
Creative and Emotional types require a different path to enlightenment

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For the past few days I've been questioning why so many enlightened masters are men and why the love realization seems to be absent for some of them. I stumbled upon this lady's writing and was absolutely blown away. I bought and read this book.

For the logical (masculine) type, kundalini energy will need to be raised through the base chakra. Kundalini energy is feminine energy that comes from the earth, below. The Hero's Journey is an illustration of this path. 

For the emotional creative type (feminine) masculine energy is received from above, (Father Sky, our Heavenly Father) requires grounding from the higher chakras. His or her path is taking expansive love and creative connection and focusing it in a logical practical manner that can benefit others. She calls this the "Grail Path" 

"The Grail Path and The Hero's Journey are diametrically opposite paths. The Grail Path utilizes the Divine Power of Grace to cleanse the inner being and grow the Divine Child. The Hero's Journey uses the Divine Power of Kundalini to initiate the inner transformation of killing the ego and heightening the sense. It does not matter if you call these twins Dark and Light, Bread and Wine, Yin and Yang, Lightning and Snake, or Adam and Eve. These mystical twins, through their metaphorical portrayals, show up through the ages and in a multitude of cultures." 

Basically to go full circle, and become Christ-like and awakened to love you raise the kundalini energy through the Hero's Journey then follow the Grail Path.

Jesus was aware of the two paths as he accepted Mary Magdelene as a disciple, which was really radical at the time. The disciples complained. This is from the Gospel of Thomas.

Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."

Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

I also ordered this book because it is supposed to be the Tao version of The Grail Path.

Ramana Maharshi speaks of the heart on the right, but that's because there are two energies and two paths, there's physically one on the left and one on the right.

More about the different energies and the balancing of them in yogic traditions here. 

I'm concerned because I feel that people who are born artistic, and in touch with their emotions (most women) are misunderstood and mishandled when it comes to their approach to this work.  We are telling a lot of people to go about things ass backwards.

Will you help me change this? I know this forum is mostly made up of masculine, logical types, but we need to understand ourselves and integrate BOTH! 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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interesting perspective... I wonder what lessons and aspects are for me in this opposite domain. 

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Interesting indeed. It says the path was made for women, what does she say in detail about that in the book? I definitely see myself more on the side of surrender, grace, love and emotional sensitivity and I'm a guy. Would love to know if there really is any difference, because I might want to look into those :)

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I think this might be over analyzing.

Love is the unity of Masculinity and Femininity.

Therefore you need a balance of both to awaken.    If you cling to one that harmony is lost.




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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11 minutes ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Interesting indeed. It says the path was made for women, what does she say in detail about that in the book? I definitely see myself more on the side of surrender, grace, love and emotional sensitivity and I'm a guy. Would love to know if there really is any difference, because I might want to look into those :)

There will probably still be a lot for you. It can also be useful for understanding the dynamic women go through. I peg myself in a similar way. Mdma is great for emotional work. 

4 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I think this might be over analyzing.

Love is the unity of Masculinity and Femininity.

Therefore you need a balance of both to awaken.    If you cling to one that harmony is lost.



My understanding of what Mandy is saying isn't that one is more clung to but that generally women and men operate in opposite directions to come full circle. So one may be encouraging a path for someone that goes in reverse to what their more resonating path would be. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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5 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

There will probably still be a lot for you. It can also be useful for understanding the dynamic women go through. I peg myself in a similar way. Mdma is great for emotional work. 

My understanding isn't that one is more clung to but that generally women and men operate in opposite directions to come full circle. So one may be encouraging a path for someone that goes in reverse to what their more resonating path would be. 

Agreed.  We do come from opposite directions but in the end we must come full circle to awaken.

To the question of there being more male enlightened masters - that will ultimately change with time - it must due to Oneness.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Interesting indeed. But i don't think you need to change anything. I think enlightened teachers are aware of this and they adjust their teachings to each individual accordingly. 

Here's a paragrah of sadhguru saying that a guru always gives a method designed for each individual. Not just man and woman. 


This is also one reason why you should learn yoga through a master not a book. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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6 hours ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Interesting indeed. It says the path was made for women, what does she say in detail about that in the book? I definitely see myself more on the side of surrender, grace, love and emotional sensitivity and I'm a guy. Would love to know if there really is any difference, because I might want to look into those :)

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

- swami vivekananda


Never think there is anything impossible for the soul. It is the greatest heresy to think so. If there is sin, this is the only sin; to say that you are weak, or others are weak.

- swami vivekananda


I m very yang.

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9 hours ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

Interesting indeed. It says the path was made for women, what does she say in detail about that in the book? I definitely see myself more on the side of surrender, grace, love and emotional sensitivity and I'm a guy. Would love to know if there really is any difference, because I might want to look into those :)

It's only been until very recently that culture hasn't had rigid beliefs about the natures of men and women. The history she shares in the book talks about traditions that excluded men or women, but that's only historically, the path is for both men who were born more creative and heart centered, or for men who have finished with the kundalini path and wish to go the whole way.

For example my Dad is very heart centered, all his life challenges are very basic ones but he is very open spiritually and in tune with universal love, and has been since the day he was born. Outwardly he's a truck driver, so he doesn't have a lot of feminine qualities, but his spiritual path would definitely be more in line with this. xD

She talks about Masons excluding women because the use the path to raise kundalini energy and it can be damaging or bring out destructive energy in many women. She also laments the loss of traditions where certain moral and other foundations were required before energy was to be raised or given. I'm not 100% sure that those points are the entire story, I'm going to keep my mind open. 

When I had my awakening, it was like I expanded upon or could clearly see something that I knew I had always had, a fire, a passion, a connection, love whatever you want to call it. Masculine energy definitely was necessary to prompt the awakening and the way it happened makes very little sense when I compare it to most teachings, but this book explains what happened perfectly.  I saw how as I grew up I had become ashamed of my "inner being", I became withdrawn, a hermit with workaholic behaviors. I covered up the light because I knew was too strong for most to appreciate and even convinced myself it was bad or part of my ego. When I went about trying to kill my ego, the inner child essence part of myself blossomed out like a flower and I saw the spiritual ego as the actual ego that was masquerading as my higher self in subduing the true manifestation of self. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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9 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Agreed.  We do come from opposite directions but in the end we must come full circle to awaken.

To the question of there being more male enlightened masters - that will ultimately change with time - it must due to Oneness.

Yes, the masculine and feminine need to be integrated and yet, metaphysically we will still embody and teach different energies. If it's going to change with time then we need to go into duality and understand our differences so that we can understand how we are also the same. We need to teach everyone how to properly start their journey. Certain techniques like psychedelics and Kriya yoga may not be appropriate or even safe for everyone. In a holistic sense it doesn't matter, but when it comes to helping people with specifics and helping people improve their lives, we need to understand our differences intellectually as best as we can, we need a compass so that we know what direction we need to travel in. That has been my journey and is the last leg, that I need to finally intellectually understand the power I was born with and learn to focus, channel it and teach it so that it can do some good rather than just be in a lofty bliss state I enjoy all by myself while letting the world fall apart around me. 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Salvijus Yes! In my experience the DIY approach works to a point, but you had better be really in touch with your inner being, and even then she or he will lead you to who you need to learn from eventually. The lone wolf approach only takes you so far. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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In the book she mentions Buddha's flower sermon when he just held the flower and said nothing, and only one disciple Mahakasyapa got it and smiled, she says it was because his path was The Grail Path.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw So this makes me wonder. As a male that has a lot of feminine qualities like creativity, love and devotion. I do Kriya Yoga and my kundalini is active but has not shot, it is blocked somewhere in the stomach area. Would that author advice that I put that path on hold? And do what instead exactly? And when would be a good time to pursue kundalini awakening again? I didn't quite get that.

I am wondering because I do encounter a lot of psychic storms and I feel destructive at times. But then again, I always figure it was ego backlash tendencies and it's just part of the game for all of us. It's hard to know what to do sometimes. Because the storms are really taxing on the psyche and body.

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@Esoteric Disclaimer, I JUST discovered this, am not an authority and really don't want to mislead anyone so please take what I say with a grain of salt.

I would forget about raising kundalini energy for now and try to ground your energy instead. The author warns strongly against raising kundalini energy if you've already stared "The Grail Path." See how it makes you feel. I have the exact same stomach area blockage, in fact, I had a strange stomach pain start right before I had my awakening and it's still persists. Consider that you may have been born awake to kundalini energy or awakened in already at some point in early life, raising more of it may cause a storm or imbalance. If it doesn't feel right it isn't right, your inner being knows, even if it's against ancient traditional teachings, your inner being is far more ancient than that, and it speaks to you through feelings and sensations. I would focus on grounding your energy. I kept getting headaches whenever I tried to raise energy. I can tell when I'm working through a pain or block, and this was not that kind of feeling it was a "NO!" kind of pain.

For some their path is open to the higher selves, they need to awaken to love and their creative self they need to open the higher chakras. For us, we were born awake to that but struggle with the realities of life here on Earth. For example I've always been a hopelessly messy artist type. Difficulty with managing time, difficulty focusing, very controlling about money, lots of base chakra imbalance problems. In the past we were taught that we must be retarded spiritually to be struggling with such aspects in life, but in reality our path is happening in reverse. Consider how you might work to solve your lower chakra problems, not because you missed something along the way at the start of the path but because they might very well be the last leg of your journey.

There's a lot of Christian symbolism in her writing, Jesus was a rare master of both paths and may be a map to teaching/helping all types to awaken fully.  


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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42 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Esoteric Disclaimer, I JUST discovered this, am not an authority and really don't want to mislead anyone so please take what I say with a grain of salt.

I would forget about raising kundalini energy for now and try to ground your energy instead. See how it makes you feel. I have the exact same stomach area blockage, in fact, I had a strange stomach pain start right before I had my awakening and it's still persists. Consider that you may have been born awake to kundalini energy or awakened in already at some point in early life, raising more of it may cause a storm or imbalance. If it doesn't feel right it isn't right, your inner being knows, even if it's against ancient traditional teachings, your inner being is far more ancient than that, and it speaks to you through feelings and sensations. I would focus on grounding your energy. I kept getting headaches whenever I tried to raise energy. I can tell when I'm working through a pain or block, and this was not that kind of feeling it was a "NO!" kind of pain.

For some their path is open to the higher selves, they need to awaken to love and their creative self they need to open the higher chakras. For us, we were born awake to that but struggle with the realities of life here on Earth. For example I've always been a hopelessly messy artist type. Difficulty with managing time, difficulty focusing, very controlling about money, lots of base chakra imbalance problems. In the past we were taught that we must be retarded spiritually to be struggling with such aspects in life, but in reality our path is happening in reverse. Consider how you might work to solve your lower chakra problems, not because you missed something along the way at the start of the path but because they might very well be the last leg of your journey.



Thanks for the disclaimer. But don't worry, I always take full responsibility for what I do. I like getting many many perspectives but in the end it is all on me. And in my opinion you should never feel guilty about giving advice, because in the end it is their own path and their own responsiblity to listen to themselves.

I relate to a lot of what you are writing. I have felt energy since a kid. I remember sitting down and pointing my finger to the third eye when I was like 5-6 years old, telling my brothers and mother I felt a sensation there as the finger got closer. They thought I was just being silly, lol. And when I started my path the energy sky-rocketed very fast. This is why I feel we are just continuing from past lives. Of course I don't know the details and mysteries of how this works, but I have had glimpses and nostalgia throughout my childhood from lives that are clearly not this one. 

Thank you for a very nice and informative reply. Though I don't wish people bad experiences, confusions and hardships. I gotta be honest and say it feels good to know that you are not alone having these types of experiences and blockages.

I will probably check out that book in the near future.

Best of luck to you.


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@Esoteric Thank you! Being confident giving advice is probably one of those lower chakra problems I need to deal with. ;) I have the same glimpses and nostalgia from childhood, but more recently I've understood them not just as past but also potential future visions or desires straight from source.  I live in a ghost town that was thriving in the late 1800's, and started feeling the energy come through at this one spot that used to be the center of town where I would take my kids to play by the river. Synchronicity ensued, lead to the discovery of a 1800's Clairvoyant doctor's book, which lead to a number of realizations including opening my mind to the paranormal, the law of attraction, led to discovering the remains of his summer home which had overlooked the spot by the river, all of which all played a part in my recent awakening. Energies communicate with kindred and open souls, how can they not when we are one?

My challenge is... how can I translate this to others, bring it down to earth so to speak, how can I practically help the planet awaken to love? How do I get my shit together enough so that I can focus and become confident using duality to speak about nonduality? xD


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Well it also shows humbleness. Alot of people act like they are the ultimate authority on everything they write about.

Yeah, my change has been radical as well. I have seen a lot of paranormal activities in the last 2 years. And I came from an atheistic background. Even though I have had a lot of weird stuff happening growing up I almost completely gave up my mind to an atheist world-view (Dawkins was my guy) just because it would be easier to function. What a nightmare that would've been, lol.

As for communicating love and non-duality. It is hard. You want to find a good balance I think. If you just keep a high vibration people will tend to gravitate towards you. Some people you can see are curious and somewhat open, others are very set in their views. Like my brother was very interested in dreams and their meaning growing up. And we live in a very non-religious country so you get a lot of negativity with that stuff here. So he has hardened over the years. But when I talk about this stuff I see that sparkle in his eyes. He doesn't go that far in conversations about it but I know he wants to. And after awhile he can go like "Well it is weird we exist, I mean what is this really..." haha :D So you don't want to get preachy, you just want to spark a little curiousity. That's how I feel anyway. If someone gets curious enough they will start to investigate on their own.

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@mandyjw I use different terminology but I have basically first done the heroes journey (awakening to nothingness) and now am making the grail path (perhaps you could call it a chakra cleansing or bodily awakening). I have heard about people doing it the other way around so I think it's legit. What has your path looked like?

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@Esoteric The feminine awakening, the kundalini awakening is conducted through you being able to surrender to the energy expanding within you. The reason why it's blocked in places just means there is unresolved trauma within your nervous system that needs your attention.
Kriya yoga can be useful to a degree, however most of the path is conducted through allowing, surrendering and self-love. Kriya yoga can get too pushy and achievement oriented (it's a masculine activity).
On the other hand creative expression, self-love, connection, self-care, and healing of trauma are very feminine energies that allow your kundalini to transform your nervous system more effortlessly. 

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