
Sorry everyone

2 posts in this topic

I'm going too far with my posts. 

I have this bipolar thing and I get manic. I lose control. 

This is not the real me

I believe in Leo

Please try to understand

I'm so sorry everyone and Leo too

Thank you

I'm here because I want to be around people who are growing and evolving. 

My posts are probably better to take more as poetry... 

I am angry against myself and the world. 

My lower selves. 

So much darkness

So much anger and hate

I am on meds and stuff

Everything i said was a lie

I'm a guy in Kentucky with a fat wife and 3 dumb kids
And a dog named Spliff

I'm a published author and famous musician

Sorry again

Just tie me up and beat me

I want some pain

Jungle bros 4eva

swashbuckler 4 life xD

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@Truthority There is a resource on the English language called "paragraph". Pleasant texts usually have around 100 words per paragraph before a new one is started and they hold self contained ideas, which makes the text a Lot easier to follow. It doesn't matter very much if you're a published author or a famous musician... we're all on the same ground when it comes down to self-actualization work. So politeness, emotional mastery and clear communication skills are a priority.

unborn Truth

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