
What is your favorite thing about this forum

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After being here for such a short time I have already noticed the presence of toxicity is so incredibly low here. I've seen only one instance of someone raging and spam posting as a means of lashing out when presented with ideas contrary to their own. Other than that this, this community is the best forum I've yet to be a part of when it comes to serious questions and replies and general positivity, 

What sticks out to you in comparison with other peer to peer communication sites?

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Open mindedness

Toxicity is relative but I think I get what you mean.

This forum can lead to better understanding of life better than Books.

It's tiny block of knowledge and the fact of building through Real trading of perspective and not claiming that 'our bs' is what is.

Thanks to leo for providing a whole dictionnary of concepts and model to increase communication.


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I have learned a lot since I joined this forum including different practices, spiritual teachers etc. It has seriously being a huge support for me on my journey.

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This forum is very open minded and accepting and forgiving. Very much unlike the rest of the world.

There is a lot of bickering and I'm more turquoise and super enlightened than you type of strutting. But the beauty is that their bravado is not taken too seriously and they can honestly learn to raise their consciousness if they stop and listen. Even Leo himself is not immune to being "talked down", and it's beautiful that he allows it.

57% paranoid

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I get annoyed by this kind of Virtue-Signaling.

Then you have further inner shadow work to do.

How was that for Virtue-Signaling? Ho ho ho. Certainly this forum gives you a very good grounding in constantly going meta.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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This forum is a mirror that I can ‘sometimes’ willing face, it does not produce a complete transformation but it does show me what is possible. It is also a good place to heal and mend the broken aspects of self, often simply through assisting others 

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It's magic. :) 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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If I were to keep it short and mention just one thing, it would probably be the absurd levels of open-mindedness.

Where else in your life/society can you bring up ANY topic and be met with questions rather than a spot on the gallows. Although they won't kill you literally, many might try in other ways xD

And lots of people would start civil wars and hang each other, even today, if it weren't for certain ingrained norms and laws, however shallow these rules might be.

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A part of me probably seeks the stimulation that comes from the unusual discussions that take place here. Through posting here I may also be pretending to myself that I'm wise and perhaps I get a certain amount of pleasure from that. I suspect I try to post non-controversial comments in order to maintain that pretence. I may like this forum because I think enlightenment is "cool" and because I believe, religiously, that there is something to attain here, even though I make virtually no effort to meditate, at least not for any length of time, and wouldn't touch psychedelics with a barge pole. 

I might also like it because I have some tendency to seek truth, in my own way, and because in some ways I have some spiritual maturity relative to the average person, some open-mindedness, intelligence, some sense of some of the things that are talked about. Some hope. Some potential. Some desire to learn and some humility. There are also other perspectives from which this question could be answered.

Edited by Dan502

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What a preposterous question, of course it's Leo.

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2 minutes ago, The Awakened Viking said:

If I were to keep it short and mention just one thing, it would probably be the absurd levels of open-mindedness.

Where else in your life/society can you bring up ANY topic and be met with questions rather than a spot on the gallows. Although they won't kill you literally, many might try in other ways xD

And lots of people would start civil wars and hang each other, even today, if it weren't for certain ingrained norms and laws, however shallow these rules might be.

I like trying Hitler loving métaphore. No one here get triggered. That's pure Magic and this is the strongest aspect of the forum. ( America maybe ) in France sayin holocaust isn't true can put you in jail.

Did people know about the Green side love of Hitler ? He put laws in Germany that protect animals.

Someway he was maybe less evil than bush killing his own people to justify War with arabs.

But I m loosing myself here.

Angel die aswell :'( rip uncle you were too early for being understand. God forgive Staline for he wasn't knowing what he was doing.

Armstrong probably became a drunk master cause his movie wasn't that great. 



16 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

And that's knowledge-signaling.  See?  They go together like ham and eggs.  You're not enough, you need more!  Hehe.  No, I am all.  The buck stops with God.  God doesn't mentally-masturbate or invent excuses.  God doesn't believe that he's not enough.  God is way beyond that

God is so everything that he is maybe just : 'the now discovering itself'


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36 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Ego is not bad.  You do want a cultivated Ego though.  Pride and ambition are good.

There is a lot of love on this forum. People on here (strangers mostly) honestly want to raise others up and that's love in my books.

57% paranoid

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6 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

There is a lot of love on this forum. People on here (strangers mostly) honestly want to raise others up and that's love in my books.

To a certain extent rising the community is rising yourself :)

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11 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You're not enough, you need more!  Hehe.  No, I am all.  The buck stops with God.  God doesn't mentally-masturbate or invent excuses.  God doesn't believe that he's not enough.  God is way beyond that!

And God is/does all of that! Careful not to separate the ego from God unintentionally.

It's not about the yin or the yang. It's all about balance, my good friend.

Edited by Truth Addict

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14 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

And that's Knowledge-Signaling.  See?  Virtue-Signaling and Knowledge-Signaling go together like ham and eggs.  You're not enough, you need more!  Hehe.  No, I am all.  The buck stops with God.  God doesn't mentally-masturbate or invent excuses.  God doesn't believe that he's not enough.  God is way beyond that!

God does everything, since it's God. God is a worm being ripped in half by a raven right now.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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