
Is the future known already?

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Is the future randomly going to happen or is it totally known already (to god) because of the law of cause and effect and a harmonious divine plan?

And based on that there is only one will which is gods will

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Pretty sure freewill doesn't exist. However neither believe this nor disbelieve it

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4 hours ago, Shiva said:

What is "the future" anyways?

Think about it. The answer seems obvious, but it's not so trivial.

Future is the ongoing of this Lifestory. 

What is future for you? 

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No this timeline will never conclude. 

Youd have to visit 4d reality to hop between parrallel timelines and see what one possibilities of the future of our 3d reality is like. 

Self-deception is direct. There’s no step between it. 

For this you would have to expand your consciousness to reach the 4th dimension. Which is possible  so you could look at the future. 

Edited by Aakash

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The present moment is a fine balance between stability and chaos.

You only think you have a future, because you believe the stable aspects of the present moment will persist. The future is just a belief, nothing more.

A belief is just a part of the present moment which is stable and persists.

Edited by LastThursday

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@LastThursday no you aren’t able to keep future within your present now which is just a word for awareness. 

There is a clear distinction, what ever you identify with WILL become your present now and this is how absolute infinity is actualised. 

This is your awareness expanding in all directions. But it’s difficult to do from a human standpoint that can only keep “now” , “material reality” and “me” into it’s awareness embedding. 

Edited by Aakash

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The future is not predetermined. The future will be whatever God decides it to be. Which means, whatever we decide it to be, since we are God. The unfolding of life IS the very mechanism by which God creates the future.

This is it! God is deciding right NOW what the future will be! You are doing it!

If you decide to pick your nose, that's what God decided. Until you pick your nose, God hasn't decided it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura yes bruh thank you! You understand! 

We’ve synergised infinite mind together! Through your hard work to understand absolute infinity. Exactly! 

But there is one thing that is a certainty, dualities are axioms! From there it’s about probability of steering likely course. 

But you’ve  actually actualised it. Which is EVEN better!! 

You are you Inside of you, Still as you! 


Edited by Aakash

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The futuee is not preditermined. The future will be whatever God decides it to be. Which means, whatever we decide it to be, since we are God. The unfolding of life IS the very mechanism by which God creates the future.

This is it! God is deciding right NOW what the future will be! You are doing it!

If you decide to pick your nose, that's what God decided. Until you pick your nose, God hasn't decided it.

Are we talking about the disincarnate god that rules over every single molecule in harmony, or as the independent human who himself is god which every one of us is, because that would imply independent decisions taken by independent individuals, that aren't even real. 


If I pick my nose it is because of an itch, a thought to take care for that itch and a sudden movement to itch it, therefore it doesnt seem that I (unconscious incarnated I) have control over any of these acts that make me pick my nose. 

And how come in near death experiences, peolpe are told exact occurrings of the future by "angels" they meet and tell them it is not their time yet and foresee things that become real at the end. 

Also how does astrology foresee so many things of the future, for me the predictions were mostly correct. 

Besides you say in your 30 day retreat notes that nothing happens randomly, so that there is harmony therefore even me picking my nose is a universal decision for the harmony and if we keep tracking that universal harmony it needs to lead us to certain events in the future. 

Looking back to the past we see that it couldnt have been otherwise due to the universal harmony or law of cause and effect that everything is directly connected and directly influencing everything which ultimately leads to certain occurrences in the future if tracked step by step. 

Edited by Schahin

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@Aakash you say "identify", I say "belief".

You believe in a future where you could be absolute infinity actualised. It's just a belief.

The basis of your belief is an extrapolation based on another belief that your awareness is expanding and will continue doing so, until your reach absolute infinity.

Please tell me that you're currently experiencing absolute infinity and you're no longer human. I may not believe you. But I will at least give you the benefit of the doubt.


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@LastThursday no no no absolute infinity is all around us! There is no human! It is still absolute infinity! 

If I think I am human then I would be absolute infinity thinking I am human!! 

Direct experience is Not a human thing! Direct experience is Awareness (your individual one) becoming aware of the whole thing! Which is infinite! 

But that awareness is not yours! It’s god’s itself. So who’s doing it really! It’s god in real time! 

But the bond can not be seperated. So it is you! 

This is how we are able to become more conscious. 

Because you as the big self put you here in finite form! And then gave you free will to create what ever you want. To which your finite form attached itself to the body. But that is the big self! 

Absolute ego! 

The duality or no ego vs ego! 

Edited by Aakash

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27 minutes ago, Schahin said:

Are we talking about the disincarnate god that rules over every single molecule in harmony, or as the independent human who himself is god which every one of us is, because that would imply independent decisions taken by independent individuals, that aren't even real.

Your questions are confused because you are imagining a difference between God as disincarnate and as incarnate. The two are one.


And how come in near death experiences, peolpe are told exact occurrings of the future by "angels" they meet and tell them it is not their time yet and foresee things that become real at the end. 

Also how does astrology foresee so many things of the future, for me the predictions were mostly correct.

Science too can predict the future (to an extent). Infinite Consciousness is able to anticipate its own unfolding.

Infinite Consciousness is the sum total of all possibilities. What gets manifest right now depends on you.

I can predict that your hair will turn grey. Is that because of destiny? No. It's because of understanding various patterns of the universe.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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To be more precise your awareness has free will 

to merge with Absolute infinity, pure consciousness and love. And then take ownership of it as self. Reforming an ego and then merging with higher levels of consciousness and love etc! But this is not you as human now, it’s you as god. Since you merged with consciousness. It’s precisely because it was a “save point” that it is still your awareness tricking itself into finishing at a more deeper level, that was previously reached by you as absolute infinity! 

Why is this true ? Because it’s made up as it goes along and knowledge itself is insight and the problem with epistemology is all knowledge is can never prove itself. Through it’s own structure of needing axioms. Only direct experience can find absolutes. But where did you get it from ? Knowledge! And absolute infinity itself! 

Therefore it’s only completable through creating an infinite strange loop! But how big would that strange loop have to be ? The answer is: as complete as possible to infinity. Which is the best way of mapping infinity. 

I just thought I’d clarify

Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash you're preaching to the converted and I'm in total agreement with you.  Except for the part where I take my knowledge as a belief as opposed to a certainty. But there's nothing wrong with belief, where would god be without it? Don't you after all believe you exist?

I re-iterate:

A belief is just a part of the present moment which is stable and persists.


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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Your questions are confused because you are imagining a difference between God as disincarnate and as incarnate. The two are one.

Science too can predict the future (to an extent). Infinite Consciousness is able to anticipate its own unfolding.

Infinite Consciousness is the sum total of all possibilities. What gets manifest right now depends on you.

I can predict that your hair will turn grey. Is that because of destiny? No. It's because of understanding various patterns of the universe.

I see, still as a not woken up human it seems that all thoughts, desires, and ultimately decisions are given to me, no control by me (human), and if nothing happens randomly, and given that thoughts, desires, decisions are given by universal me and not independent human me in order to maintain the universal harmony, then univeral consciousness will know exactly what will unfold in the future as it is all a chain of conscious happenings and decisions which is ruled by the only one.

This god (which is me, but also everything else and not only human me) would follow up the chain until the end of life based on what it wants (which isnt exactly what many unconscious human want) , or it does not have an idea of how it unfolds eventually (which would imply it doesnt have infinite intelligence and that it lets it happen randomly and not by harmony). 

These near death account predictions are many times exact predictions of for example the death of a family member at a certain age and date.


Edited by Schahin

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the inherent problem with unconditional love is it breeds self-deception. Your awareness is that very thing which you gave free will to. Your awareness is absolute self-deception! Absolute means you can’t escape it and absolute means it’s part of the “god particle” that thing that “makes reality” 

Absolute maya! And the reason you aren’t aware of it, is because you aren’t omniscient. You can’t place your own awareness in the centre of absolute infinity. Because you don’t know what absolute infinity is. Until Leo created the strange loop inside of absolute infinity. 

Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash I believe you are not disagreeing with me. You could easily just as well say that your belief in absolute self deception, is itself a self deception; ad infinitum. You don't even know if you are being deceived by your awareness - unfortunately, it's all you have.  Self referencing logic explains nothing.

57% paranoid

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47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Your questions are confused because you are imagining a difference between God as disincarnate and as incarnate. The two are one.

If a person assaulted another person, would you say God is both people and assaulted himself? And God is also the jurors and judge - and decided to imprison himself? 

Would you say there is a personal agency component? 

This seems to be an issue for creating constructs of responsibility and accountability. 

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