Quality Political Analysis Resources Mega-Thread

Leo Gura
By Leo Gura in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
Post here links to YT channels, podcasts, & websites which offer high quality political analysis. High quality political analysis is: Systemic, complex, nuanced Holistic Questions the status quo, calls out corruption, speaks truth to power Non-blaming, non-demonizing, non-conspiratorial Grounded in facts & evidence Grounded in historical understanding Grounded in solid non-partisan journalism Attempts to be fair to the other side, avoids strawmanning the other side Non-dogmatic, open-minded, willing to change its mind on issues Not overly focused on culture war issues Shows empathy for all humans and living beings, regardless of race, ethnicity, class, gender, etc. Advocates for non-violence as much as possible Doesn't fear-monger Doesn't scapegoat gays, non-whites, communists, globalists, Jews, feminists, academics, etc. Appreciates cultural diversity and different POVs In-depth rather than merely sound bites Cares about environmental issues Appreciates the importance of balance Understands the dangers of false equivalency and "neutrality" Interested in unearthing root causes of problems Yes! These can be tough subjective calls to make. Self-bias is always a distorting factor.
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