Ibn Sina

what if an enlightened person gets mental illness?

14 posts in this topic

what if an enlightened  person gets mental illness

like schizophrenia- they begin to hallucinate sounds and images suddenly.

or they get Obsessive compulsive disorder, 

Multiple personality disorder, or Alzheimer's etc

Edited by Ibn Sina

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the enlightened person would be Tom Hanks,
the the one who has mental illness would be Forrest Gump.
(Forrest Gump, 1994 movie)

@Ibn Sina


the enlightened person would be Leonardo DiCaprio, 
the one who has schizophrenia would be Teddy Daniels.
(Shutter Island, 2010 movie)

Edited by SoonHei
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They go to a doctor and try medications/therapy

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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34 minutes ago, Enlightenment said:

They go to a doctor and try medications/therapy

Or they don’t. 

One must really ask themself “what is a mental illness” and “who is defining and believing what a mental illness is”

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It's unlikely that they would get schizophrenia, multiple-personality disorder, or OCD because those all tend to be dysfunctions of the ego mind. To become enlightened in the first place the person would have to heal and transcend those dysfunctions.

Alzheimer's is possible. It's basically just going to lower cognitive ability & memory.

As you age you will lose some cognitive ability and memory no matter what. It's just a matter of degree. The peak for cognitive ability is about age 30. It's down hill from there.

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@Leo Gura

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The peak for cognitive ability is about age 30. It's down hill from there.

Have you personally noticed a down hill yet? Since you’re over 30 hehe. 

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Crystal clear "perception". Peripheral sight improved. 

No toughts maybe 85% of time. 

Emotional states. Mature equinimity with raptures of Infinite Love. 

Sometimes you cry Just for sheer beauty of Reality. 

End of all dysfunctions caused by egoic mind. 

Complete Self acceptance. 

End of all illusionary and false beleifs you hold about Reality. 


Authentic childlike playful humorous Personality stays.

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Pure Consciousness /God Realization heals you completely so do not doubt it. 

Meditation is the Way. ❤️??


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You're thinking of it a bit backwards. Mental illness is a possible path to enlightenment. OCD becomes integrated as intuition, etc. 

Even Alzheimer's and dementia are mystical transitions. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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50 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Meditation is the Way. ❤️??

You’re always mentioning meditation haha. Is there a specific method of meditation you recommend or just any kind?

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Then he/she is no longer enlightened ;)


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On 10.8.2019 at 3:58 AM, zeroISinfinity said:

@AlldayLoop Secret agent of Love discovering clues and evidences perfectly placed for him. 

Do you mean that this method is the preffered one to help with mental illnesses?

Can you explain it? I dont understand exactly what you mean.

My tendency is always to think meditation as a technique that change the brain over time but I realize that when I thought like this, it turned out to not being helpful enough.


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@Nivsch I was regarding @AlldayLoop

Spiritual path. 

Yes Meditation cures. Because there is no more misintrepretations of sensations felt, no wierd ass self created stories to be beleived in,brings complete acceptance of Reality,etc.

So Meditation is the way. 



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