
Get more energy?

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I'm a 23 years old guy. For my age it'll be absurd to say this, but I'm most of the time sluggish and have no energy. Maybe because of my routines/habits. I think I'm more mentally exhausted than physically. At work I'm sleepy most of the time and make a lot of mistakes which have really bad consequences. I eat quite poor in the morning before going to work and two sandwiches at noon, just a little better in the evening. At work I spend 8 hours in front of two monitors then when I get home I go straight to my laptop. Then go to sleep with my phone in my hand, usually every time at 12 in the night. I wake up before alarm usually every time around 6:25 AM. I wake up pretty fresh, I try to sleep till 7:00 then I wake up more tired. Maybe I should make some changes? What should I do to have more energy? I'm really not being productive at work and my my supervisor said she'll report me if I continue making mistakes. I don't even really enjoy the job. I feel pretty lost. I'm thinking to quit my job if I can't get better. It just demands attention, not rocket science. It's booking of invoices. Maybe I'll get fired. :( I'm thinking to take magnesium pills or start drinking coffee. I don't drink coffee now. What do you advise me to do? 



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@Uncover have you checked out Leo's 'Motivational' series of videos on youtube?

Might be a good place to start.  Best of luck! 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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If you wake up fresh at 6:25, don't go back to sleep. Start a meditation practice in the morning, right after you wake up.

And, coffee works for me, just remember that it's addictive. It gives you a boost in energy but there are swings, it comes back down.

Exercise is important too, it gives you energy.

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Take cold showers in the morning (look at Wim hof method). Excercise, meditate, eat properly. These things will boost your energy. 


also, set goals, if you are apathic in your life, only striving to fulfill your basic needs, then why would you be energised? You have to wake up feeling excited, working on your goals, and ambitions. This is what will give you mental energy. 


How is your social life? socializing gives me energy 


Go really deep into this self-actualization and  get a vision for your life.

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You obviously just need more food.

Food = energy.

And believe it or not, negative thinking patterns are caused by not eating well.

Also, try to work out, or at least do some Swedish exercises in the morning. And try to sleep earlier.

Edited by Truth Addict

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@Uncover mediation (dynamic stretch/little exercise) and green smoothie in the morning, routinely step away from computer to walk around and get your body moving/blood flowing. Try to interact more with others even if it’s just saying hi and smiling. Push your comfort zones slowly, using positive incentives immediately after doing something you may never normally do. Even commit to a new hobby, and in the meantime figure out what you really want to do, just ask yourself at random times to see what desires might arise. 

Are you stomach breathing to reduce stress? How’s your sitting posture? You can figure out how to solve everything with more body awareness, it tends to know better than your mind and can give you hints as to what you’re unconsciously doing to yourself  

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Get your blood work done. Check your thyroid and hormones. Many people have thyroid or hormone imbalances. Low energy is often associated with under-active thyroid.

Of course cleaning up your diet is very important. If you eat shit you will feel like shit. Stop eating all wheat products and all junk food. Carb heavy foods make you extra sleepy.

You should also do a urine test for heavy metal toxicity. Heavy metals like mercury and lead cause all sorts of energy problems. There are detox protocols for detoxing heavy metals if you have them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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- Go as plant based as possible.

-More mindfulness, practice being on flow 24/7.

- Reduce compulsive behaviors and addictions.

- Don't oversleep, aim for 6 to 8 hours.

- If these don't cut it, implement some nootropics in your routine.


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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Check your thyroid and hormones. Many people have thyroid or hormone imbalances.

Hey Leo. I recall years ago that you said you had a (hyper?)thyroid and take medication for it. If I may ask, do you still take medication for it, or were you able to get that under control and don’t take them anymore? 

I was diagnosed with a high thyroid and will be seeing an endocrinologist in November. 

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Leo beat me to blood work, but also check for b vitamins and vitamin D levels. I would also ask doctor about chronic fatigue syndrome. If you are male, get your testosterone levels checked. 

Also, I recently started using a protein shake/meal replacement powder that will eliminate your need to eat better in the morning. You don't want just any crap you get from the store. Research online which is the best for you, or I can send you a link to what I ordered. 

If you aren't already drinking coffee... Don't! At least wait to try that until you exhaust all other suggestions on this thread. Coffee is a slippery slope and very addictive 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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Your ego could be making you tired. It's lies are a huge burden to one's mind, masking the true self and true desires. Have faith and let go. Do only what love guides you to do. Being into Leo is a great start! Honestly, only grace can help you.

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2 hours ago, TheRigorMortisOffset said:

Your ego could be making you tired.

The problem with this theory is that then Donald Trump should be the most tired man on the planet. Yet seems to have boundless energy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The problem with this theory is that then Donald Trump should be the most tired man on the planet. Yet seems to have boundless energy.

Yup, Donald knows how to fuel himself, he feeds on all those willing to give him their attention, total energy vamp, or both an “intimidator” and an “interrogator” as his control drama used to manipulate for energy, according to the book Celestine prophecy  

Edited by DrewNows

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So there's your solution. Feast yourself on the suffering of your enemies :P

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 hours ago, Moon said:

As mentioned above about diet, a plant-based diet does wonders for your energy levels! You don't have to go full vegan but incorporating more healthy, nutritious, plant based meals into your week should improve your energy levels a lot.

Also maybe try starting your day with a healthy smoothie, I have one similar to the one in Leo's video (spinach, kale, banana and blueberries with almond milk as the core ingredients for me). :D


Please we miss your diet expérience

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5 hours ago, DrewNows said:

Yup, Donald knows how to fuel himself, he feeds on all those willing to give him their attention, total energy vamp, or both an “intimidator” and an “interrogator” as his control drama used to manipulate for energy, according to the book Celestine prophecy  

If that was true I would totaly vamp the entire World and call myself dracula.


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16 hours ago, Callum Milner said:

@Uncover bro you need to read a book called the untethered soul by michael singer. Talks directly about this.

Great book. His course on soundstrue is also phenomenal. 

I think eating a whole foods plant based diet is the best for high energy. 
Go high on the raw foods if you can afford it. 

I also a freezer full of wild moose meat and wild shrooms but i know everyone doesn't have that opportunity

Also considering not waxing junior for awhile

swashbuckler 4 life xD

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8 hours ago, Aeris said:

If that was true I would totaly vamp the entire World and call myself dracula.


Well you kinda gotta have the ambition 

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When it comes to fatigue a few things work quite fast:

1. Take a power nap. When feeling sluggish and tired in the afternoon taking a short nap (around 30min) has an incredible impact on alertness, wakefulness and attention.

2. Have a high baseline level of activity. Whenever I sit for longer than ~1h30min (in ideal posture this can be increased significantly) I get into a sluggish/ foggy state in which nothing of significance will be achieved. Try to move frequently, low intensity is fine. Having a step counting device helps a lot.

3. Don't eat shit and don't eat too much.  

4. Wim Hof Method. Both the breathing and the cold exposure part work wonders and are a magic pill/ quick fix against fatigue. 

Investing in your health and vitality with the e.g. the methods outlined above will not only help you in the short run, they will also compound and slowly increase your baseline energy levels. 

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