
The Body

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I understand that my thoughts and emotions are bullshit. I get it. I have watched and proven my thoughts wrong time and time again. Is my body me? Is my body a part of my ego and is it just bullshit as well? If not, please explain it to a 6 year old, cause I would like to wrap my head around this...

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Whatever you think is real is real. It is possible for your thoughts and emotions to make sense when you want to.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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Garbage answer. Thanks anyways. I woke up and remembered Neti Neti. First thought upon waking. Thanks Leo!

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You're not that which you can observe. At the same time, there's clearly a guy sitting there on the computer. So it's a quite paradoxical thing, really.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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@MikeB First of all, you should have probably better posted this in the Spirituality subforum. Other than that, your body is not part of your ego but the thought/belief that you are the body or rather a body is. What you need to realize is that you are just as much "your" body as you are anything else too, all being just another finite manifestation of The Infinite/Consciousness. 

I hope this helped, let me know if you need further clarification. Just remember that you can never arrive at any purely logical or rational conclusion when it comes to this. :)

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  https://jackrhayes.de  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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Thoughts and emotions are not bullshit, they are tools for your use here in this physical experience. You have been given great gifts- the power to create with thought and electrical impulses which inform you as to your current state of being.

Your mind is a tool for you to use but it is very powerful and you have not been taught from an early age to be in control of it, so it is like an untamed stallion, running about wherever it pleases. This is not your fault but your mind belongs to you and you can start to train it and use it to your advantage instead of letting it run rampant and allowing it to negatively affect you. Also, like any tool, you can choose to put it down when you don't wish to use it.

Your emotions are a guidance system. They are there to let you know where you stand in relationship to where you want to be. Your true self is always in a state of peace, love, wholeness. When your thoughts are not congruent with the state of your true self, then negative emotions arise as the discord between you and You. 

If you REALLY want to wrap your head around what YOU are, I suggest getting to the very core of the nature of reality. Understand that everything is energy. That energy is conscious and it makes up everything in existence. In terms of modern science, think of how everything is made out of atoms and atoms are made of like 99% space and protons and electrons which are what? Energy. So the only thing that separates mind from body from emotion is your brain interpreting electrical signals and relaying the information. Without the body to do that, everything is formless, everything is conscious, everything is pure energy. 

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EGO is what these responses are. YOUR responses are full of shit. I am trying to transcend the body. Not fill my head full of shit like you are doing. I don't need your mental masturbation to transcend. Good luck on your path. 

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I asked a legitimate question that no one can answer without direct experience and I answered it my self. Accept the fact that you know nothing. Simple. Don't wait. Accept it. Bitch! Lol



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Sorry Leo answered it. Therefore I thanked Leo. Learn how to read.

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It feels like Leo only sparked the conversation. The problem he has is explaining it to a 6 year old.

Where are you? In your toes? if I removed your toes, would you exist?

Legs. If I removed your legs would you still exist.

Is it possible to remove your head, keep you alive, and you remain conscious?

And then it gets to your mind. Can you pinpoint exactly where you are in your mind? Top, front, back..... No you cannot exactly point to what or where you are.

You can not find yourself. You do not know where you exist physically. 

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Physically you cannot explain who you are.

Mentally you can not explain who you are.

Emotionally you cannot explain who you are.

What are you? 

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25 minutes ago, MikeB said:

What are you? 

A moron. People were trying to help you back there, show some respect. 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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Holy shit, dude ? If that’s how you respond... well, may God help you.

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  https://jackrhayes.de  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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Your body and mind are no BS. what are you talking about? If you don´t like how your body reacts and how your mind works, then you have to improve them rather than neglect it. Do the hard work.

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The body is a hallucination, just like everything else.

There is no fundamental difference between your body and your thoughts -- if you are conscious enough.

The body is actually being willed into existence by Universal Mind. God's Will made manifest creates every cell in your body.

The body is made out of Infinite Consciousness.

But none of this will make a lick of sense unless you're in a nondual state of consciousness. So go do some psychedelics or Kriya yoga or whatever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

The body is a hallucination, just like everything else.

Good to know, honestly.

Most of us these days hate our bodies, so wouldn’t it be nice if more people were aware of this

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