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No sense organs

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I watched a video on Leos blog about having no sense organs and i contemplate it for a while and i think i got some realizations but have some doubts that i would like you guy's opinions on.

1. I realized that there are allot of forms/things i can see but there is only one "bubble/field"(not sure what to call it)which is sight and everything appears inside of this field.

Question: 1. If we don't have eyes or don't see with them then why if i close my eyes i see complete darkness and everything disappears?

2. Same with hearing one "bubble/field" and everything appears inside of it.

Question: 2. If i put my fingers in my ears i can't hear the sound as good why if i don't use my ears?

Question: 3. If i hear a car in the street and i don't use my ears how do i hear the car in the street?

4. I noticed there are different senses like 6 with mind and thoughts experiencing everything but there is only one thing/nothing aware of all these senses and that is my consciousness which is me.

Question 4. Is that correct me thinking like that?

5. There is ONE consciousness/GOD which is aware/conscious of all different consciousnesses(sentient beings) in the infinite universe like we are Gods senses to perceive the infinite universe.

Question 5. Is that realization correct?

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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