
Why Do The Assumption "i Can Be Localized" Is False?

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Leo says that the assumption "I'm can be localized" is false.

But how can I know that it's not true, if all I had is the body experinces only?
Any phenomena is happening within the body, so how can I know that here is something else?

Also, if if I am not this body, why do I am experincing me only?
Why do I cannot see what you see?

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@Parki enlightenment says there is no you, or that you are Nothing, because Nothing is nothing, it cannot be a thing, and so it can't be localised, because space and time are things, nothingness is outside of space and time, so it doesn't have a location

The second point is something that I struggled to understand too, I think because as organisms we are structured as points of consciousness, we are only aware of our own body because that's where as organisms, our consciousness is located

however, I remember Leo's video about his enlightenment experience he said it felt like he was outside his body looking at himself, so maybe it takes enlightenment to stop being stuck inside your one perspective

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49 minutes ago, Saarah said:

however, I remember Leo's video about his enlightenment experience he said it felt like he was outside his body looking at himself, so maybe it takes enlightenment to stop being stuck inside your one perspective

@Saarah Basicly what are you telling me either "take on faith what says Leo" or "have an elightenment exerience, it will clarify everything"

Whatever Leo says, true or not, it doesn't help take on faith anything.

I totally agree with the second, but the problem is not what to do after an elightenment exerience, but how to get it first.

Right now I consider a bit different possibility that may be I know about me only is not because "I" look on things, but because things looks on me. Kind a freak, but any ideas how can I check this out in first hand experience?

Edited by Parki
Forget to notice @Saarah

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@ParkiYou seem to understand this from an intellectual perspective only and not experientially.  If you don't mind me asking, have you ever experienced what is beyond the self?

Edited by cetus56

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Just now, cetus56 said:

have you ever experienced what is beyond the self


I am not trying to do this on a "level of thougths" and literaly here is nothing, but my experience and it certainly feels like that I am here.

If I am not only here but everywhere how can I know it?

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1 minute ago, Parki said:

not only here but everywhere how can I know it?

That's a lofty idea but not true in the sense you are thinking as in "you are everything". Don't take that is such a literal sense. Only your body is literally "every-thing" because it's part of the material universe on an atomic level. Lets say for the sake of conversation, there is mind- "YOU". Than there is pure universal awareness. How to experience pure universal awareness with no false additives?

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@Parki You are not ready yet. Understand that enlightenment does not require any faith, just radical open mindedness. The truth will become apparent to you once you really, truly work on opening your mind beyond limits you are comfortable with.

Listen, it may feel like you are this entity that is "you", because you identify every experience you have with that being. But as you look closer and closer you see that this identity is just a construct of your imagination and the "you" can not be placed or pictured to be anywhere.

I can not explain what the self is, because it is unexplainable. It is easy for me to tell you that you are awareness, but unless you actually "experience" that which you are right now, that explanation is worthless.

So I suggest to you to keep meditating, dont hold on to beliefs, rather open your mind to destroying each and every one of those beliefs. What is left soon after this journey of "destruction" is truth.

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When I was a child there was no" localized self" and the world was amazing. We need to regain what has been lost.

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10 hours ago, Parki said:

Leo says that the assumption "I'm can be localized" is false.

But how can I know that it's not true, if all I had is the body experinces only?
Any phenomena is happening within the body, so how can I know that here is something else?

Also, if if I am not this body, why do I am experincing me only?
Why do I cannot see what you see?

Because you are not enlightened.

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