
Sleeping with your head towards North could cause Psychological problems?

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I have personally felt a difference in my psychological state after changing my sleeping direction and so did a friend of mine after seeing this video. This is only if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Otherwise you should not put your head towards South



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@Shiva Same! I was sleeping quite bad for a better part of a year until I came across this video. I also read somewhere that sleeping on a metallic bed could also affect you as it has a negative vibration compared to wood. I am not 100% sure about this and I didn't hear it from Sadhguru. However, I personally do feel better using a wooden bed.

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Ideally you'd have a round bedroom and orient the head of your bed towards the true South direction using an accurate compass.

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@XYZ Thanks! I believe these ideas/facts are also an essential of self-actualization eventhough it could be quite minor compared to the more obvious things. Since its very deeply Eastern and doesn't have any western sources, it makes the modern Westener doubt this stuff a lot :D

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The best is to sleep upside down like a bat. 

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