
Why suicide is taboo?

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I wonder why in Spirituality there is a (justified) habit of keeping open-minded to nearly everything, except...suicide.

I remember Leo said in one blog post that suicide was Ego selfish act, I would want to know why. I can´t see why suicide is a ego selfish act and improving your life using other´s resources (for example) isn´t.

Please don´t understand this as an encouragement for suicide! It´s not. I´m just trying to have a interesting (i hope) discussion that in other online sites i surely couldn´t because it probably would be censored/banned.

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How can someone give to the world by improving themselves. How can someone give to the world if they commit suicide before reaching their potential? 

Does spirituality work involve suicide or total acceptance to what is? 

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2 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Ego selfish act, I would want to know why

because for leo it is so, his highest truth is that you wouldn't do it if you were self-less 

for you, it is not so because your highest truth is selfish 

to you it is a selfish act. so its wrong

to higher levels of conscious society, suicide will be wiped out potentially, therefore the higher truth wins out. 

but currently, suicide exist without a reason as to why it really occured. in the absolute sense. 

suicide occurs out of a love for death to ones own "life" 

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I think there's just no point to do that. I think if you're selfish enough and attached to your ego-Self, you're gonna come back anyway. This moment is neither worse nor better than any other moment.

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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this is a "radical" consequence of how the reality is structured.

A suicide bomber who has been "brainwashed" into thinking that his death while killing the "infidels" earns him a ticket to heaven with 72 virgins for eternity... upon killing himself WILL GET the heaven with 72 virgins for eternity


the key here is his absolute trust/faith in this... so much so that he is literally killing himself willingly to get it. he has NO doubts whatsoever. reality is mirrored by beliefs. what one beliefs he becomes/gets/has.

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@Javfly33 suicide is ultimately a selfish act because you're not the only person involved. When you become conscious, you realize you are deeply interconnected with everyone else, including loved ones, friends, coworkers, etc. 

How would you feel if your best friend committed suicide? Would your first thought be: that's completely his decision to make, I'm sure it was for spiritual reasons do good for him? What about your mother? How would that affect you?

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Suicide, generally speaking, affects more people than just the person committing it. It’s true that not everyone has the same level of connection to others in life, but mostly everyone has at least one person who would be devastated if they took their own life. Suicide can be seen as preventable to many due to the potential for intervention on multiple levels before things get to that point.

I don’t know the exact statistics, but a vast, vast majority of people who attempt or commit suicide suffer from some form of mental illness. This means that many people who wish to take their own lives are in the middle of a crisis of sorts and are looking for a way to relieve the pain. I personally wouldn’t characterize it as selfish, but rather misguided and tragic.

When it comes to spirituality, I’ve seen from personal experience that people can use a delusional form of it to keep themselves afloat when struggling with mental health issues, sometimes abandoning these beliefs after they seek help and begin to recover from their illness. I’m not saying that all spirituality is wrong, it’s just that many people create a web of beliefs to insulate themselves from the pain they’re dealing with.

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A quote from Chozan Shissai in seventeenth-century Japan might offer something to consider:

In life one fulfills the Way of life and in death one fulfills the Way of death. Mind is not stirred in the slightest and the thoughts are motionless. Therefore, one is free in life and free in death. In contrast, that other person [Zen monk] sees nothing but illusion and deception in the creation; nothing but dream and pretense in the world of man. And thus he believes that to fulfill the Way of life means to cling to life and to suffocate in its activities. To surrender to life while alive and to death at dying is not to divide the Heart.


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6 hours ago, SoonHei said:

A suicide bomber who has been "brainwashed" into thinking that his death while killing the "infidels" earns him a ticket to heaven with 72 virgins for eternity... upon killing himself WILL GET the heaven with 72 virgins for eternity


What?! He’d realize he just left the only place with virgins! 

Now he’s gotta do the whole birth thing, yada yada...find virgins.



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@Nahm hmmm

Is it not thought+Belief = creation of Reality .. for that bit of consiousness?


In this case. Absolute total Belief... Totally fearless... More like cannot wait to blow himself up in anticipation of what's to come sort of belief.

Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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When egg is broken from the inside, life begins, when broken from the outside, life ends. You learn nothing from suicide, you simply will keep repeating the same situation(without knowing) until you grow past that point. Every time someone is about to commit suicide they should think to themselves...

I wonder how many lifetimes i have already done this and only postponed my true freedom! The true way to free yourself completely is Ascend beyond this realm consciously. Suicide is the biggest trap in itself.



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Committing suicide is one of the most fundamental rights a human being can have. Nobody should be forced to play the game, telling someone that they are not allowed to stop existing is much more selfish than choosing to take your own life.

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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5 minutes ago, TheAlchemist said:

Committing suicide is one of the most fundamental rights a human being can have. Nobody should be forced to play the game, telling someone that they are not allowed to stop existing is much more selfish than choosing to take your own life.

I generally agree that a right to live or die is very important. Although I don't think we usually have proper communities to showcase an actual perspective between the two in modern society. 

And any place accepting such actions have huge liabilities legally. 

Edited by Shadowraix

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22 hours ago, Salvijus said:


I really enjoy listening to Sadhguru but some of the things he says seem very outrageous to me. In the video he talks about how if you are old and feeble when you die you could ind another womb in as little as 48 hours. How does he know? He hasn't died. Even if he was right about this and he did die old and feeble a lifetime ago how could you remember? It's not like you have the same brain to recall what happened. It's stuff like this that really throws me off because I really like what the guy says and how his demeanor is but this seems like complete BS.

Why am I so differently wired? Am I a martian?

What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in?

Because I don't belong in this world. -Eminem

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