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Giulio Bevilacqua

Struggling With Decision making. Some Help

4 posts in this topic

Hi everyone .

I realized that I can not get further in my actual state. This indecisive/fear limbo is killing my life.

I'm actually feeling paralaized from some decision to take.

I've got a band with some possibilities to grow on professional levels. So it is a serious project. 

After my spiritual journey my interest/motivation started falling away, and this has affected also the band.

I have started developing new interest like serious Yoga and Tau chi.

I would like to spend some time in China in a Taoist Temple and learn the Tai Chi properly. 

The problem is I do not know what to do and this is making me crazy. If I go to China I have lo leave the band. I do no want to hurt them and stop the project but it's true that if I remain here I do not have any security for the future .

I like the band but it is limiting me . I didn't go to university for them. 

I'm 21 and I have no occupation. It is so hard to make this decisions . 

At the end there is no good and right wrong decision . Only surrender in decions making. 

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Go for the path that will expand and develop you the most even if it hurts.

You know what that path is.

Start: Make a decision now, it's easy. Carrying it out is hard, but that's for tomorrow to worry about. Then you'll truly be free.

57% paranoid

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Can you just take a break from the band to do what you need to do? You’re young, I’d try many different things, it’s easier to do it now when you don’t have kids, mortgage etc. I wouldn’t make any permanent decisions yet, things can change.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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