
Why does god force me to be stuck with low concuous people that hurt my growth?

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Why is my life and the lives of so many young people have to be stuck with just complete cancers who are against anything and everything that isn't far right wing Christian conservative bs?

And even try to take away your own self autonomy with things like meditation, incense sticks and even something like Marijuana (which can be utilized for growth) 

Like spiritualists say that god is all for people exploring their true nature and be free to express themsleves but yet at the same time, god makes you stuck with cancers that try to corrupt you and cause you depression and anxiety and in many ways sabotog any of your efforts in self actualizating. 

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Firstly you can frame any situation however you like, it all depends on the way you hold it, and it is YOU who holds that way as well, which is good news, because that means you can change how you hold it anytime you want.  If you could become conscious that your psychological relationship to anything is a invention, then u could ask yourself is this a empowering way to look at the situation? Mmmm...

So let's take a look, obviously the situation is what it is, your reaction to it at present is revealed in what you wrote above, haven't you framed yourself in this situation as a bit of a victim? Don't get me I do it all the time. 

But if you would like a more empowering relationship to all this, you could simply frame it in this way...  Or another that you make up. Dig it

It could be framed like this " these cancers ( unconscious conditioned sleepwalkers ) are here to challenge me, and this challenge is exactly what is going to help me grow, its in relationship, conflict, human relationships were most actualization needs to take place, you will grow so much more around these people than sitting alone in a forrest, why? 

Growth happens in friction 

Like ram dass said ...

" think your enlightened, go stay with parents for the weekend " 

Or something along them lines.

How are you going to really know if you are transcending your own limitations, shortcomings, weaknesses, fears ect if you are not being challenge all the fucking time! 

You may fool yourself that you are further than you are if you sat in peace all day in a Forrest. But you go home and your parents start up, being like they have always been and you can feel the irritation, the anger, your judgments of them come up and on & on...  This is were the work needs to take place 

So in other words God is giving exactly what you need for your Own Self Actualization, be A spiritual warrior. Bless up 


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