Beginner Mind

Have you ever truly made a choice?

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@Aakash from a particular perspective there is only that perspective.  You can't see the other perspective because you are being this particular perspecive!  Not only can you not see isn't there.  Same with free will.


Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Okay not perspective that’s not what I mean. I just mean the perciever of the perspective. No-self

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@Aakash that is the collapse of all duality - free will vs no free will is a duality.  formlessness / isness / Oneness - - Love - The Absolute - the nothing that which you are - pure Infinity has no distinctions.  It is  Pure being or non-duality.  

It is part of the journey but coming full circle is to become Oneness.  To enter the Godhead in form and see that all of this is you.  Therein lies the Truth of infinite intelligence and that everything has happened and  didn't happen simultaneously!


Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Yes as long as you remain as that. Regardless of more awakenings and how you act as a dual enlightened being in the dream. Then that’s the truth I’m talking about. That actually includes love aswell. 

Do you consider this absolute no perspective?  And still a perspective 

Edited by Aakash

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5 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Inliytened1 Yes as long as you remain as that. Regardless of more awakenings and how you act as a dual enlightened being in the dream. Then that’s the truth I’m talking about. 

Do you consider this absolute no perspective?  And still a perspective 

The formless can't even be captured in words so you can't even go there with language :x  

But God does have it's own perspective and it's Oneness.  

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Yes agreed. So your right the absolute no perspective is still a perspective or filter and so all words including non -duality are a filter. But it is truth. 

The awakening of love is probably worth it for living a “great life” for your human. It’s not particularly necessary for enlightenment..

Anyways yeah, it’s because the facet is infinite. So even an awakening is not absolute. No matter how total. But truth is permanent. 


Edited by Aakash

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15 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Inliytened1 Yes agreed. So your right the absolute no perspective is still a perspective. 

The awakening of love is probably worth it for living a “great life” for your human. It’s not particularly necessary for enlightenment..


It is the very essence of enlightenment

When one sheds form leaving the formless it is something you don't think its something you just are.  It just IS.   Experiencing your own death leaves you in bliss for days and weeks.  That bliss can't be described with language other than to say its Love.  And when you have the realization of Oneness you realize that the form is Love too.   

It is no wonder why what they call Kundalini energy is bliss.  

If you ask any enlightened person if they experienced bliss when they had ego death they will say yes - if they wanna talk about it.  Some don't discuss their own enlightenment.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Aakash why not just call it "illusional choice?" That would make more sense to me. I know I'm just an actor in a movie, but that doesn't mean I choose to play the role of Mr. Bean. :P

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@Key Elements Then what was the point of realising truth ? 

There wasn’t if you say such words. But it’s like I said, you could be doing it and throwing out the words object-less-ly

Which I think you are. 

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@Aakash well, if you make your illusional, Maya life mirror the Truth more, that is a better communication of the Truth. When you become one with everything literally, you don't suffer. You're just being in peace and detached from yourself. Being Mr. Bean or a wife beater isn't a good reflection of the Truth, although it's only acting and temporary. It only serves as an undesirable lesson to be learned in this life, which, of course, isn't wrong. Someone has to do it to teach the lesson. Even a person who has reached Nirvana could choose to reincarnate in this life as the biggest ego to teach the lesson so the right ppl could move forward. I'm saying it in this way because if you only say, "we don't have choice because everything is just one," it's too simple and can misguide ppl into believing something like, "the purpose of life is just to do nothing."

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@Key Elements I don’t really mind what’s picked. 

However, At this current point in time. I’m not a fan of false equivalencies. 

So sure, reflecting it isn’t such a bad idea.

it is true that an unrealised person will alwAys misinterpret words until they have a form of realisation. Even if it’s by words.  

Neutrality is a simple life. Sitting still. As you said, do nothing. 

People are here on Earth for many reasons. Even doing nothing and winging life is itself a reason. 

Edited by Aakash

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@Nahm I appreciate your thoughts but I'm pretty comfortable with my understanding at the moment.  I'll just leave you with this quote from Nisargadatta Maharaj: "In reality things are done to you, not by you."

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3 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Key Elements 

Neutrality is a simple life. Sitting still. As you said, do nothing. 

People are here on Earth for many reasons. Even doing nothing and winging life is itself a reason. 

Do you want to learn the easy way or the hard way? Both ways are not wrong. I'm not arguing against the way. However, if you, by chance, pick the hard way, this doesn't really reflect the Truth. Truth does not suffer. When Truth transforms during the awakening, there will be a strong indication to the ego that you've embodied in the to love realm. It's not the to suffer realm.

This lady picked a simple life, and became a monk. However, if you look into her story, she had bodily cancer, and her fellow monks (nuns) tried their best to raise money through donations. It was almost too late. The donations were not enough to treat her. So, she called her brother, Kiyosaki, a wealthy real estate tycoon and Trump's friend. He had the money to save her life. However, afterwards, her brother wanted her to learn entrepreneurship, and so they wrote a book together. 

She learned the hard way. She skipped through stage orange, and decided to live the simple, green lifestyle as a monk. She did not have to learn the hard way. I'm not saying it's wrong. It's just a whole lot of suffering.

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4 hours ago, Beginner Mind said:

"In reality things are done to you, not by you."

Be careful with that quote. There are different levels of awareness regarding “you”.

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@Key Elements I don’t disagree with yourself. I’m saying that it will happen anyway. Some will chooose the easy path and some will choose the harder path. Even if you tell them about the good life. They will choose themselves, your life becomes stress when you actively can’t detach from your own words. Which can only happen on enlightenment. So it’s a good choice that you picked. In fact, there’s nothing to lose. 

Werent you the one who said a masters goes about his job silently ? 

And again I don’t disagree. Love is a benefit when it comes to enlightenment that is great for the humans life and to experience a good life. 

Anyways what I’m saying overall is, kinda stupid. I’m saying do what ever you want but at the end of the day. The fact will be I will be the sad one and you will be the happy one. 

It’s true that the way you see things will change. But overall I agree. Thanks 

Edited by Aakash

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2 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Key Elements 

Werent you the one who said a masters goes about his job silently ? 

Well, I'm not completely silent. This forum has helped me articulate my awakening anonymously. I actually needed this help. I needed the practice in communication. When it comes time to do it for real in my life purpose, I would have some experience already. Tell it wisely. Pick words wisely. However, I do believe in remaining mostly silent. The actions and the lifestyle are stronger communications. Practice what you preach is a stronger message. And, you were saying that you wanted to hear from the mods. :P Well, it doesn't matter mods or not. But, oh well, this is my take on it. 

2 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Key Elements

It’s true that the way you see things will change. 

It's always like this, especially when you realize something new, a new lesson.

I forgot to say that Truth is completely independent. It doesn't need anything because it already is everything. So, Kiyosaki, when he helped his sister at that moment when he saved her life, is a great reflection of the to love realm. However, the big lesson is with his sister. She has to learn to reflect Truth more in her life and not be greatly dependent on anyone.

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@Key Elements Let’s say understanding is a real thing. We work with the absolute set. Instead of against them. 

Also what you said, is what I meant about working on their own. 

My point is that although we can help another being. As you’ve helped me to understand more. You can’t discriminate their own pathway. How does one be forceful without forcing ? The words have to be objective-less in the most strategic way. 

You have swayed my position on things and put things into context. My position of argument is not persuading myself, it’s persuading others who don’t want to hear what you have to say, or who wish to act like devils when there is no such thing. 

I wonder if the introduction to Leo’s teachings are changing the nature of understanding itself. 

So what ? God can be ignorant of even his own self as god. After awakening, this is what your trying to say and that is the duality exists. Rather the whole thing is one. But you are it and it is you. Therefore it becomes common sense to live a good life. This is because of a misconception about enlightenment from the mind of the being who becomes enlightened. Which is nothing but truth ? 

In a sense, if this is what you were saying. You would have gone full circle and arrived at the same place you always were, just with a different perspective. As oneness- both sides of duality. 

Well it’s not like it’s something new, it’s more like. Something feel like it’s sunk in more. But I won’t know until you say if that’s what your talking about. 

Edited by Aakash

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