
Commitment To Self-mastery

2 posts in this topic

Hello, my name is Jakub :)

I am a 19y old dude, I live in germany and am an apprentice as a service technician for an ISP. I became interested into personal development about 3 years ago when I was watching Elliott Hulse's shit which is awesome. Later I found out about RSD and other mentors like Leo and I started to realise that I can achieve great fucking things, that I would offer huge value to the world one day and this feeling never left me since then but I never took action. For the last 2 years I haven't had a girlfriend and was alone alot. I used to feel lonely and I was either playing video-games, binge watching YouTube or Netflix, masturbate way too fucking much :D sometimes get drunk & shit. I used to be very fat also. I think I was about 90kg or so when I was 14 then I lost some weight and then I got some back up, thanks to having a foot injury as well which made me just be at home all day for months until I got to 110kg in August 2015. As I saw the number on the scale I decided it's finally time to take action and lose some weight. I became motivated to lose weight and to start doing pick-up. I lost about 5kg in the first week and then I did nothing again. One month later I found a one month programm in the gym and I made it to 2 weeks I think. I  got back down. My self-esteem at this point was very low, I couldn't go out to meet people, I was nervous and anxious af when talking to customers in work and colleges. Somewhere in october I think I started doing intermittent fasting which I don't plan to stop anytime soon :) IF has helped me loose weight and get my mind clearer. I was still gaming a lot and pretty much doing nothing purposeful. In the last year I started to learn to be alone. I don't feel lonely anymore, I'm pretty happy being alone but tbh I feel inside me that being extroverted is the way I was ment to be and I always wanted to be in some ways, I grew up with a lot of friends and it was awesome. So, now it's 5. May of 2016 and 2 months ago I started again, but slowly, to develop strong habits. I started doing some easy workouts at home 4 days a week. A week or 2 later I started waking up at 4AM and working out at 6AM or so, today is the 4th week of going to the gym 4 days a week at 4:20 (that 420 was on purpose :P ). I build myself a strong habit and I am proud about that. I also lost some weight, I am now at 88kg and still going down. I try to meditate every day but I always forget it or something, not developed a strong habit there yet :D I also started taking a Fishoil Supplement a few weeks ago and it really helps me to fight my anxiety and mild depression which are both at minimal levels by now. I was also addicted to porn and masturbation a few months ago which I managed to at least reduce sligthly, now I'm doing NoFap for almost a week now and made myself a commitment to hold it for the whole may and I feel great about that. A few days ago I met up with a friend to do pick-up and I made 10 cold approaches. I noticed also that after these 2 years of being lonely and mildly depressed and trying and failing to ACTUALIZE myself ;), I don't have such a desire to get laid or to make huge loads of money or whatever, kinda like a lack of selfishness. Ofcourse I am at least somewhat selfish and want money and to fuck, but I much more care about evolving myself, having deep connections with people, and I wanna offer something to the world. I wanna offer my person to all the people I can meet. In order to do that I have to get rid of social conditioning and beliefs I had, start seeing other perspectives and evolve my conciousness. I know that in the first years I'll the doing personal development it will be for me and that at some point I will give myself to this journey putting myself out there for the world.

If you have any questions then just ask me :)

I'll try to post every week or every few weeks to ACTUALIZE this topic.

I know I am just at the beginning of my journey and that I really did not much yet but this is just the start and I made a commitment to a lifelong study and pursuit of self-mastery. :)

Thank you very much for reading if you made it this far and I hope you'll come back soon!



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