failing attributes.  Being self realized isnt about giving up anything, its about becoming another kind of being, and as that other being you will do what keeps you in liberation,  It is entirely possible for one to finish out their existence here as a self realized being, finding happiness, joy, peace, love and living a constructive.  These thing are for your consideration and contemplation, you cannot fully understand until after the experience of these things but contemplating them may open up some things for you.

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@Man in the Mirror Hi!

Enlightenment and reaching goals in my view are not at odds with each other.

All those things that fall into the category of self-development like life purpose, setting and achieving goals have their place. 

In his latest book "Waking Up" Sam Harris suggests that "Enlightenment" is actually about finding durable happiness and fulfilment independent of fulfilling hopes desires and dreams. 

In my opinion it is about balance. In many ways at first we expect that fulfilling our desires will make us permentantly happy, and this is a false assumption. But exploring enlightement doesn't mean we give up seeking satisfaction altogether, it just means that we don't put so much emphasis on those external things to bring us lasting happiness. 

Still go for it! It's always good to go for it and create the life you want to live - Just don't expect achievement itself to fill the void for you, because it won't. 



Edited by Mal

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I think leo covers everything on your topic here if you've missed this video


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The right moment to learn about enlightenment = NOW!

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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