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Focus on getting a job or life purpose?

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I have 1 more year left of my Bachelors in Computer Science. It is NOT what I want to do with my life. I will graduate with about $65K in debt. I have nothing on my resume except for a 3.5+ GPA, which is respectable in engineering.


1) Should I work on improving my chances of getting a job by learning another programming language, working on a side project outside of class, practicing interview coding questions etc.??

2) Or should I focus on my life purpose which combines teaching people jazz saxophone with spiritual teachings, neglecting the outside computer science stuff


I do not plan to stay in the engineering field now that I know my life purpose. However, I am afraid that my GPA, while it is strong, will not be enough for me to get a job and pay back my loans. I don't know whether to focus my time on projects that I am not passionate about only to put it on my resume, or get a "head start" on my life purpose which I am passionate about.


Thanks in advance for the advice:)

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@JohnIsDoe You will probably have to do both after school: Get an IT job, and start teaching jazz. Can you start making money now? Could you start with a part-time payed IT project, or start teaching music just for one afternoon a week? I think getting into the job world could give you a much better idea of the opportunities, than doing projects just to "put them on your resume". It will also give you confidence in your ability to get a job (I think, having studied IT, you should be just fine). It's work experience that counts out there much more than grades. Also, companies who are willing to take a student, are often doing it in the hope of getting a loyal employee after he finishes - so it means being ahead of your classmates in the hunt. Look for opportunities.

Sincerely, Elisabeth

Edited by Elisabeth

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@Elisabeth Thanks for the advice! I'll look for internships and part times meanwhile.


@John Lula LMAO. Integrating aspects of spirituality into the world of jazz. But basically what you said;)

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Can you incorporate elements of what you love about spiritual aspects into programming?

I mean, the spiritual aspects you plan to incorporate into jazz, can you incorporate them to programming too?

I review self-help courses to find out which ones are good and not good:

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I can't remember where i heard this.

"You don't do what you love, you do what you need to, to do what you love"

you can do both, just earn a living first. 

Edited by Deepconcepts

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