
Is effort useful/harmful OUTSIDE the daily 20-60 minutes training?

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Or that in the rest of the day I have to be with no effort at all (Zero technically effort)?

I find myself many times think that:

I will do everyday the 20 minutes meditation/mindfulness technique,

and also in the rest of the day, when a negative tought come to me (randomly) I will do the "watch" / the "Do Nothing" / the "Feeling it in my body" etc. method also on the random negative toughts that appears in my head during the day... sometimes. Not all the toughts but sometimes yes and sometimes not."

What do you think about applying the spiritual method like this, also in the regular daily time when a negative tought coms up?

Is it a good thing? Or is it a compulsive and damaging thing which is nothing but an Egoic/ obssesively trying-to-relax in a smart disguise of "mindfull watching"?

Is it can be good sometimes, or do you think that in the regular daily time I have to be completely with no technically and mentally effort at all?

Its a question I'v been struggling with a lot, and i'm interested to know what do you think.



Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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First, I’d say that it’s a good practice to slowly drop labels like “this is good”, “this is obsessive, compulsive”, etc. Trust me, I personally have OCD and I can say from experience that these types of labeling will go on forever and ever. The mind will seek things to be a “perfect reality” (for your idea of reality, of course).

Make up your mind about what you want to do, and stay with it for a while. Start slow. Assess from your own direct experience if it feels “obsessive” or not. If it does, you can drop it and try a different technique.

Ultimately if you are expecting a negative thought to come up for you in the future, it will arise for you. The same thing applies if you are wishing for no negative thoughts to arise. 


Edited by AlldayLoop

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Meditation is your entire life.

I understand that it is not really useful for you to ear that right now but the more you do it the more it is going to sink in. Keep the consistency!

Consciousness is already conscious i doesn't need a method! ;) 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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 @AlldayLoop @Rigel thanks. May I say that the answer for this question is subjective?

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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Do what works for your own unique circumstances. 

For example, they say peanut butter is a great source of protein and is healthy. But I am extremely allergic to it and could die just by having one bite of it. 

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