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Reincarnation and past lives

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Does reincarnation happen? How to see your past lives? How to see your future life? How does your previous life affect your next life? Does your current karma define your next life's sufferring? What transfers from one life to another?

Edited by Oleg_T

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I’m sorry but I have to let this out. I would like to believe that reincarnation is real, it’s an interesting idea to imagine that. But I’m just a piece of meat. When I die, I’m done. Why do we think we are a human beings? We are persons right now, but when we die that’s it we are no more. I do think we were just a happening in this existence/universe, and that’s okay with me. We are humans right now but that’s going to end. What? An ant will keep reincarnating as an ant? We only have this chance and that’s it, and it doesn’t matter. That ant will only be that ant, and when he dies he’s done. We are nothing, we’re not important. I think we think we are very important, many lives... this and that, etc. An ant is an ant only once. A human is only a human once. Or, please someone explain to me, are we going to be humans forever, reincarnation after reincarnation? Or were we an ant before, and evolved, nah, don’t think so. We’re so not important. No one has comeback from death and returned to tell you that life goes on. If they did they imagined it.

But then, this:


Edited by akbal

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